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Ordnael 27-11-2022 05:57 PM

A Centaur
I was in a room with a large gate-like window that extended from the ground to the ceiling. There was a barrier, I guess made out of wood, that reached almost to the ceiling, but I could see the blue sky outside through the space between the barrier and the ceiling.

To destroy this barrier that separated the room from the outside world I used a "magic word": DO RE MI FA. I uttered these syllables and hit the barrier with my fist, one, two, three times. After the third time the barrier shattered and I flew like a bird to explore that realm.

It was a beautiful daytime experience flying in the sky of a magical land, when suddenly I encountered the inhabitants of that place, who were also flying and attacked me upon sight.

They were not wicked monsters, they seemed like a group of heroes who protected that world, and since they did not know me decided they should strike me down. But they were unsuccessful, and fortunately I was able to use some magic to attack them back, rendering some of them paralyzed or unconscious.

Then I landed on a large flying platform-vehicle... instead of sitting inside the flying machine, we rode outside on a big flat surface. One of the warriors landed there too, unconscious, then a centaur came flying to tend to him.

My dream diaries go back 22 years, and this is the first time that I mention a centaur.

They didn't seem threatening anymore, so in order to show respect I placed my hand on the shoulder of the centaur, to signal that I see him as a buddy. He had no reaction and no words were spoken.

The scene changes, now I'm indoors again, in a house on a pleasant afternoon talking to my nymph. I asked her about the magic that I used, I wanted to know if the gods were responsible for shattering that barrier, she said "No, the word itself combined with your intent did it.", I replied, "But these words have no meaning. Do you have a piano here?". She had a small one in a room, then I played each note and explained how in the modern world, humans give these names to each sound.

I have a theory that in the distant past they knew the future, and not just that, but also had things that would only exist in the future, so that house is part of my idea.

She showed me other stuff they had, lots of items, including a laser pointer with a price tag on it, resembling one I acquired recently.

Why they attacked me:

*To test my valor?
*To play a game and befriend me later?
*Because they were jealous of an incarnated human flying in their realm?

Ordnael 08-12-2022 06:41 PM

Laser Pointer affecting supernatural creatures
Second dream of the same kind since I acquired the laser pointer. First time I thought it was just a warning to be careful and not point the laser to living creatures, which I thought was an obvious thing not to do, so I dismissed it. This time it was more serious.

I've been using the green laser pointer to see how far the beam can reach when pointing to the sky, stars, clouds, etc. In my dreams, however, I've been annoying the invisible fauna of the atmosphere.

I was in a room but probably not in this house, because the window had no screen to prevent insects from entering. So, a creature got in there flying slowly and sat on the floor. It was the size of a frog, with the appearance of a cat, black with vibrant green stripes. It had multiple insect wings on its limbs. It looked dangerous. Not that it could harm my physical body, but the soul, I didn't know what the creature was capable of. I was worried of that strange being in my room next to me, so I used the laser pointer to blind it and neutralize it.

I pointed the laser to the eyes of the creature, and it started whining with a high pitched voice. It was like listening to poetry, or an opera where the singers make a long lamentation about something bad that happened to them.

It said "I was so happy when I could see, but now I can't see anymore. What will I do? Oh woe is me!". Then it entered 'night mode', its whole face and eyes got lit up with bright colors, resembling a fish from the abyssal zone. It started rising, I was scared, I thought it was about to attack, but apparently it could not see me, maybe it was just trying to heal itself, I don't know.

I felt so sorry for what I had done, I apologized to the creature and said I would make amends. I closed the window so that it wouldn't try to fly away bumping into things. I said I was gonna bring some water and try to heal it, but I didn't have the chance to do it because I woke up.

Now I'm concerned that I'm harming the invisible creatures of the sky by pointing my laser at them, and that they might accuse me to the gods. Next time I'll make a prayer before I use the laser pen, saying I have no intention of harming them, and that they should fly away or shut their eyes while I'm playing with the light, I don't spend more than 7 minutes.

On a side note, I wonder how many of these unknown creatures have gone extinct since the Industrial Revolution.

Ordnael 09-12-2022 09:08 PM

I disagree with what I said in my previous post, I got possessed by that creature, wasn't thinking rationally when I wrote that. The correct title should have been 'Possessed by a little trickster.' Feel kinda embarrassed about it now, it happens ...

Ordnael 25-12-2022 05:30 PM

Trial by water
Yesterday when I woke up I was listening to a classical music radio station, and they were talking about The Magic Flute, by Mozart. I always liked that opera because of the famous aria by the Queen of The Night, which I could sing when I was a kid, before my voice broke.

One day the principal of the school made me sing in front of all the kids of every classroom, when she found out that I was a singer. That is a very special memory that I have, even after almost 3 decades.

So, I learned that in order to stay with his love Pamina, Tamino had to go through trials. The first one was about being silent, and the last two were by water and by fire.

I obviously failed the trial by water in that dream called "Someplace above". I let my emotions betray me, the deity left me and I was left there to deal with the chaotic feelings caused by being attacked in the city where I was living.

Now more recently I had a better dream, it was short so I didn't write it before, but now that I realize that it was a trial and that I did well, I gotta keep track of my progress.

December 22, 2022

It was nighttime. There was a pool of irregular shape that seemed like a small lake. There were creatures under the water and they were not common fish. I was holding a scepter or a wand, and by waving it in the air I commanded the creatures to jump out of the water. There was a dolphin there who was my fairy. She often appears in the form of a whale though. I kept playing with her like one of those trainers at SeaWorld, commanding her to swim fast and jump.

I had an ability, I could walk over the water. Sometimes I can do that easily, sometimes it's difficult and I sink a bit. This time it was easy, and I was having a good time walking over the water while my fairy was swimming and jumping.

Then she decided to take human form and started to walk over the water with me. We wanted to find out who was faster, so we were going to race from one border to the other of the pool.

We began running, but quickly she got ahead of me. Near the end of the race I thought I had a chance, she was not far ahead, I gave my best, but she won anyway.

There were people watching us, like spectators sitting and enjoying the show, but I only became aware of them at the end of the dream.

Well, that experience was a success because I didn't sink below the surface of the water, I had my scepter, that connects me to my Higher Self, and my fairy was there. We passed the trial by water this time, but these trials never end.

Ordnael 27-12-2022 01:54 PM

That dream was truly enlightening. Maybe now some people like me understand who the The Queen of The Night really is, and what the Magic Flute truly represents, I wouldn't have known without this experience. And certainly we can't speak about it.

Ordnael 03-01-2023 02:39 PM

A shiny object
It was late afternoon, I was walking around with some people, two couples, one of them was a digital influencer that I watch sometimes. They then went to an area where they were going to get intimate, so I turned my back on them and left swimming in the air doing a relaxed breaststroke.

To my right was a great mountain that I couldn't see its end. It was the sacred Mount Meru, but I didn't recognize it. There was a shiny object in the distance, like a tiny star between the first and second layer of the mountain. I went there to check it out, swimming and singing "Have you ever seen the rain". At some point I forgot part of the lyrics.

