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  1. Radionics
  2. Telepathy
  3. Science of ESP
  4. Anyone have any experience with psychokinesis?
  5. The Smell of Roses and Death
  6. Precognition
  7. Coincidences? Signs?
  8. Which Power would you prefer?
  9. The Real Secrets Of Remote Viewing
  10. Is this man psychic?
  11. Dowsing for water.
  12. A telepathic experience
  13. Clairvoyance What is it ?
  14. Developing Clairvoyance
  15. ESP - Extrasensory Perception
  16. Articles Show Satellite Can Read Thoughts
  17. can anyone help?
  18. Remote viewing
  19. Looking for a telepathic partner
  20. Esp?
  21. i want it to STOP
  22. How Common Is Telepathy?
  23. Dangerious Skills. Insight is welcome.
  24. how do i develop telepathy
  25. Thoughts
  26. Is something going to happen?
  27. Empath
  28. new here...a horrifyingly fascinating experience..
  29. Telepathic relationship, I'm being abused
  30. Do you see ESP as a power or something to be used?
  31. inner voice and telepathy
  32. Telekinesis
  33. Dangerous thoughts
  34. "Feeling" Eyes on You
  35. is my buddy dead or an imaginary friend
  36. visions intensifying
  37. Binaural Beats Phantom Frequencies Solfeggio etc..tips?
  38. Telepathic Ability
  39. Psychokinesis
  40. Objects transmitting information?
  41. What do you think of this guy?
  42. A Psychic or Telepathic Display Wanted
  43. San anyone that can do remote viewing help to locate a lost cat?
  44. Empath in Dysfunctional family
  45. Imaginary Friends? Schizophrenia? Telepathy?
  46. Telepathy is out of control! Please help if you can
  47. Am I crazy?
  48. dangers of false incriminating telepathy
  49. Receiving other people's thoughts - I HATE IT!
  50. Need some input for the capabilities of ESP
  51. Is Uri Geller really a psychic?
  52. You can relate to this! And I believe this!
  53. Looking for guidance.
  54. need advice on an internal thought block shield
  55. can someone lecture me why its important to keep thoughts private?
  56. Visions
  57. anyone with a high degree of visual ESP?
  58. Are there ways to develop one's mind despite externally forced thoughts?
  59. I made a psychic ability test
  60. My tests for psychokinesis
  61. can telepathy be blocked out?
  62. Decode Reality quicker? Binaural Beats..?
  63. sceneries through telepathy
  64. Haver you ever?????
  65. Are there any disadvantages to developping telepathy?
  66. A slight Premonition of death.
  67. Book: Twin Telepathy
  68. How does telepathy-empathy work?
  69. The recieveing end
  70. Flight, illness and telepathy
  71. Telepathy test
  72. Missing Chakra Rocks
  73. Communicating with lost sibling
  74. Telepathy / schizophrenia take a glimpse at this and you'd wish you had neither
  75. Good Software for Binaural Beats?
  76. Describe the person above you- ESP Test
  77. How Does ESP Work?
  78. Telepathy the person above you
  79. Remote Viewing vs Psychic Readings
  80. Magnetic bracelets
  81. Can it be fine tuned?
  82. RV or clarivoyance? Anyway to become more accurate?
  83. Spoon Bending?
  84. ESP Schools
  85. Controlling "Abilities"?
  86. unwanted telepathy curse
  87. i need advice/help with my telepathy. thank you
  88. Playing with a deck of cards and always get the one i think of
  89. Is This Empathy?
  90. My story
  91. I'm a beginner to telepathy
  92. Selective Empathy
  93. The Empath In Me Is Warning Me
  94. Psi-ball
  95. Radios and electronic devices
  96. Not too sure...
  97. My story
  98. Was it Telepathy?
  99. psychic effects on electronics
  100. Visions and left ear beeping noise
  101. Involuntary ESP
  102. anyone else have thought broadcasting?
  103. Good with electronics?
  104. Realizing a new ability.
  105. Do we interact with physical objects in other ways besides physical touch?
  106. Dandelion tea
  107. Esp messages..
  108. ESP Test Online
  109. am i unwittingly reading others thoughts?
  110. Any ESP thoughts about my house?
  111. What do you call it
  112. Okay, what do we call this?
  113. Could you help me find my memory card?
  114. Clairalience
  115. Empathic Transmission?
  116. friends baby trying to communicate with her
  117. The real deal
  118. Pet telepathy
  119. Can I make her to call me..
  120. Can someone help me remote view or remote view for me?
  121. come together
  122. Anyone willing to try and help me locate my cat?
  123. About Tele/Psycho~kinesis
  124. Symbols seen during remote viewings and similar
  125. "Telepathic" Experiences?
