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Still_Waters 29-04-2024 04:00 PM

EXCERPT Post 9:[quote=Michael K. I have personally conversed with
many dead (change venues) folks when I was a practicing medium in the
Spiritualist church, that too was over 30 years ago, moved on from that.[/quote] ADCs (after death communications) have become so common nowadays that they are even discussed in continuing education classes for mental health professionals. It was reported in a relevant study that 70% of widows have an ADC with their departed spouse within a year of the spouse crossing over. The DSM (Diagnostics and Statistics Manual used by psychiatrists in diagnoses) has reportedly been updated to reflect this phenomenon.

It is my understanding that dis-incarnate entities are essentially unchanged emotionally and mentally after crossing over ... with the obvious exception being that they now may have a greater understanding of the crossing over process. I engaged with Spiritists for a while but eventually lost any sustaining interest due to their almost exclusive communications with Christian-oriented entities like Emmanuel who are nice in many ways but whom I would not seek out even if they were available on the earth plane. Communicating with the dead (change venues, as you put it) is not necessarily an enlightening experience.

After much research, it is my opinion that the Tibetan Buddhists have the most thorough insights and methodology relevant to the dying before death practice although certain Sufis and Yogis (Yoga Vashistha in particular) approach dying before death similarly though their teachings are not as detailed as those of the Tibetan Buddhists.

Michael K. 29-04-2024 04:31 PM

Blessings Still waters for your input here I am doing a post later about WATER
how I see it as that of spirit in relative fluidic state.

regards michael

Still_Waters 30-04-2024 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
I am doing a post later about WATER
how I see it as that of spirit in relative fluidic state.

I am looking forward to your next post as I too see this manifestation as unfolding dynamically .... fluid (to use your terminology).

JustBe 30-04-2024 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
Physical death can be seen as a partial translation, which over incarnations
will become more intense and uncover more of the inner SELF.

I always thought the sheaths were our examination process in this body to unveil the true self?

In this view everything unveiled, can be a death point, which naturally opens the self to its full potential..

Die to yourself.

Michael K. 01-05-2024 12:13 AM

Blessings Justbe thank you for your input here it is most welcome, In truth
death does not exist, it is an illusion. death really means a change of venues
from the dense physical realm to the less dense astral realm. Yes we do have
to DIE of the lower ego self, then we can uncover the higher self, and if fully
done transcend all five KOSHAS and just be Eternal unborn SELF.
regards michael.

Miss Hepburn 03-05-2024 03:33 PM

Commenting on Post 6.
Sorry, but, I have been given 'altered states of mind/perception' since I was 8 yrs old...and I must say,
Oh this certainly is a Hologram ...
made of Dreamstuff...omg, is it ever!...As real as it was for Captain Pike in the orig Star Trek ...
seeming as real and solid as granite!
Appearances are not what they seem - ever.
Why...your ceiling is a hologram, knock on wood - hologram...looks real, doesn't it?
THAT is because of our Great Illusionist - our brilliant Creator.

Just wait, maybe one day 'He' will show you! :wink:
I'm a big believer in, ''Seeing is believing."
Wonderfully said here: Post 5


Originally Posted by Michael K.
...what "we" "seem" to experience is a dream, a holographic mental IMAGE.
Our journey without distance is in realizing this fundamental truth of our
holographic projection into what we call life.

J_A_S_G 03-05-2024 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Oh this certainly is a Hologram ...
made of Dreamstuff...omg, is it ever!...

Reality is not as it appears to the senses. The appearance is a cheap and low-grade simulation that mind can handle. :biggrin:

What we perceive as objective reality is in fact a simulation wholly in and of mind based on the extremely limited amount of information available through the sense organs combined with mind's limited processing power. Even physics using more and more powerful instruments to gather data and supercomputers to analyze ever more information not available to the sense organs cannot determine the exact nature of reality.

Miss Hepburn 03-05-2024 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by J_A_S_G
. The appearance is a cheap and low-grade simulation that mind can handle. :biggrin:

Hey, who you callin' cheap and low-grade?!!!

J_A_S_G 03-05-2024 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Hey, who you callin' cheap and low-grade?!!!

It's like comparing the graphics capabilities of a 1981 Texas Instruments TI-99/4 home computer
with that of a modern supercomputer, only more stark. :icon_eek: :biggrin:

It's all our poor little finite minds can manage. LOL!

Still_Waters 04-05-2024 07:46 PM



Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Oh this certainly is a Hologram ...
made of Dreamstuff...omg, is it ever!

seeming as real and solid as granite!
Appearances are not what they seem - ever.

Interestingly enough, I just finished re-reading a commentary on this subject by my spiritual mentor, a revered sage from India.

"Even as in the dream the waking world becomes unreal, there is no special quality or difference between these two worlds of consciousness. The dream-world and the waking world both are neither real nor unreal. They are illusionary projections of Brahman in the form of names and figures."

I discovered this many years ago during meditation after which I had extended discussions with my spiritual guide and other sages on this subject.

Related to this, of particular interest was my exposure to the Tibetan Yogi Milarepa who first became known to me during my visit to Tibet in the 1980s. Milarepa noticed that whatever he could do in the lucid dream state, he could also do in what we call the "waking state". It's all a matter of shifting one's attention to the expanded consciousness just as one shifts one's attention from the dream-object to the dreamer in a lucid dream. The Hermetic principle, "As above, so below", holds true in this analogy.

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