View Full Version : Vegetarian & Vegan

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  1. Tempted By Meat?
  2. points and tips
  3. cooking with love
  4. Food, Nature and the environment
  5. Ben & Jerry's go cage free for their eggs
  6. how do i do it?
  7. Lacto Ovo Vegetarian
  8. Search For The Worlds Greatest Lentil Pattie!!!
  9. energy vitamins + other tips
  10. Vegan
  11. just a little suggestion
  12. Salad dressing recipes please
  13. I can do it!
  14. RAw Food Diet
  15. seasonal diet
  16. detoxing
  17. Do you ever dream of meat?
  18. Fellow veggies be aware
  19. Vegan to Raw foodist
  20. Why are you a vegetarian or vegan?
  21. Questions for Vegetarians
  22. green
  23. Loosing weight as a vegetarian
  24. Slow cooker recipees
  25. Time To Revert Back
  26. How is being a vegetarian different from eating the meat of an animal?
  27. Healthy vegetarian diet?
  28. Do you miss chicken wings? Tempeh Wings!
  29. How Important is B12
  30. Homemade Salsa
  31. Frankanstine Meat
  32. Why do some people spell vegan "veg*n"?
  33. Do you think this could be true, Jesus recommending us to abstain from meat?
  34. Going Veg
  35. Alternative to soya?
  36. Veganism
  37. Making Allowances for Vegetarians/Vegans
  38. Introduction to veganism /vegetarianism
  39. Veggie and cruelty free, hand in hand?
  40. Dr. Oz supports veg'nism
  41. Please! Someone offer me a way to gain enough willpower to give up meat...
  42. vegetarian with candida
  43. "The best speech you will ever hear."
  44. BUSTED: Top Vegan Nutrition Myths
  45. What vitamine pills do you need as vegetarian?
  47. Thanksgiving
  48. anyone a reciept on a SIMPLE "cheese-sauce"-without cheese?
  49. Have any of your children - on their own - said they don't want to eat meat anymore?
  50. Vegetarian Cook Books
  51. Naughty Vegetarian.
  53. Almond Milk
  54. B12
  55. Feta and roast garlic spread
  56. How many vegetarians?...
  57. Like To Try Vegetarianism
  58. Post your recipe here
  59. Who says vegetarians can't eat out of sharks and turtles?
  60. Is seaweed vegan?
  61. Being vegetarian and poor
  62. Red Tiger Moon Tempah Fast
  63. My 4 Week Elder Fast
  64. Khale Chips
  65. Mussel, oysters, etc
  66. Eating four extra large eggs a day
  67. Arsenic in Rice?
  68. Why humans are naturally herbivorous
  69. Stop factory farming now!
  70. For vegans 269 day
  71. She's not my daughter....
  72. Venting more than anything
  73. Living Vegan Is Part Of the Spiritual Journey
  74. Any tips to get me started?
  75. Eggs.
  76. Let's All Ban together and fast dec12 for UN resolution 46 and karmapa
  77. Vegetarianism and tiredness?
  78. Favorite Vegan Recipes?
  79. Bananas As Beneficial As Sports Drinks
  80. Benefits of Coconut
  81. Garlic benefits
  82. Benefits of Ginger
  83. Christmas Light
  84. Andreas Moritz, Famous Vegan dies
  85. Chaka goes vegan
  86. Need ideas! Saw "Get Vegucated" - Prompts desire for major change!
  87. Vegan cheese...
  88. Vietnamese Vegans
  89. veggie friend eats meat
  90. Empathy
  91. Vegetarian + eating disorder
  92. Did you see this video ?
  93. Mike Tyson
  94. B-12 In Mushrooms
  95. Do plants feel pain?
  96. Feeling Raw
  97. Thinking of Vegan
  98. Can anyone tell me what your general diets (vegan or vegetarian) are in a day?
  99. Go Girl, Go!
  100. Vegetarian Marathon Runner Calls It A Day...
  101. vegan
  102. Vitamin D2 in mushrooms
  103. Natural Health And Healing
  104. Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers
  105. The Small Voice Of Compassion
  106. UK MPs urge us to eat less meat.
  107. Racing Green
  108. Eggmageddon
  109. between the animal and the divine
  110. Some Facts on Vegan!
  111. Baked Avacodo & Egg Recipe
  112. Poor chickens
  113. Breakfast
  114. Ethical Difference Between Veggie and Vegan
  115. half vegitarian
  116. Worlds First Lab Grown Hamburger Patty
  117. Clean Eating: What Did You Eat Today?
  118. CLEAN
  119. A note on vegetarians/vegans who feel tired
  120. body rejecting cooked food
  121. Could You Lift a Horse?
  122. Who all is vegan and why?
  123. Vegan diet to gain weight
  124. Vegan, but pets need meat!
  125. lactose intolerance diet plan for vegetarian..