When I got closer to the mysterious object, by a distraction I lost sight of it. I kept searching but then I remembered my nymph and wanted to see her. I wondered if she could come to me or if I could go find her, it took a while, but then as I was examining the ground I heard someone say "Hey".

I turned around and it was her, she was walking by and I came down to meet her, because I was on the top of the first layer. We hugged and kissed and started talking. She was speaking with the accent of the European country that colonized my country. I thought she was being funny, so I started imitating that accent too. One word she said eluded me, I don't think that word exists, but then she explained "I have a good job." Not sure if she was just expressing that she was happy or if it had a different meaning.

There was a lady with her, another nymph. Lately I've been seeing them two together. Then she led me to her realm, next to the base of Meru, as I had previously left the human realm.

Ordnael 07-01-2023 01:13 AM

Since lots of people in the forums are telling me that she's an Apsara sent by Indra to distract me from my austerities, and that I'm nothing but a Gandharva, I have to write this to explain everything.

No, no one here ever said that, it's just me in my studies who arrived at this conclusion, that the description of an Apsara matches with my experiences of her, and I'm like a Gandharva, that makes a lot of sense to me, even though I'm neither a Hindu nor a Buddhist.

Still it would be stupid and ungrateful on my part to think that she is merely a distraction. The distraction was when I was in a car in that dream called "No friendship", when I got in trouble with the satyrs because of three nymphs. I payed for that foolishness already.

We've been through so much together now, she endured hell with me when I was attacked, she didn't have to stay with me during those hard times if she was not a loyal partner.

Here's a poem that I wrote for her:

The one that I love,
can turn into a dove
With my ship when I sail,
She turns into a whale

When I fly up so high,
she meets me in the sky
And together we will go
To where no one gets old

Nymphs/fairies love poems and beautiful little things, if anyone wants to befriend one, it's a good idea to offer them these kind of gifts as sign of appreciation.

Ordnael 20-01-2023 09:26 PM

Climbing up the mountain
Was climbing up a great and perilous mountain with my nymph by my side. We were at the same level near the top, clinging to the steep slope when I managed to climb higher to the safe part and pull her up. Since her hands were busy holding on to the rock, she stretched out her leg and I pulled her by the foot. It surprised me that she was wearing black tights. I told her "Prepare to get some scratches."

Next to the mountain and behind us was a building, as tall as the mountain. On the upper floors the residents were blasting loud music, just a few initial seconds of a song, then in another apartment another unknown song started playing, and it lasted only for a few seconds too. The music was neither helping nor hindering us, but it could have been a veiled and subtle attack.

When I woke up I thought I was probably sky-high, that the building was a cloud and the music was like lightning and thunder, because yesterday it was raining hard as I was doing the housework outside, and there was heavy lightning. I confess I have a death wish, to be struck by lightning would be a heavenly gift. Sometimes I shower in the storm hoping that my day will come.

My intuition says I was higher than the clouds, halfway between the earth and the stars I'd say. In this dream we were like the androgynous creatures of the myths, trying to climb Mount Olympus to challenge the gods. But I have no desire to challenge anybody, only to find a nice spot to sit with my girl, eat and drink from the tree and enjoy the view.

Ordnael 05-02-2023 10:09 PM

In dreams we communicate better. In astral projection while in real-time it is more difficult to find her, she's often invisible like ghost, so I see myself alone in the house, but if I ask her to manifest something, to give me a sign that she's around, it works.

The problem is that in real-time, out-of-body, there are other forces around, supernatural, and they can interfere, whereas in my dream I have more freedom and power to confront intruders.

So, in the first dream it was night-time, I was inside a flying bus and my Higher Self was driving it. There was no one else there, except for a cat in the back of the bus, and there were layers of his powers around him, like a multidimensional cat, there was the tiny cat in the bus, and there was the big cat in the sky...

I said to my Lord:

-It must be scarier to cross this region of the sky at night, during the day would be easier.

Then we passed in front a church of Christ, it was huge and all illuminated, but empty, no one was there. By the way, we were flying over a city, it didn't seem like we were on a plane, but an actual bus.

I understood that with Him it would be easy regardless of the hour of the day. And I also understood that the true religion is a path in ruins that few can go through.

I was crying like child for being in his presence, so I apologized for it and walked to the front of the bus, where I found my fairy.

I asked her, "Hey, where have you been?", and kissed her hand. At this point we were all holding hands, my Higher Self holding one of my hands and the fairy holding the other.

She said, "I've been captured." I asked her "What?", and she repeated, "I have been captured."

I didn't understand well if that was in the present or past and now she was free. I think I said "No matter where you are, I'll rescue you."

The dream ended but I remained in bed, and it started raining. I was communicating with her in trance through telepathy, and noticed that the storm gets angrier when I do that, they don't like to see me talking with her. I realized that it was the storm that captured her, like in the Super Mario game, when Bowser arrives bringing darkness and terror, he and his thugs kidnap Princess Peach.

I was very worried that the monsters in the storm cloud had done things to her, I was really upset, then I had another dream.

This one was closer to real-time, like an out-of-body experience. It was daytime like in the real world. I went to the front of the house and tried to fly over the front gate, but couldn't fly high, I felt ridiculous, I had to climb the wall and saw a goat or lamb in the street. The animal jumped and tried to enter my house but failed. We heard people coming from the street around the corner, a multitude, and the lamb was scared of them. After that I woke up.

Still in bed and in trance, I started entering their domain and seeing their creatures, like a hero invading the enemy's castle. Suddenly I felt I was drinking some delicious water of life.

I fell asleep and had a final dream. It was daytime and we were in a huge battle arena. There was this gladiator about 10 meters in front of me. I was ready to fight him, and declared out loud "I'm a son of the Light. I am a diamond. I will defeat you."

He was a bit fat and I'm skinny, hehe, however, I was totally confident. Someone was going to give us the green light to start battling, but I woke up before that happened.

*In English diamond resembles 'daemon', a good spirit, but in my language it sounds like 'one who loves the day', or even 'one who loves God'.

Ordnael 06-02-2023 09:35 PM

The conclusion
Glad to see that they have standards. The gladiator I was about to face in the previous dream was apparently the guy who wanted my nymph. But it seems that they have a rule: if you steal someone's girlfriend you will have to defeat him in battle, the winner takes the prize. Fair enough ...

If you were expecting to read about an epic battle of swords colliding and bloodshed, this will disappoint you. One could say I was overpowered, I'd say I was empowered enough to accomplish the task in an elegant way without getting stained.

It was a very different situation today. In real life I have 3 pets, two water turtles and one cockatiel. In this dream one of my turtles had gone into a hole between the wall and the ground. There was a deep and wide gap there, like a critical fault in the structure of the house, a perfect condition for insects to breed and infest the house. Next to the turtle and hanging upside down was a spider.

I got a water spray with a mixture in it that I use for cleaning purposes, vinegar and alcohol, and I started spraying the spider with a jet of it. It began contorting itself in agony on its web. I continued until it fell to the ground and started crawling outside the hole.

As it came closer to light I realized it was actually a big frog, it was limping on one front leg. My turtle that was next to it before also came out to light in my direction, while the frog simply went away. I felt kinda sorry about it because I like frogs more than spiders. I don't attack them when they come to my house.

