View Full Version : Faeries, Elementals, Nature Spirits, & Woodland Creatures

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  1. Devas, elementals and nature spirits.
  2. "Adopt" fairy
  3. Elementals and Mythical Creatures
  4. Full Moon Energies
  5. New Moon Energies
  6. Tree Energies
  7. Please share Your Faery Encounters
  8. Now you see me, now you don't!
  9. Camouflaged - can you see?
  10. Two-faced or what?! Nature spirit photos.
  11. Elemental photos
  12. "Satyre in the womb of elders tears"
  13. Who is this faery?
  14. Ley lines
  15. Dwarf/Gnomb
  16. Odd Encounter
  17. orbs & a strange face on the car window
  18. Arrival of the snow Faeries
  19. Tiny crystal-like beings, what can it be ?
  20. How do I meet .....
  21. Fancy a bite of these apples?!
  22. Fairy Photos
  23. We are all matrixers
  24. Tiny flower faeries
  25. Graymore Dragon
  26. Just wanted to say...
  27. Nature Spirits In Hairy Tree
  28. The mini rose dragon
  29. clinging spider
  30. Spirit Guides in Photographs
  31. Spirit Animal
  33. Where they fairies?
  34. attraction towards moon and sun?
  35. This fly keeps hovering around me
  36. What exactly is a Faerie?
  37. The Ancient Forests
  38. I want to plant a garden this spring
  39. Dragon spirit as a guide or totem??
  40. jsut had the coolest experince!! have to tell some one
  41. The maintenance crew
  42. Fae?
  43. Do the Fae like Apples?
  44. Odd dream
  45. Hybrid and another question...
  46. Random Elemental Afternoon
  47. i've been told i'm fae
  48. Curse?
  49. Have to share this experience
  50. 3 toe creature
  51. Gargoyles! Love them or Loathe them?
  52. Difference between Sylphs and regular birds?
  53. My experience with Elementals
  54. snakes :)
  55. Best way to attract them
  56. Sidhe
  57. Music and Art
  58. Jonah & the whale - the exception or the rule, in terms of animal signs
  59. wanting to see fairies
  60. Seelie court
  61. Lillith the Queen of Fairies
  62. Question on elementals
  63. I have been told i am of the Fairy Ream, can somebody explain?
  64. Glitter In Your Peripheral
  65. My experience
  66. The Magnificent Soaring Eagle
  67. Has anyone had similar experience(s)
  68. Mermaids portrayed as evil in pirates Of Carribean movie..
  69. Incarnated Fae
  70. A Fairy Story (based on real life)
  71. Fairy Dance
  72. Did a fairy appear in my dream?
  73. Healing With Fairies Doreen
  74. Faerie Ring
  75. connecting with faeries
  76. Spiritual Vortexes
  77. Bad fairies?
  78. Nature Spirit Photos
  79. fairies and dreams?
  80. will my dogs scare away faeries?
  81. Gary Stadler
  82. Where are the Faeries?
  83. Flight of the Cardinals
  84. Can dragons be found in nature l?
  85. Faeries or Elementals in America?
  86. Mythological creatures
  87. What are you about?
  88. curious as to why ......
  89. "KAPRE?"
  90. does faeres exsits?
  91. Dragons in my sky pic?
  92. Mandrake or Mandragora
  93. Birds and Horses Spiritual Symbolisms
  94. Concept of elementary beings of Nature
  95. Holey Stone
  96. The 'Creepy Gnome' Dance!
  97. Lilith
  98. Really Weird
  99. breakthrouh - connected with my animal spirit
  100. Why is earths energy so disgusting and drepessing?
  101. Animal Spirit Guides: questions and answers
  102. fary garden
  103. Faery Lights
  104. Is she gone
  105. talking trees
  106. Owls? What does this mean?
  107. Mischievous Faeries or?
  108. How to fin Fairies?
  109. Daughter glowing -- Optical illusion?
  110. Composite Elementals
  111. Fake fairy or the real thing?
  112. Djinns/Genies
  113. UFO Fairies?
  114. ladybirds
  115. The British Pagan Tradition
  116. A Man's Face on My Bathroom Door?
  117. Vampires vs. Chupacabra...Cover up?
  118. Dragons
  119. Fae Garden Inside of Home?
  120. Photographing The Fae & Folk
  121. Gnomes?
  122. faces in trees
  123. Woww!! Check this out..
  124. New Faerie Ring
  125. I want to believe in it but...
  126. what the heck was it?