  126. A new vegan
  127. Vegetarian recipes
  128. Vegan cream recipe
  129. Vegan/Veggie and politics
  130. How to make soymilk
  131. What are the benefits to your body from your veggie/vegan diet?
  132. vegetarian/vegan and bad teeth
  133. Casein is made from skim milk powder
  134. Casein is made from skim milk powder
  135. Veggie Diet Less Healthy?
  136. Veggie Quotes
  137. 90 Years A Vegan
  138. Animal Protein Intake and Age
  139. Looking for a perfect diet
  140. Vegan Sea Shepherds
  141. How noob Vegans fail themselves......
  142. Creepy Food
  143. Vegan food pyramid
  144. vegan diet making appetite shrink
  145. Can I still eat fish and be a vegetarian?
  146. Tea 🌿
  147. Best alternative to dairy milk?
  148. My diet is bugging me. What do you do if health issues make you eat meat?
  149. Fruitatarian diet
  150. face changes from vegan diet
  151. How to make coconut spread
  152. Suddenly unable to eat meat & poultry, has this happened to anyone else?
  153. How can animals even like us? I am disgusted by human species
  154. Would you stop consuming dairy for a better health?
  155. The Question of Mucous...
  156. it makes me really sad
  157. The benefits of home made bread
  158. advantages of vegan
  159. Starting to change diet to veganism if possible.
  160. Do you believe every sentient being should be free of unnecessary suffering- be it
  161. Silver Birch on vegetarian / vegan choices
  162. Love Being Vegan
  163. Being Veg*n and bone strength
  164. I stop eating meat but now I'm having sugar cravings?
  165. My Strength Is My Compassion
  166. Superhuman
  167. Questions for my fellow vegans
  168. Pesto: spiritual concoction.
  169. Eating consciously
  170. Vegetarians vs. Vegans
  171. Vegan help
  172. question about nuking veggies, fruits, etc
  173. Weight problem
  174. Root intelligence: Plants can think, feel and learn
  175. Raw Vegan
  176. losing hair!
  177. Questions about being a Vegan!
  178. Becoming Vegetarian.
  179. Freeganism
  180. your thoughts on pescetarianism?
  181. when did you feel spiritual benefit?
  182. Still beautiful....at 61 years of age.
  183. Definitly Not a Vegetarian...
  184. Interview with John Robbins
  185. Vegan diet best for planet
  186. Agar
  187. Raw food
  188. Receive whatever nutrition you need from this device?
  189. Tell me what you think!
  190. Persian Vegan
  191. This is hard.
  192. Favourite Spicy Foods and Chillies
  193. veggie to chicken to back
  194. What spreads does a veganist put on bread?
  195. Okay so,
  196. Vegan acne remedy?
  197. Chewing!
  198. Know this about vegan diet
  199. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Eating Raw Aloe But Were Afraid To Ask.
  200. raw vegan effect...
  201. Skin complexion
  202. Rules Copy and Paste - Commercial Links
  203. Vitamin B12 (and yoga masters among others)
  204. Lifestyle of a Vegan?
  205. Vegans and Holidays
  206. iI don't really think there's a counter arguement to this
  207. Do you feel more pure as a vegan?
  208. Going Back to Vegan
  209. Vegan after awakening?
  210. Ordered a bunch of vegetarian food for next year.
  211. My vegan perspective on the organic food movement
  212. What is the difference
  213. Non-dairy Coffee Creamers?
  214. Why do souls of chickens keep incarnating?
  215. Woke up a Vegetarian.
  216. It was the milks that got me.
  217. So much for being a Vegetarian.
  218. Any experience with spirulina or seaweed?
  219. The irony of the vegan stereotype
  220. Vegan family...they just don't know it yet!
  221. Honey and/or beeswax
  222. Processed Vegan Food
  223. 4th Day Vegan..Always hungry?
  224. Vegan recipes....post your own!
  225. Vegan friends/New vegans who want buddies or help
  226. When people try argue against veganism
  227. For those who call themselves vegan or vegetarian... why the label?
  228. Short story: a dragon mourns being a carnivore.
  229. Transitioning from vegetarian to vegan?
  230. Vegan Lifestyle on a Budget
  231. Vegan..still breaking out?
  232. Veganism starting out
  233. Coconut milk in baking
  234. What do think about honey and swift's nest?
  235. Vegan Restaurants in Boulder?
  236. GoVeggie Mozzaralla Cheese Slices
  237. Fried rice
  238. Planning on going veggie (again).
  239. I eat like a little bird
  240. Frustrated with dietician
  241. to veg or not to veg
  242. Spiritual history and its role in dietary choices?
  243. Has your beer got fish bladder in it?
  244. Vegan Quorn
  245. Body rejecting meat?
  246. Food choices
  247. Squash recipe ideas?
  248. Hidden non-vegetarian stuff.
  249. Blood test
  250. Becoming vegetarian, personal video