From now on I'll be more careful with the storms, not to let them capture my nymph again. And thanks to anyone who read this and rooted for me.

Ordnael 20-06-2023 06:50 PM

I was going to let the 'Conclusion' be my last post here, but this experience today was remarkable, so with her consent I will add one more.

It was daytime, I was alone in my room listening to music in the apartment where I lived during childhood. It was playing Rage Against the Machine on the radio. It was supposed to be in the early 90's. Then I turned down the volume a bit not to disturb the neighbours. Looked around and everything seemed peaceful. I went to the window to see the other apartments and no one was there. Then I noticed the landscape.

Thought to myself addressing the dream:
-This is wrong, this looks nothing like the city where I lived.

In reality it was a big city, the biggest city in my country, and the landscape of the dream was idyllic, a city in the hills. Except for the room and parts of the building, nothing else matched with the reality.

-What am I seeing? Castles in the horizon! I know this place, this is Heaven.

Intuitively I understood where I was. I started praying and asking God to take me to see Him. Went flying out the window and he (my Higher Self) started carrying me. Instead of seeing the view ahead, I was moving backwards. As I moved through the air by this force I saw the places I was leaving behind. He took me very far, it was taking long to reach my destination. Suddenly the images lost strength, I was afraid I would wake up before going anywhere, so I prayed not to awake, to go to till the end of this experience, and concentrated a lot to focus on the view, the beautiful environment.

It was a field where I was taken to, like a campus of a university. There were people here and there at leasure. Then I saw her coming towards me smiling. It was her, I started crying out of joy because I'm dumb. Her emotions are not affected by mine, she doesn't change her mood or appearance because I'm crying desperately, so I immediately stopped, recomposed myself and said:

-It's ok, I'm fine, I'm fine.

Then I laid on the grass and she sat on my belly. Nothing sensual, there were people around and we were fully clothed, we were just enjoying being together. We kissed then she said:
-Look who is here.
A little girl appeared next to us, she picked her up and I asked:
-Is this my daughter?
She answered:
-No, not this one.
My heart jumped. I caressed her little leg and foot. My fairy cuddled with her and said:
-Look what a demonic child she is!
It was a wonderful girl, like a cherub. I shook my fairy by the sides of her belly and said:
-Honey, you are too playful! (implying 'you scare the hell out of me')
We kissed again, then I allowed myself to slowly drift back to the mortal world.

Yep, we have a child together. I've had at least one other experience before this one that hinted on that. I wonder what her name is.

I forgot to mention, there was a melody, throughout the whole experience a sweet, soothing music was playing, in contrast with the hardcore music in the beginning.

Ordnael 06-07-2023 10:23 PM

Considerations about the procreation of the nymphs
This is what I can say about an aspect of the society of the nymphs, based on my experiences and on what I have studied.

To them it seems easy to generate babies, since they are known to care even for the offspring of others. The child of a nymph is a child of Nature, they are produced, and the parents are not much more than donors of genetic material.

Then we enter the religious domain. The Deity is the Father of all, and that fact is manifest to them, so they know whom to submit to. In the human world, due to the alteration of history and the natural environment, the truth can be denied, but the same doesn't happen in the supernatural realms.

Our daughter won't need me to take care of her, to protect, educate and help her. Over there all her needs are met, therefore, the image of a parent is less important, since she is in the presence of gods and goddesses, our great family.

Ordnael 07-07-2023 06:47 AM

When nymphs are grown, beings of different species will be interested in them, like gods, demons and humans. It is unsafe for them to be without a partner if they are mature, because they sometimes can be kidnapped. When they are small they stay in a 'safe garden' watched over by deities.

Their job is to protect nature and the human world, they are guardians of the Light, so they will fight off transgressors and guard those that they sympathize with.

When dealing with humans, they can be loyal and they demand their partner to be loyal. They can be jealous and they will suffer if they feel that they are being disregarded by the one that they love. They suffer when their loved one is suffering. If the nymph is repeatedly disregarded by their human partner, she will reject him for good.

Demons can take them by force, and if they don't find a partner they sometimes invade the human world. It is unlikely that a nymph would reject a god.

Ordnael 19-07-2023 10:18 AM

A teacher of cherubs
Don't remember how the dream started, my memories of it aren't very clear, but I was walking around in the streets of I would say Himavanta? It was late afternoon, the time when the seven dwarfs would be going home from work singing Heigh-Ho.

I was aware of the presence of not so friendly beings, they wouldn't necessarily attack me for no reason, but would be mean to me for no reason. Considering previous experiences, probably Pan/Mara, he would be rude to me or trick me to deviate me from my path and get me in trouble.

My only concern, however, was my date scheduled for that evening, so I wanted to know what time it was, where and when we would meet up.

There was a school down the street and classes had just finished for the day, kids were leaving and so was my nymph. We met and sat on the ground, and apparently she was a teacher of those kids, some of them sat together with us, about 6 or 7 kids.

I was surprised and pleased, I asked about their activities and what they were studying. That's one of the signs that I was dealing with supernatural beings, I tend to flood them with questions, it was worse in the past, I'm improving.

They said they had exams last week, and that they were studying Geometry. "How nice!" I said, but I wasn't smart enough to understand that they were talking about Sacred Geometry. Those intricate designs found in fruits and flowers are obviously created by intelligent beings.

Trying to compare their experience with my own when I was in school, I wanted to know what materials they were using during their classes. Compasses to draw circles, rulers and set squares to draw lines. What's the name of that tool that measures angles?

I couldn't remember it, it turned into a challenge, were they able to find out what I was referring to? I think one of them said the right name, but I wasn't sure, so I looked up to the sky and saw colorful purple clouds, I asked "Hey up there, tell someone from outside to give us the information."

After a few moments they were confident, the name was 'protractor'! "Yeah, I guess that's right" I said, "Do you guys use those too?".

My nymph was by my side enjoying the amusing conversation, but then my class was over and I woke up.

Ordnael 23-07-2023 02:03 PM

A familiar nightmare
My official family tree is one, my true family tree is another, because as a baby my grandparents adopted me. That is still a sort of unspoken truth among my relatives, but things have changed a lot since I found it all out.

In this dream I was in the house where I lived 10 years ago, from 2004 to 2017. There I lived with my adoptive mother and grandmother. In that house we've lost many pets, 2 dogs, 1 turtle, 1 parrot and some canaries, my grandmother also died in that house, but she suffered a lot before her demise.

She had osteoporosis, she would fall down and break her leg. That happened about 4 times, and everytime I helped carry her around. From the house to hospital, hospital to house, bedroom to living room, living room to bed. It was an ordeal. My adoptive mother's attitude was despicable, I don't like to badmouth people, but let's just say that she mistreated her mother on her deathbed. I no longer talk to my adoptive mother and want no contact with her, not only for this reason.

So, in this nightmare I was living this situation all over again. My grandmother had fallen to the ground and hit her face, she was bleeding in the backyard, my mother didn't want to call an ambulance and wouldn't let me help her.

