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  1. syncronicities!
  2. Love is the Answer
  3. Signs from God?
  4. Anyone else feel they may have a spiritual link to Tibet?
  5. Increase in Synchronicities
  6. Golden Pyramid Vision?
  7. Visions of Shadows and my Grandad
  8. 'Tempting fate'/negative sychroncities
  9. the 11.11 phenominon
  10. 10:11 or 11:10 meaning?
  11. What does a praying mantis?
  12. email from eBay...
  13. Concerned about the Power of Belief
  14. 11:11 and 11
  15. What makes something a sign and not just a normal event WE interpret as synchonicity?
  16. Number wonder?
  17. broken angel
  18. A matter of faith
  20. God's sweet message to me
  21. spider symbolism?
  22. Calf cramps while watching "Eclipse" proposal scene
  23. Power of attraction OR clairvoyance?
  24. Double Egg Yoke
  25. Vision
  26. What does an EYE mean....
  27. First time telling this, difficult...
  28. Songs that Come on at the Right Time
  29. Near instant Synchronicity/manifesting
  30. SLEEP disturbance, big time!
  31. Sign in Keanu Reeves Movie Constantine
  32. Thoughts welcomed...dream then reality
  33. new found gift
  34. Is this a sign? — Confused.
  35. Turkey Buzzard (Obstruction)
  36. An Incredible Validation Experience this morning! (Angel Number)
  37. RC 666
  38. Electricity Syncs in weird way
  39. 12:12
  40. Purpose of meeting people who mirror your life circumstances/choices
  41. Following advice of Spirit~
  42. 10:10
  43. Searching for a symbol
  44. I think I know what a synchronicity is now.
  45. Synchronicity, Manifestation &/or Totem??
  46. Pulsating light when i was ill today....
  47. Car Synchronicity?
  48. A Simple Question
  49. Synchronicities
  50. 4:44
  51. signs in numbers
  52. 222
  53. 33, 333, 3333...
  54. music and tv
  55. 11:22
  56. Lights blowing out....weird...
  57. 1:44?
  58. Number Sequence Meanings
  59. Awareness and me
  60. Clocks -Watches -please read and provide your thoughts
  61. the wasp
  62. Need some clarification here... please help ! :)
  63. FOX has popped up again! Could use help determining the message please...
  64. Ringbearers
  65. Flying swans...?
  66. Please Help
  67. Strange!!
  68. Reading & Hearing Same Word Simultaneously
  69. Owls
  70. Strange number
  71. 111
  72. Story's
  73. Communication through lyrics
  74. Would these count as SIGNS??
  75. The meaning of Deja Vu.
  76. Anyone getting the number "420"??
  77. Saw a square...sacred geometry maybe??
  78. Seeing number 845 daily
  79. Questions Answered
  80. numbers , 6:06, 6:16, and 11:11
  81. If you were a BIRD ...?
  82. 666 got it twice recently..should I worry?
  83. Bird
  84. This crazy SIGN always happens when im with my soulmate....
  85. Pop Culture Patterns
  86. Synchronicities with ex lovers
  87. 11.11 , 2.22, 5.55
  88. A sign from God
  89. A sign from God
  90. The 'original' illuminati symbol?
  91. Waking up.
  92. Am I crazy?
  93. Soul Banks
  94. Please Read - Was this some sort of sign?
  95. Confused
  96. Keep bumping into someone
  97. Foxes and angels
  98. 2011, a year for twin flame reunion?
  99. as above, so below
  100. Wasp Nest!
  101. I am happy and numb at the same time
  102. 2011; year of revelations
  103. Friday the 13th
  104. Made me smile
  105. Sad & Horrified
  106. Grey Hair
  107. Blast from the Past
  108. Thinking a word and hearing it at the same time several times a day
  109. What sign is things to do with water malfunctiong around the house mean?
  110. Any heard of this sign/symbol before?
  111. Insect symbolism
  112. My sister keeps smelling toast??
  113. Another smell, this time candle smoke
  114. 11:11, 3:33 and 4:44?
