View Full Version : Mysteries, Myths & Legends

  1. Burnstown Rock
  2. Octavius
  4. Ark of the Covenant
  5. King Arthur
  6. The Holy Grail
  7. A Golden Age of peace beginning In 2012
  8. Is chivalry still here?
  9. Legends exist
  10. Seeking the truth
  11. Atlantis
  12. I saw a fairy.
  13. MU or LEMURIA
  14. Shangri-La
  15. Glastonbury
  16. Stonehenge
  17. Ogopogo Real or Myth
  18. Machu Picchu
  19. Question on Atlantis and Lemuria and MORE WONDER's
  20. Santeria? Anyone what the heck?
  21. Myths, Legends, Fairy stories - What do they mean?
  22. Secrety Societies
  23. What are crop circles telling us?
  24. Hybrid Mythologies
  25. Yeti - Bigfoot
  26. big cats
  27. Eyes as old as your soul..?
  28. The Experiments of Anubis
  29. vampires
  30. were-jaguars in central america?
  31. Songs from the Trees
  32. Can some one tell me more about..
  33. Haunted Drawers
  34. Morehead Screaming Woman
  35. Do you believe in the existence of Nibriu and the Annanuki.
  36. Dragons
  37. Your local legend...???
  38. Atlantis
  39. How to Vanquish Fear/ "Flyers"
  40. Dragons Unicorns Pegasus Fairies Pixies Elves Angels Brownies Gnomes Leperchauns Merm
  41. Genetically Modified Humans (chimeras?)
  42. Mistery incomplete memory
  43. Shapeshifting
  44. dragons.
  45. Mermaids
  46. Greek Kundalini Monsters
  47. chupacabra
  48. Funny mythic coincidence!
  49. Angels of Death, Mothman, Springheel Jack???
  50. What is your favourite myth or legend?
  51. black eyed people
  52. Mandrake or Mandragora
  53. Ivanhoe
  54. Avalon?
  55. What does seeing a phoenix mean?
  56. Spontaneous Combustion case in Ireland
  57. The Lady In Blue
  59. The Grim Reaper
  60. Phoenix of the Black/dark Flame
  61. Anunnaki - Ancient Mysteries
  62. Merlin
  63. Loch Ness
  64. Oujia Board myth
  65. Stuck in a sad place to live - help me!
  66. Arthurian Legend
  67. atlantis
  68. Awesome article on underwater cities
  69. Dogman/Wendigo??
  70. Hecate's Eye
  71. Hollow Earth
  72. Any thoughts on this?
  73. are any still in the body
  74. Earth as a living library
  75. any help with this would be awesome.
  76. Skadegamuct
  77. Lightning balls
  78. Curious about crop circles?
  79. The Mysteries of Dust
  80. Indestructable ship
  81. The Holy Grail
  82. Interview on Ancient Mysteries
  83. Levitated One - My Truther Site
  84. Crop Circles
  85. Living shadows?
  86. Dragons?!?
  87. Earth Groaning
  88. zombies?
  90. Need a Norse mythologists help!
  91. spider with a human head?
  92. Vampire Slaying kit fetches £7500 in auction
  93. contacting a mermaid
  94. dragons and wizards
  95. Immortals
  96. Tessie
  97. Kinda having a issue and need some help.
  98. essex lion
  99. Does the kitchen in particular have any known links to the spirit world?
  100. 2012 anyone!!!? please!?
  101. halloween
  102. owls?? scary?
  103. Black eyed Children?
  104. The Butterfly
  105. The Mothman
  106. Mythical Gods
  107. Forbidden Archeology: Origins of Man
  108. Before Sumerians and Ancient Egyptians
  109. Pyramids of the World
  110. Ley Lines
  111. The Black Eyed Children
  112. Vampire Hunter Equipment - help with ideas
  113. Tommorrow is 21th ! :)
  114. Yara-ma-yha-who
  115. Odd myths as movies, your fave?
  116. crop circles
  117. Werewolves and Werecreatures
  118. Do you believe in mermaids?
  119. Cannibal Witch Encounter
  120. Canine suicide hot spot?
  121. The midnight man
  122. Cryptids!
  123. The Disappearance of the 9th Legion 'Hispana'
  124. atlantis found
  125. de ja vu psychological
  126. My strange encounter with a pheasant!
  127. Order of the grateful Heart
  128. Biddy Early - The Most Famous Witch In Ireland
  129. Mysterious Hexagon
  130. Odd Pentagram 1200 metres across visible on google earth.
  131. Bedlam beneath
  132. Awaken the legend within
  133. Mystery of the inner voice
  134. The Voynich Manuscript - The Book That Cannot Be Read
  135. life on mars
  136. life after dead
  137. Slender like being
  138. bigfoot disproved ?