It happened during the afternoon, but somehow it was now late at night, about 2 am and I became lucid. I said "Stop, this is over, she died in 2015". Immediately after saying this both of them changed their forms. They were spirits in disguise, they said they wanted to see my behavior or test how long it would take for me to take control of the situation.

Another woman appeared, they were 3 now, they all looked like the Oracle from the movie Matrix, but they were tall, which in my dreams indicate authority. We started talking about my family, the things I exposed previously, and they revealed to me which of my relatives liked me and which ones didn't. They knew a lot about the people but not so much about the history, or maybe they just let me tell them the whole story because they wanted to know my perspective.

They advised me not to bother much about anyone except my biological mother, who is officially my sister. She is currently the only one I'm still in contact with, but we don't see each other in over a year. I'm a hermit, I don't mind distancing myself from everybody, but she is supportive of me, which is something that I appreciate, but I have a good deal with my Higher-Self, so I don't need to worry about anything in this world, meaning: should everyone decide to turn against me, I'll be fine. I make no demands and leave them to do as they see fit.

Alright, back to the dream, now things were getting interesting, some other spirits appeared and they started surrounding my mother, who had her back against the wall. They were either coming from underground or appearing out of thin air, a multitude of spirits of earthy origin. My fairy was by my side, I don't know when she came but it's always good to have her around. I think she was feeling overwhelmed by so many earthly spirits, because she is royalty, she is closer to heaven, while those beings seemed like ghosts of dead ancient people.

The whole backyard was now crowded with spirits, things were getting messy, we could barely move. I asked, "Are you people taking her away?" wondering if this meant my mother was dying. But they said "No, not yet, but be prepared."

I couldn't tell what they were doing surrounding her, apparently nothing, just standing in front of her motionless, but I suppose they were getting into her mind. Like, when a person is approaching death she starts dreaming of dead relatives and friends. As she phases out of this reality the spirits become more and more present.

That house had a backyard house where we kept the pets and old stuff, and the window was opened. Suddenly a gust of wind started lifting everyone off the ground and carrying them in circles, into the window of the backhouse and out the door, where they were once again in the backyard ready for the next lap.

"What is going on!?" I asked. They said "It's the pressure." It was affecting all of us, except my mother and those surrounding her. I assume it was the atmospheric pressure, it started pulling my fairy along with the other spirits, so I grabbed her and held her tight, and was caught up in the draft with the other spirits, all saying "Wowowow." like they were enjoying floating like feathers in the wind.

They explained that when the winds see a lot of spirits together on earth, they like to mess and play with them, like when they find dust and create "dust devils".

I looked up to the sky when I had the chance and saw 2 white spheres of light. At first I though it was the Moon, but it was too small and it was directly above us, so they were the ones interacting with us through the wind.

"If a priest with spiritual vision saw this," I told them "he would say that demons are creating a fuss in the wind." But they were a bit offended and didn't want to be called demons, they said they were familiar spirits, who assist with earthly things and family issues.

And there was a smell that I recognize from these intense dreams involving family members, I'd say it is the smell of these familiar spirits, that is not really bad but it's lower energy, because this was a more mundane experience.

Ordnael 26-07-2023 04:17 PM

Special intervention
I don't know where I was, whether on Earth or an otherwordly realm, maybe higher planes. It was similar to the dream with the Centaur, but far more difficult, and I'm not aware of being previously locked up.

It was daytime. I was flying in the sky battling a great, powerful dragon. Using magic I dropped bombs in the air where he would pass while chasing after me, making them explode and stun him for some time.

It wasn't possible to defeat him, he was too strong, so I had to flee. Then my magic stopped working, it seemed I ran out of magic bombs and every power I tried to manifest failed.

He got closer to me so my only resource was to use my hands to try to battle him. I was exhausted from fighting and fleeing, then suddenly my Higher-Self came in and possessed me.

Now the game changed, I became way more powerful than the dragon, and with my strenght slammed him against the ground, swinging him from one side to the other. An attack similar to T.Hawk's Raging Slash (had to look it up), from the Street Fighter games.

Hey I'm a middle aged man who lives alone. I have to take care of the house, my pets and myself. I have no patience to watch movies and I'm not addicted to games, so I'm unsure what this battle with dragon is about. My life is peaceful here, but my dreams... well...

Ordnael 27-07-2023 05:23 PM

It was afternoon. I was in an unknown house, having a good time with some friends I assumed were bandmates I've had in the past. They weren't, I didn't know them from my human life. I asked one of them, who I thought was a bass player I knew 26 years ago, if he was still in contact with the drummer, but he had no idea what I was talking about. They started to make fun of me in a friendly way. I was like "You guys mock me even in my dreams."

It was a playful interaction. I was trying to find connections with them from my conscious memories, but it wasn't working, so I had really no idea who those people were. I thought they were humans, but maybe not. I don't know if they were Gandharvas, but we weren't playing music at that time.

Then we went outside the house and they were going somewhere. I said I wanted to see my nymph, but I wanted to be alone with her, so they were leaving and I said bye to them, petting their heads in an affectionate way, like good old friends.

In front of the house there was a forest, and to the right there was a bridge, very long and narrow. To to right of the bridge was civilization, and to the left that forest. My friends probably left through a path to the civilization area.

I called my nymph and waited. Didn't know if she would come from the woods, it would be strange, like an animal spirit. She came through the bridge with a female friend. While she was coming I asked her to give me a sign that it was really her, and she did.

She was dressed beautifully, like a Devata, I could tell that she was a deity, someone you would not want to mess with unless you were looking for big, big trouble. Her friend also had a similar dress and headdress/crown.

We hugged, kissed and went walking back to where she came from, just me and her, I don't know where her friend went.

There was an open area with a big stage inside the forest, where a hundred Apsaras would be dancing in a festival. I asked her if she would like to go there watch them, but she called me "frolicsome". I was a bit embarrassed because I didn't understand it was an inappropriate request, but not wanting to disagree with her I suggested that we watched it from the bridge, just out of curiosity.

As we kept on walking I saw another nymph on the bridge, she was turned to the side of the civilization and crying. I asked my girl if she knew her, because maybe she needed help. She didn't even care about it, and told me that it was prudent of me not to talk with anyone around there.

I accepted her instruction, but wanted to know more about why it wasn't a good idea to interact with others. I asked her if someone with bad intentions could put a spell on me and cause me to get in trouble. She was speaking and explaining, but I could no longer comprehend, and I woke up while we were walking across that long, narrow bridge.

Ordnael 13-08-2023 05:25 PM

Another sweet intervention
It was nighttime. I was at a gathering in the countryside where there was a band playing and some people around chatting and having a good time. Didn't know any of them but didn't feel like a total stranger. I was going to sing with the band, but then I realized I didn't know the song, so I invited another guy to take the microphone.

Meanwhile, there was an iron bar where people were exercising, similar to one I have in the yard, and I went there to do some pull ups with them. I started showing off, first doing pull ups with just one arm, then with just one finger, the index, and then the pinky.

They started staring at me, but I was having fun and didn't interact with anyone. Then after the band finished playing they all decided to sit around and talk to get to know each other. A group of people invited me to sit with them, one guy and two or three girls.