  115. Baby Butterflys
  116. Hearing voices in half wake state
  117. Synchronicity
  118. Along Came a Spider
  119. Greenfly
  120. white bugs
  121. an 1111 story
  122. 777
  123. What time were you born?
  124. snippets of places
  125. Pink Turtle
  126. Blackbird
  127. I recently got a sign to go off to a 4-year university
  128. Waking up at 3 am every night
  129. Synchronocity or divination?
  130. Synchronicities or Coincidences?
  131. creepy
  132. hi guythhhh<3
  133. 4th july
  134. Strange occurances?
  135. Is The Truth Poetic By Virtue?
  136. hearing country music
  137. Spirit with a sense of humour
  138. a synchronistic message about water
  139. Anyone guess?
  140. A Beggining
  141. Energy Drain and Heart Flutters
  142. Awakening to the Synchronic Order
  143. Am I pyschic ?
  144. How can I develop my psychic abilites and get better use and control of them?
  145. Seeing smiley faces and hearts
  146. Straight answer now Am I psychic
  147. Fork in the road
  148. My synchronicity experience
  149. What does 9:11 mean ???
  150. Strange synchronicities with this guy
  151. weeeiiirrrddd
  152. seeing the number 11, 111 and 22 11:11?
  153. Seeing the same numbers all the time
  154. I asked for a sign.
  155. Pretty cool message
  156. 732
  157. 'Stuart'
  158. smelling burnt liquorice
  159. Seeing faces, hearing voices
  160. UFO's, fear, signs?...
  161. Coinicendence
  162. what exactly is a "synchronicity?"
  163. numerology sign
  164. Falling into deep dark depth
  165. Synchronicity?
  166. faces in the trees
  167. number 4
  168. Thank you universe:)
  169. Deja Vu does it mean anything?
  170. Universe, you have my attention...
  171. I keep on seeing the number 33, what does that mean?
  172. Is my subconscious telling me that its him?
  173. Pigeon symbol?
  174. Owls? What were they trying to tell me?
  175. 11:11, 3:33, 4:44, seeing same names??
  176. what does 999 mean?
  177. Messages in everyday conversations
  178. Harrumph
  179. Negative synchronicity?
  180. Dogs, Cosmic Convergence, & Divine Oneness...
  181. 11:13?!
  182. I used to experience many synchronicities
  183. Bird Omens? 2 birds/1 dead
  184. Interesting sychroncitity
  185. 12:34
  186. Anything significant about seeing a mouse while talking to my spirits?
  187. Animal Totems Page
  188. ladybirds
  189. New Consistent Sings
  190. wonderful angel sign xx
  191. my synchronicites pointing to a global shift we had recently
  192. Telling me something?
  193. 9:01
  194. 10:15
  195. Coins as signs
  196. Apports
  197. Laudate Dominum
  198. Maybe coincidences or something..
  199. Magpie Meaning...
  200. Coincidence or no?
  201. Signposts
  202. Synchronistic Events, year 2008
  203. golden medal fallen from my table
  204. golden medal fallen from my table
  205. the knowing
  206. Feathers!
  207. Cosmic Humour
  208. External become internal
  209. Not Getting Any signs
  210. If these things were to happen to you....
  211. 11:11 1:11
  212. Is it Magic or What?
  213. does a sign have to be repeated to mean something?
  214. 10 signs of a spiritual awakening
  215. One of My Firsts
  216. 9:11
  217. seeing the number 22 everywhere
  218. Synchronicities with angel cards
  219. How's this for an interesting synchronicity?
  220. Why do synchronicities stop?
  221. Birthday synchronicities
  222. Weird Story....
  223. Finding my baby
  224. A raccoon couple.. sign?
  225. Spiritual Awakening?? need guidance
  226. Number 9
  227. Listening to your intuition
  228. Animal Signs
  229. Anyone know what these mean, set of numbers?
  230. what do bells mean?
  231. What do you think about this....
  232. What do you think about this?
  233. A few questions~
  234. Blue/White sparkles
  235. meditation + clock sequences + acceleration of time
  236. Incense stop burning....
  237. Visions/Hallucinations?
  238. Asking for signs
  239. Time Flucuations
  240. Something strange......
  241. weird people drawn to me
  242. silver horse sign?
  243. Had Our Dog Relieved Today
  244. name keeps coming up
  245. Events happening in 3s
  246. what does it mean to find a quarter on the ground on new years eve?
  247. out of this world synchronicity
  248. Foreign coins ?
  249. Who Is the Goddess Shea ??? AND also Butterflies
  250. Remember Reading Your 1st Sign?