  139. Spider Omens?
  140. Southern Maryland Sasquatch
  141. What are your favourite mythological movies?
  142. the twelve apostles a story form grimm
  143. I will give you my other cheek
  144. Mystery of the Yeti
  145. three mirrors, bad luck?
  146. Do you believe the full moon has a effect on people
  147. Jack Frost
  148. Sandman
  149. 'Las Bolas'...giant stone spheres...What's their reason?
  150. Mogollon monster
  151. The Nephilim
  152. ask on this answer
  153. vampires stories untold
  157. Elusive panther
  159. Knights Templar
  160. The Great Pyramid fantasy
  161. David Paulides & the 'Missing 411' Mystery
  162. what if Antarctica use to be Atlantis before it froze?
  163. The Bermuda Triangle
  164. Were the famous mythological creatures real??
  165. Loch Ness Monster
  166. Totemism question
  167. Totemism question
  168. Giants
  169. What's the difference between mythology and folklore
  170. The Bosnian Pyramid
  171. Opposite of Midas touch?
  172. Ringing Ears
  173. Cloud of Sand
  174. Rules Copy and Paste - Commercial Links
  175. The Mystery of our Sun
  176. The Mystery of the Planets
  177. On Waking, My Voice Sand to Me a Lullabye
  178. Evidence For A Hollow Earth
  179. Gnostics, Father of Truth, and Vision's of Jesus and Lucifer
  180. Strange Sounds
  181. Japanese Yokai?
  182. Trumpet of God?
  183. I live in Boston and this is creepy - serial killer?
  184. Human or unicorn?
  185. Georgia Guidestones
  186. Werewolves and vampires
  187. Is it true your soul can suddenly implode and incinerate your body?
  188. Mysterious Prehistoric Sites | Ancient Artifacts
  189. vampires
  190. Giants On Record
  191. Kohanim Jew and Rhesus Negative Blood
  192. Antarctica News
  193. Black Christ
  194. The Brazilian Varginha Incident
  195. Stone Circles and Pyramids
  196. research all things, mysteries and ancient mythology
  197. Telos
  198. KARMA
  199. Moon Mysteries
  200. How were the Pyramids built?
  201. Emerald Tablet of Thoth
  202. Mothman in Minnesota
  203. Mothman in Minnesota
  204. Have you seen the Wandering Jew? How about the Count of St. Germain?
  205. The Sea Peoples??
  206. Strange Creatures
  207. Glastonbury Tor
  208. Dinosaurs
  209. Atlantis In Sunderland
  210. RX Factor as proof of genetic manipulation/aliens
  211. Venus and the Russians
  212. I met a shadow person. This is what happened
  213. The Ocean
  214. The Keresh and the Tigris of Bei llai
  215. about the white light
  216. what's your views of giant's
  217. Lilith is more interesting than she appears on the surface
  218. The Dyatlov Pass
  219. Adam - Eve - Naga the Sea-Serpent
  220. Theories on life after death Hindu religion?
  221. Mirrors: Thoughts, opinions, experiences
  222. The Mysterious of Mary Celeste story
  223. Good Youtubers thread!
  224. Lobsang Rampa About The Antimatter Worlds And The Bermuda Triangle
  225. Female Bigfoot in the Woods
  226. Cryptids
  227. The Giant Crab of Mars! Real or Fake? Suitable for Gumbo?
  228. Monoliths in Utah and Romania
  229. Inner earth?
  230. Question on Atlantis & Lemuria
  231. African grey learned a phrase we never use around him!
  232. The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch
  233. Beings in movies and series
  234. Lillith, Vampires and other Goddesses!!!
  235. Strange Disappearances of People in the National Parks and the Bermuda Triangle
  236. Byram Estate – the 99-door mansion of Penang
  237. Amelia Earhart
  238. Ocean Ecosystems & Visions
  239. Will we turn into shapeshifters? Wearwolfs ?
  240. Do miracles happen?
  241. can the memory be erased completely
  242. If some one passing the life with distorted spirit
  243. Why haven’t they gone to the moon since America went 50 years ago?
  244. BIGFOOT
  245. Pyramids