We started talking about religion. I said I was very much into the nymphs of Greek myths, but I didn't tell them I had one, because I didn't know them or their intentions. I asked what they were into. They said it was somewhat complicated to talk about, then I said "Oh, I'm assuming you are demons then."

After saying that the girl sitting in front of me revealed her true face, a monster with her mouth opened, hissing like a cat. I said "Chill out guys, I want no problem with you, as long as you don't attack me it's fine, if you do then I'll destroy you."

I was bluffing, I had nothing in mind, and I dislike the idea of making threats, but I did it anyway, which angered them and resulted in them standing up and getting ready to attack me.

As soon as they moved towards me, an invisible force decapitated the three of them, the guy and two girls. There was a woman behind me to the right side, I had assumed she was one of them, but I may be wrong. I stood up and before walking away told her "You take care of yourself.", implying that she got lucky because she didn't try to do me any harm. But maybe she was an angel protecting me, because she stood behind me like a bodyguard, like an angel would do.

Had I realized that she was the one who helped me I would have been nicer, perhaps I was ungrateful.

Ordnael 31-08-2023 04:28 AM

From yesterday:

I was in my bedroom, apparently in the apartment where I lived when I was a teenager. Don't know what time it was. It could have been my birthday party, there was a group of people there with me dancing, but I was lying on the floor, rotating like a disc amongst them.

Yeah, weird, I was the odd one out, while they were all standing and dancing like normal people, which indicates to me, based on previous experiences, that they were higher beings.

It was playing the song Spiderwebs, by No Doubt. So I was there rotating, singing joyfully and hitting the floor to the rythm of the music. Before the song was over most of them left the room and departed. Only one girl stood there and she called me, because she wanted to say bye.

I stood up and kissed her on the cheek. We were sweaty, so I didn't want to french kiss her, which makes no sense because I kissed her sweaty cheek instead. It was her, after she left I woke up.

The song was hopefully just a random, enjoyable tune and no one is pursuing her. The other dreams I had didn't show any problem.

Fun fact: the song didn't yet exist when I lived there, between 93-94.

Ordnael 11-09-2023 04:28 PM

Magic cave
A difficult experience to understand and explain, it was kinda similar to the dream "Someplace above". It was something that happened in the past, inside a cave. There were explorers entering the cave looking for ancient treasures. One of them had a weapon, and as he delved deeper and deeper inside the cave the nymphs saw him and started tormenting him. He went mad and started shooting everywhere, but could only hit the air since they were spirits.

I was invisible following those human explorers, like a ghost from the future witnessing the past. I thought it was stupid that the man was afraid of the nymphs, but his mind was weak, so he couldn't help it. Then came a psychic man and he went further inside the cave. He found a large hall where he started performing a ritual, he was summoning a spirit, a great daimon.

I was scared because I knew he was calling a powerful spirit, and the spirit would be able to see me following and spying on them, even though I wasn't there at the time when the event occurred.

I tried to get out of the way of the spirit before he arrived, because I knew that he would move around the hall. I chose a spot in a corner and stood there. The spirit came out of hidden chambers of the cave, and he was shiny, luminous and beautiful. Even though I was trying to avoid him, he bumped into me as he floated around in the hall. I moved to another area, next to a wall and watched. The spirit possessed the psychic man, then he closed his eyes and stood still.

Now I was scared of that man, I knew that he would see me when he opened his eyes, so I magically hid inside the walls of the cave. This trick rarely works, it works on humans and sometimes works on demons, but it wouldn't work against that spirit.

I floated downwards and deeper inside the rocks, but then decided to float upwards, and though I felt like I had entered the rock, I didn't see it, so there was no visible barrier between me and the possessed psychic. He was at the center of my view, all he had to do was to turn around and open his eyes and he would see me, but he just stood there, quiet, peaceful and motionless.

Ordnael 18-10-2023 05:17 PM

Prayers in a hospital hallway
Given the current state of affairs, I assume they were palestinians, maybe nurses in a hospital hallway, about 12 people, 11 men and at least one boy, about 10 years old.

They were kneeling in prayer, with their eyes closed, backs against the walls, side by side. Half of them standing in front of the other half, so there were 6 people praying in front of each other.

The place looked clean, tidy, and there was light. I came from the corridor around the corner and watched them. The boy who was the first in his row perceived me, though I was invisible. He turned his head, opened his eyes and smiled at me. I was crying, I felt sorry abut what is going on, I waved to him, but he just smiled, like seeing me was the reason why he was praying.

Then he closed his eyes and continued praying there with the others, no one else saw me. I vanished after that and woke up.

I don't know how I appeared to him, hopefully not like a crying man, that vision couldn't make someone happy. Maybe I gave him hope, but I was crying because I couldn't assure him that things would be alright.

The divinity doesn't side with people or groups, it sides with principles. If among 1.000 people there's only one righteous, the divinity is with that person. But when wickedness abounds, the divinity is hindered, because it acts through the righteous ones. And if that one person is to suffer and die, and he remains good, he is blessed, since he is the embodiment of the true love.

Ordnael 03-11-2023 09:54 PM

No intervention this time
It was in another reality, daytime, probably afternoon. The place was huge, a majestic empire. There was this gate of unimaginable size and a dragon behind it, like a bull behind bars waiting to be released in a rodeo.

He was far away, don't know how far, it was a great distance. I was one among 30 warriors ready to do battle with the dragon, I was holding a big sword, confident that we could do the job.

The gate was opened, but before the dragon escaped he blew a wind towards us. It wasn't fire like in the movies, just his breath, and it knocked down most, if not all of the warriors there, except me. It pushed me backwards a few steps, but I stood still.

Then I noticed we were being watched, not by normal people, I dare say they were gods in the sky, and they applauded and cheered me up when the saw that I could withstand the attack.

When I realized the size of the beast I had no idea how I could defeat it, but I used magic again, my traditional energy bombs. I threw it at him, a coconut-sized, transluscent, green ball of energy, almost invisible. Actually, I didn't even see if my magic was working, I simply imagined I was throwing energy at him, gestured, and eventually it appeared.

It was nothing to him, the dragon just sent it back to me, but I could still control it, so I pushed it out of my way. I decided to use a different strategy, since I was small, I could use it to my advantage. I changed my magic and attacked him again, and this time it was a success. Don't wanna say exactly what I did because it was the first time I tried something like this, so I have to experiment some more with it.

Anyway, I attacked one of his eyes, and it impaired him greatly, then I attacked the other eye, and he was almost done. But I thought that doing this from such a great distance, no one would even know I was the one who killed him. I approached him, and with my sword tried to behead the dragon. The blade only went halfway through his neck.

What a blunder, my clumsiness was starting to show. I remembered what my Higher-Self did last time, swinging and banging the beast against the ground, so I did that. It wasn't nearly as impressive or powerful as my Higher-Self did it, didn't look very professional at all, but it worked, the beast was dead.

I suppose my experience was a battle in the sky, something to do with the weather.