  126. Remote Viewing Trial
  127. whats the best way for development?
  128. Reading Emotions(?)
  129. Hello everyone!
  130. Have I Started To Develop Remote Viewing?
  131. Telepathy and Dreams
  132. telepathic connection?
  133. People reading my mind
  134. Where do Visions take place?
  135. telepathy problem
  136. In Need of DESPERATE Help
  137. best friends . . .
  138. What is this called?
  139. Negative energy is present.... how can I fight against it
  140. Is this telepathy ?
  141. I really need advice ..please help
  142. Precognition Vision problem, help?
  143. Occasional, one off visions escalating - requesting help
  144. why is this ?
  145. Just Wanted to Share.
  146. Calling all experienced Telepaths
  147. Calling all experienced Telepaths
  148. Anyone see shapes against closed eyelids?
  149. *spin off - Anyone see colors against closed eyelids?
  150. Reading Thoughts
  151. I know this was not my imagination, but I am not sure what is was & what to do?
  152. Need an unbiased opinion
  153. How to tune into empathy...
  154. not sure if what I heard was real
  155. Developing esp
  156. Clairvoyance
  157. Help, Telepathy
  158. Telekinesis
  159. Telepathy 101?
  160. Clairvoyance, Gift or Burden?
  161. Telepathic receiver creating Tulpas
  162. What was your first teelepathic moment/experince?
  163. Psi and ethics.
  164. Took an online ESP test
  165. Street Lights turning off
  166. The Dance of Gaia
  167. telepathic boundrys to prevent harm
  168. For Fun- Color Game
  169. This could explain a lot of things.
  170. How to know your family diety through ESP?
  171. anyone else notice their thoughts going out very far?
  172. Do you know about Ingo Swann?
  173. A period of hightened sensitivity...
  174. Thoughtforms
  175. ESP
  176. telepathy with an ex
  177. Curious.
  178. Mesmer and the development of hypnosis.
  179. Sending and receiving successful telepathic messages
  180. Simply Calling out to a Friend
  181. Psychosis / Telepathy / Evil Spirits
  182. Hello All
  183. Which part of the brain to concentrate on?
  184. To Prove Scientifically / Doubts
  185. Is it an ESP moment when?
  186. HELP ME... please :)
  187. Looking over your shoulder
  188. How to differentiate between psychic phenomena and brain activity
  189. Is anyone really telepathic?
  190. Forum/Chat Room for telepathy and other supernatural
  191. My Query,
  192. Bad Emotion
  193. Long Distance Telepathy help?
  194. Remote Viewing ESP
  195. A little help with a bad communication
  196. Reading a lion's thought-feeling
  197. Strange tale
  198. Preventing broadcasting?
  199. help making the connection stronger
  200. What is this is it Telepathy?
  201. A scientist explains levitation?
  202. Speaking to Another's Subconscious
  203. YOUR psychic abilities
  204. The scent of baby powder
  205. Negativity & Abilities?
  206. These thoughts aren't mine!!!
  207. psychic powers with gambling????
  208. Resident Psychics needed by Hollywood
  209. My Protocol for Using Telepathy
  211. Definitions
  212. The Psychic Game :)
  213. My telepathic messages come in the form of...
  214. Are some Psychics simply Telepahic to Another ?
  215. Autosuggestions and Affirmations - Harnessing the Power ?
  216. how do i get rid of a energy?
  217. Is it possible to be telepathic and not know it?
  218. When close to death
  219. ESP & Spiritual Experiences in Mental Illness
  220. Mind over muscle...
  221. Psychotronics
  222. Telepathic Activations on 12-12-(20)12
  223. can you "hear" energy
  224. the book that answers it all
  225. Block my Unintended Telepathy?
  226. Getting info from an object
  227. Do you see good things?
  228. does stranger danger apply to psychics in public?
  229. Online ESP Tests?
  230. Psychic Challenge
  231. In great need of help with telepathy
  232. Telepathy and ESP Beyond My Control
  233. Telepathy causes psychosis
  234. More than just a dream!
  235. Urgent help with telepathic abuse!!!!
  236. Seperating yours and theirs
  237. Psychic abilities opening and spirits wont leave me alone! Help please!
  238. would like to hire a telepath
  239. Psychometry
  240. Clairaudience development
  241. Help Urgently Needed
  242. I need a psychic telepath
  243. Unsure of psychic potential
  244. Telepathy test: which number did I write?
  245. ~ Challenge ~
  246. Nullifying / Spiritual Voids
  247. sending/receiving and third eye
  248. Guess my favorites
  249. Telepathic energy healing?
  250. Interesting Remote Viewing Experience