  127. My first elemental :)
  128. Were these rainbow fairies?
  129. My fave Elementals..
  130. Insect or not
  131. The New Year
  132. powers and authorities
  133. Which kind of “presence” is that?
  134. Another Dimension
  135. Getting help in the forest?
  136. nature spirits
  137. Can you see them?
  138. Book recommendations.
  139. Wind
  140. My head is full of forests
  141. Almost looks like Jesus in the tree, or a little person?
  142. How do I see?
  143. I met a Fairy in the Forest
  144. woman with a veil and heart over her head?
  145. creative art with gaia
  146. An evil spirit is attached to me, what do i do?
  147. Dolphin Spirituality and dolphins - a new movement?
  148. Spectacular sunset - can anyone see anything here?
  149. Sylphs?
  150. Elementals workings
  151. Thoughts on this symbolism?
  152. need some help on what i saw and what this means.
  153. Computer generated but...
  154. vision of a gnome?
  155. Browsing through some pictures...
  156. Faerie Ring in front yard
  157. What could these have been?
  158. The beauty of where I used to live - so breathtaking
  159. Some pics :-) I took today
  160. Some pics :-) I took today
  161. yggdrasil
  162. How have Fae helped you?
  163. Faces in the trees
  164. Looking for Artwork
  165. Fairy House
  167. Fae flight?
  168. My best friend is really interested in Fae and Fae mythos.
  169. winged fairies
  170. Mermaids
  171. Wolf spirit - transformation
  172. transformation demons
  173. do fairies really exist
  174. I think my daughter can see fairies - funny little conversation I had with her
  175. communicating with a forest fairy, need help
  176. Fairies or eyes playing tricks?
  177. I had a gnome as an "imaginary" friend when I was a child
  178. To care for a spirit Dragon
  179. Strange
  180. Dragons, i need even scraps
  181. phoenix
  182. Hawaiian Spirits
  183. Saw my first fairy last night
  184. Who is this forest spirit?
  185. folklore and black shadows?
  186. A falling fairy
  187. The Green Lady of the Woods
  188. The Huaorani Need Your Help. Please could you sign this petition...
  189. The Wolf as My True Animal Guide/Spiritual Counterpart?
  190. The physics of Gaia
  191. Would this be dangerous?
  192. Question about an orb I saw
  193. A sinister woodland race
  194. contacting a mermaid
  195. Leprechauns, fairies, etc.
  196. Machine Elves.
  197. Met a Satyr while meditating
  198. I'd like to try....
  199. Did I Just See?
  200. connecting with trees.
  201. The 4 elements
  202. skin walkers
  203. Elves
  204. Can anyone else...
  205. How do I find elves
  206. Faces in tree trunk
  207. Fairy Cemetary Guardians?
  208. The tree warned me but I did not listen
  209. Who's this?
  210. Location, Location
  211. Little People of Aboriginal Americans
  212. Info on Kitusune! Any info
  213. The three of a Genie
  214. Druids
  215. insect experiences...
  216. Three Encounters with a Little Green Fellow
  217. Bigfoot and the like, supernatural beings ?
  218. Faeries in my dream
  219. Fairies look like?
  220. Imps/Woodland elemental critters
  221. Spirit people and rain
  222. Spirit people and rain
  223. Haven't talked to tree in a while I wonder if...
  224. orbs
  225. The Faerie Stone
  226. picture, literally pink hat, and gnome in cloud
  227. What did I see here?
  228. Circle of tree elders and other things
  229. If people had elemental blood
  230. Strange coincedence seeing things?
  231. gold finches, cousins of nature spirits
  232. Visiting Fox
  233. iv seen something strange and got a bad feeling from it
  234. Communicating with nature.
  235. Sparkly Pavements
  236. First encounter with a spirit!
  237. Need help regarding banishing disruptive elememtals
  238. Funny experience, when the faeries said hello!
  239. How to communicate with faeries?
  240. butterfly friend
  241. tricksters?
  242. those that see nature spirits...
  243. Hovering Sphinx's?
  244. Are Elementals dangerous???
  245. shadow tricksters?
  246. a lovely experience
  247. Rock giant emerging from the rock
  248. Cedar
  249. My experience with bad fairies!
  250. Do I need some kind of cleansing?