Ordnael 05-11-2023 09:58 PM

A different type of dream I have sometimes
In these dreams I see things through the eyes of someone else, a random person in a random situation. In this one I was a girl in high school, sitting quietly in the classroom. There were three girls sitting in the back spreading lies about me, talking menacingly, telling others I have said I thought a certain girl was fat.

I never said that, so I stared at them innocently and uninterested, as if they were talking about someone else. They probably wanted that girl to beat me up. One would think that if you're quiet and on your own, no one will bother you, but it's the opposite, that's when they start picking on you, because they want you to be as evil as they are.

I accidentally dropped an object from my table, and when I got up to grab it another girl came and kicked it. They started laughing at me. I confronted that girl, asking her why she was being so rude, but she was almost getting physically aggressive. Then yet another girl, a fifth one, pretending to be the voice of reason in the room, sided with all the other girls saying I was being rude for starting an argument. She was talking and talking, but everything she was saying proved that I was right and they were wrong. So, I just assumed she was siding with me. I agreed with every word she said, saying, "Yes, you're right, they don't have to be so mean."

I just pretended that she was defending me and thanked her. She didn't want to openly attack me like the others, but she clearly didn't want to be my friend either. I went to talk to her and ask her name. I spoke to her so nicely and treated her so well that she turned her face away from me in shame and started crying. She was walking away, but I insisted in wanting to befriend her, since she was the least evil girl there. I followed her.

Then suddenly a spirit came and grabbed my hand, pulling me in the opposite direction. I couldn't see it, it took me through a hallway, as if saying "Leave these people behind, they're not good for you." I knew it was taking me to heaven, but I couldn't see it either, I just saw colours and bubbles.

Ordnael 12-11-2023 11:18 AM

Gang of thugs
It was early evening. I was myself but I was doing things that I don't do. I was at a convenience store looking for a chocolate bar. In reality I don't buy chocolate bars, I make my own desserts.

The woman there was nice and helpful, she searched the whole store but couldn't find what I wanted. I was helping her find the chocolate I liked. She moved to an aisle closer to the cashier and found one under some stuff. It wasn't the one I was looking for, it was all battered, broken in pieces and a bit melted. I decided that thing wasn't good and I wasn't going to buy it. I thanked the woman and left the store.

She was upset that after all her effort I didn't like the product, even though it was obviously not something someone should be selling. I was leaving through a corridor when I saw a guy holding a knife in a threatening way next to me. He didn't say a word.

I acted like I wasn't bothered and continued walking at the same pace, showing no concern. I passed him by and placed my hand under my shirt next to my belly button, so that he would think I had a gun. In reality I despise weapons.

I turned my head and looked back at him, he didn't move. He fell for it and gave up trying to come after me. When I reached the outside there was a whole gang sitting around the exit, about 20 people. They started talking among themselves when they saw me, as if I was their prey.

I'm used to these dreams, they usually end up in a big fight where I become lucid and start smashing their (demons) heads against the ground, but sometimes I'm shot, stabbed and hit in multiple ways, without suffering much damage at all.

Not wanting to go through that, I called my Higher-Self, saying "Come, manifest, possess me." Immediately after summoning him, a guy appeared to confront those thugs. He was surely a tough dude and I knew he could take on all of them. Then my Higher-Self appeared in front of me to escort me.

He looked like a typical angel, a bit taller than me. We were walking and I was talking to him, but the whole time he just smiled and said absolutely nothing.

I'm educated, I know one can't speak directly to a deity, even if he is right next to you, it is necessary to have an intermediary to convey the message from the person to the deity and vice-versa, which in my case is the nymph. I asked him where she was, but he just answered "Hello."

I assumed he was reproaching me for asking about her in his divine presence. I meant no disrespect, it's just that I picture us three together. "Hello", I replied to him and explained how grateful I was that he appeared, otherwise I would be stuck in a nightmare.

I asked about what I should do in case something like that happened in real life, and I answered the question myself, saying that "I wouldn't mind being killed as I don't love the body."

I asked him about the deities in heaven, and said I can't wait to be with them. He was guiding me to safety, and before the dream ended I requested that whenever he wants to tell me something, just speak to my heart and my mind, because even if I'm able to hear his voice in my dream, I might end up forgetting it and not understanding.

Ordnael 27-11-2023 07:56 PM

Green tinted A.P. and a Hermetic dream
From Saturday, November 25

Prayed before going to bed and had many experiences. The most remarkable were an astral projection in my room, followed by a dream rich in symbolism.

I was in trance and used the 'spinning technique' to create momentum and separate my astral body from the physical. I spun for a very long time before I managed to escape, it took a lot of effort. When I was out-of body I saw myself in the bedroom, but I couldn't hear anything, so I tried to make some noise by moving and striking objects around me.

After a while I gained my hearing and started singing, praising the Lord. Then I found myself in the middle of the room washing marbles inside a plastic bowl filled with soap foam. There were hundreds of marbles, I have no idea what I was doing, I only knew I had to wash them.

I was singing to keep myself stable and the negativity away. My vision was black and white, there were no colors from the beginning. I decided to open the window. It wasn't easy because it was windy. I finally made it, and it was sunny outside. The light that shone inside the room brought some colors, but not all of them, there was a green tint everywhere, but it was now way better than before.

There was a book on the windowsill and it had a drawing on it, it was clearly the most important object in the experience. It showed a deity riding on a dragon or lion. It was beautiful and powerful. Unlike my reality where some colors were missing, the drawing had all the colors and it was amazing. It was probably showing Christ, since I was praising him, or my Higher Self.

I was admiring it for some time before I woke up.

The dream that followed...

I was in a great, bright, sumptuous palace, when I noticed my nymph bathing next to me in a small indoors pool. I wasn't in the water with her, just standing there observing the place. Then I noticed two lions, one to the right next to the wall, about 4 meters (13 feet) away, and one in front of us but somewhat far, more to the left.

I thought "Hey, this is very dangerous!" The one to the right was a female, and it was standing still, observing us, crouching. The one to the left scared me more, because it was moving around, it was a male, and it might come running after us at any moment.

My nymph didn't seem worried about them at all, she was bathing peacefully there, but I thought I needed to protect us. My survival instinct kicked in and I decided to attack the lions and scare them away.

I imagined I had a bow and arrows, and started shooting my arrows at the lion that was far from us. His roar was 'terrifying'. He didn't do anything to threaten us, except being there. I could hear his thunderous voice loud and clear, and I should have been more afraid than I really was.

I didn't see the bow, I didn't see the arrows, and I didn't see him being hit, though I thought that what I was doing was causing him some pain. Maybe they were not a threat, because it wasn't a normal human situation, it was a celestial vision. On earth those lions would clearly be dangerous, but over there perhaps they weren't and I was worried in vain.

The lions didn't do anything to us, and my attacks were futile.

Ordnael 27-11-2023 07:59 PM

Walking on the water again
Yesterday I was wondering if my sister/mother could go to the Elysian Fields when she leaves this world, her name even resembles the name of that realm.

I had this dream today where I was talking to her, but I was using great irony, because I was congratulating her for her sins. Then I told her I would never do the things that she does, nor engage much with this world, because I'm not from this human realm, but from above.

I began trying to show her and my mother/grandmother (with whom I want no contact) my spiritual powers. It was afternoon, a bucolic landscape of a river and woods. They were sitting but not caring much about what I was doing. I started walking in the air, as if I was crossing an invisible bridge.

They didn't pay much attention, then I said, "Look, you're gonna love this." I descended a bit and started walking on the water, like a ghost. My sister/mother was watching, so I invited her to try and do the same.

For a moment I sank a bit, and told her "See, if I was completely perfect I wouldn't sink." Then with some effort I managed to rise to the surface again and was doing well.

She entered the water of the river, but couldn't walk on it at all, her body sunk completely, so I stretched out my hand to her and tried to pull her up. I asked her "Do you know this scene?"

She couldn't do it, but I didn't let go of her.

Ordnael 02-12-2023 07:12 PM

Summoning winds
Another dream with my sister/mother. It was nighttime, there was a fire in her apartment, she was in the living room. Two bedrooms were burning down and there was a lot of smoke, so I couldn't see the extent of the damage, but it was a big, deadly fire.

I was immune, so I entered the first room and summoned a wind spirit to help fight the flames. The spirit came and created a whirlwind inside the room, then it 'captured' the fire and the smoke and went out the window. The room was clean and it had no damage.

The same thing happened in the other room, but after the second whirlwind left there was an orange/yellow afterglow resembling the fire that was there before.

Today in waking reality my sister tells me that my brother/uncle left her with a debt of 12k because of a house she had rented for him in the city, and now he moved to the beach. In my dreams he is always peeing around the house like a dog. Mind you, they're in their 60's. I don't know if all she says is true, but I suggested she cut relations with him.

Ordnael 08-12-2023 12:49 AM

I don't know if they come to me when the time is right (in brainwave terms), if I go somewhere with my consciousness and meet them there, or if they're around and I simply become aware of them in my sleep, but there is a sequence of events.

First I lay down to sleep. My thoughts are very pure, I perceive no presence and no external interference.

After some time I may notice like a door has opened and someone is entering, supposedly in my bedroom. At this point I don't know who it is, it could be a friendly spirit, like my nymph, or it could be someone else.

Then I see scripts within a frame. I don't know if the frame is a screen, it doesn't occupy my whole view. There are a series of frames with scripts in a strange language. They vaguely look like mathematical symbols. I don't know if they are from any known language, could be totally alien. They remind me a little of Linear A, just for the sake of comparison.

I 'recognize' the scripts as being the soul signature of my nymph. It could be something else, it could be that they are talking to me on the unconscious level, and what I'm seeing in trance is the visual manifestation of that communication.

Then I fall asleep and have a vision. Today we were together in a sepia color animation, embracing and flowing like a sweet perfume in the breeze.

The dreams that follow through the night don't necessarily have any connection with these events. So, it feels in my sleep like there is the human reality where I'm just lying in bed, this parallel reality where I experienced the contact (which some could interpret as being the real-time zone of the Astral Plane), and the dream reality.

Ordnael 14-12-2023 12:28 PM

Rejecting Lilith
In my interpretation, Lilith is the false gift, the one who will pretend to be a partner, but lacks the qualities. Like in the story of Cinderella, many may want to fit the shoe, but it belongs to only one, the true bride and counterpart.

And how does Adam find out if he is with Eve or Lilith? The trials of time will prove each one's worth.

My fairy is a special guide, she's wise, virtuous, good and powerful, she doesn't let me down and is always there when things are most difficult. But there can be interferences, not different from life with a human partner, except that in my case I have to deal with demons.

Tonight it was difficult. In trance I was hearing only demonic voices, I couldn't hear my own thoughts. They were full of hate and darkness, and in my thoughts I was trying to laugh about it and think of love, but I wasn't hearing myself because they were so loud.

In a dream I was in the house where many pets died and also my granny. It was a cloudy afternoon. There were family members in the backyard playing with puppies. First I was talking about how I'm allergic to dogs with long fur, then I started flying around pretending to be walking up the steps of an invisible stairway, 'the stairway to heaven'. They didn't care abut it.

I decided to leave them and meet my fairy. As I floated away from the house I asked her to 'abduct' me. I never used that word before, but I really wanted to be lifted up to the sky quickly.

It was a stormy day with lightnings, it wasn't pleasant. A force started pulling me to the left. I wasn't afraid of the lightning as I floated in the sky, but I wondered if I could be struck by one and what would happen.

I flew over a city landscape, buildings, houses, not much nature at all. The landscape wasn't particularly beautiful according to my standards. Anyway, I asked my Higher Self to prevent me from waking up, because being carried away often makes me excited and lose focus.

I was taken inside a mall, which I know from experience isn't a very interesting astral place. There a woman grabbed my hand and started walking with me, as I searched for my fairy. Well, I assumed it was her and kissed her, but there was something off.

I asked her how her fairy business was doing. And she said "I was never a fairy". Then I asked "So, you aren't a nymph then?", and she replied with sadness "Oh, no". "You are a demon?", I asked. Then she revealed herself and started crying, dissolving her body like jelly slime.

Disappointed, I prayed that God sent to me my counterpart, but suddenly I lost my voice and couldn't speak anymore. Maybe I was taken inside a dark cloud, there were 'people' walking around, coming in and going out the doors, but none of them approached me or payed attention to me. That place was hopeless, then I woke up.

When I was awake I asked my nymph in thought what happened, and she said "You rejected Lilith."

Ordnael 18-12-2023 07:46 PM

Candle Song, by Ugly Kid Joe, is the song I tried to sing with the fairies in that dream (Post #9 21-01-2020). Two male fairies, one playing the guitar and the other one singing, it was incredible. I can sing that song perfectly well in waking reality, but in that dream my performance was awful and I was embarrassed.

To me it was an advice that I needed to find my divine partner, because "my ship's got a hole in the side. I'm all alone, me and my daydreams at night."

Ordnael 19-12-2023 01:02 PM

How can I talk about this?

It is probably clear by now to those reading my experiences that what I want the most is to ascend to the higher planes of existence. In some of my dreams I do that, but I don't often share because they are very personal. Who would believe a guy that says that he can go to heaven when he sleeps?

I share the ones that are more easily relatable, and keep the others to myself. I have a solitary and pious life, like a hermit, and I believe that these experiences are a reward for my discipline, as Aristotle said, "Patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet."

So, according to my studies there are many planes of existence. Earth is not the lowest, but it is beneath the heavens. The heaven above the Earth is what we call the First. The higher the heaven, the farther it is from Earth. The third and beyond are eternal realms.

These eternal realms are inhabited by divine beings of different kinds, like animals, people, and even things that are inanimate objects on Earth, like a musical instrument, can be a living being there.

Many times it is just a glimpse, like a stare through a window. Today I'm not sure how I got there, I had many experiences before this one but I don't recall with certainty how they are connected. I was there staring out the window of a room, it was large. The exterior shutter was made of clouds, and I intuitively and politely asked it to open a bit more. It obeyed, it was alive.

The view outside was astonishing. Immense mountains covered with beautiful, almost cartoon like dwellings. I recognized it as a kingdom. My language is limited and I'm pretty bad at describing things, I'm not good with details and I don't like to embellish things. It was simply a surreal, fantasy type of place, yet very real.

I wanted to know where I was, I knew it was heaven, but which one? Then I looked in the air and an exotic and delicate blue bird, with a long thin tail was flying in front of my window, not very close. If I knew about birds perhaps I could compare it to a known specie, but all I can say is that it was flying so smoothly, swiftly and effortlessly, resembling a hummingbird, except that its wings didn't have to flap so fast.

It worked with the window shutter, why not give it a try? I asked "Hey buddy, what heaven is this?", "Four.", he said with an elegant male voice. "Oh, nice, thank you very much. Enjoy your flight, sir."

Don't know if he said anything else, but I woke up not long after that interaction.

Ordnael 20-12-2023 03:30 PM

The ascension plan
Here's what I think is going on between me and the fairy, could be the plot of a movie.

Maybe I was one of the immortals there in heaven. Then I fell in love with this girl, one of the daughters of Zeus, and I came down to be with her. I wanted her to join me in the higher realms, but the other immortals did not agree. Being my lover did not give her the qualifications to be accepted there. I could be wrong, hope I'm not offending her, it's just a hypothesis I came up with.

We made a plan together, I would incarnate on Earth and she would take care of me, like my angel, this way through her good work she would acquire the merit necessary to be received in the realms above, sort of like Psyche who loved Eros and endured hardships and trials because of him.

She's probably been helping me since I was born, long before I even acknowledged her existence and presence, a consequence of the water of forgetfulness I was made to drink.

The rulers of Chaos would not make it easy for us, we would have to struggle to conquer death and win eternal life. It has to be an epic, not just any silly tale, the story of a love that transcends space and time.

That's why I was told by them to remain single, because it's been said that those of us who woo the clay lose their wings at the dawn of day.

Then one day we met in a dream ...

Ordnael 26-12-2023 04:54 PM

Hanging out at a concert
A short encounter. It was early evening, a band that I like was playing and I was standing next to the singer, who died almost 30 years ago. I don't think it was actually him, and I don't think I was on the stage, maybe he was singing in the audience.

Then my girl was passing by and we met there, we enjoyed the show together. I wasn't lucid enough to recognize that it was really her, neither to question that it could have been someone pretending to be her. I just knew that it was her and there was nothing strange going on to make me doubt it, everything was ok.

Funny thing, once we met in a dream where there was a heavy metal band playing. She was wearing a mask and told me she didn't like the music. I love heavy metal, so our tastes in music are different, although I know why she doesn't like it, because of negative forces. This time it was a soft rock band and she was having a good time.

In trance before I fell asleep I noticed a presence next to me, twice. Didn't notice a door opening or the script. Was just confident that it was her because I hoped hostile beings would not approach me like that so boldly.

Ordnael 27-12-2023 04:35 PM

Fearlessness vs incredible fear
Once I had a friend who was afraid of dogs, no matter how small they were, poodles, pinschers, he was terrified of them, it was hilarious. I'm not like that, I consider myself a fearless person, it is something I train for as part of my spiritual devotion. If you put me in a nightmare where I'm afraid of a poodle, it makes absolutely no sense to me, it would be a nightmare to that friend of mine, not me.

But there are dreams where I'm so scared by silly things that it puzzles me, I must be dreaming in someone else's shoe.

It was not the case in this first dream, I was myself and acting rationally. There was a disagreement between me and some monks in a temple. I entered a room to talk to the person who was showing hatred towards me, when suddenly he picked up a shovel and threatened to hit me with it. I didn't flinch and peacefully allowed him to do it. He hit me in the top of my head with the metal part with all his strength. In real life that would have certainly killed me. I was unmoved, possessed by the spirit of power, I simply told him "You can't defeat a true son of God." and departed from him.

I was happy about that dream, because I had the perfect attitude. In later dreams I had to put up a fight with demons, but I don't want to describe those because they were filled with violent visions that don't please me.

The last couple of dreams I had before waking up annoyed me greatly, because I was running away from dangers trying to avoid death at all costs. I woke up with my heart racing and feeling tired.

In this dream I was in a type of summer camp arranged by the school. Suddenly I noticed two enormous planes in the sky, side by side, and one of them on the left started flapping wings like a bird. I pointed my finger at it and told everyone to look at them. They were behaving so strangely, it was like they were going to crash, but they didn't, they just floated in the air as if they were alive.

Not understanding what was going on and believing we were in great danger, I went to the gate to open it so that we could run away in case the planes crashed next to us. The explosion would surely hit us. There was a lock, but fortunately I had the key. I opened the gates and released all the kids, but the monitors and teachers didn't like it. They all ran away to the right of the street, while I ran away to the left, believing I was going in the opposite direction to where the planes might crash.

They didn't crash, nothing happened, but I was just terrified of those two aeroplanes.

Ordnael 05-01-2024 02:04 AM

Sorry to hear about the injured pilot and the ones who died in the smaller plane, they were good people who died trying to help others.

The crew of the commercial plane did an excellent job, releasing everyone quickly from the burning aircraft, congratulations to them for avoiding a greater tragedy.

My salute to Japan.

Ordnael 23-01-2024 05:05 PM

Investigating a strange couple
Maintaining the bedroom door opened helps the energy flow better and I have more intense experiences. Unlike the previous weeks when I was keeping it just slightly open, tonight my dreams were more profound and vivid.

This one was not the best experience of the night, but it stood out because it was in English, which is not my first language.

We had a trio of investigators, me a guy and a girl (possibly the fairy). I was receiving informations on one side and passing to them on the other. It was about a couple who was committing crimes or infractions.

The information I received was about the colour of clothes that they were wearing, 'purple', appeared written on a paper sheet, maybe sent from above. I informed my colleagues, who followed their tracks to a bar.

Strangely, when I looked a second time at the paper, the word changed. I wasn't able to read it anymore, it was now something like 'cjasepurplejpbw'.

I decided to go after my partners to check out what was happening. We saw the woman talking with someone, she was standing in front of the bar counter. We were listening to her conversation when she said the words "Have they tasted the truth?", that was the code, we knew that they were attacking people in order to help them 'see the truth'.

We went there to confront her, then her companion appeared. They were syzygy, like an androgynous creature split in half. Not sure if they were nordics or albinos. We just stared at each other for a while, like curious babies examinating one another. Then we bursted out laughing, we sympathized, but me and my colleagues didn't like their method of doing things.

They wanted people to suffer to taste the truth, while we believed that we should simply show people the way and let them make their choices freely.

I wanted them to tell me what they were doing, so I tried the diplomatic path first. I stretched out my hand to greet the guy, but he pulled my hand towards him in a perverted way. He was a douche.

Meanwhile I saw something on his girlfriend's face that wasn't there before, or was invisible. It was like a wooden bead keychain. I plucked it out of her nose and told her someone is already mocking them for their activities.

The guy wanted to dismiss me and walk away, so he made a magic gesture to get me out of his way, which had no effect. I told him that that wouldn't work on me.

I shouldn't be disrespected, we were doing angelic work, me and my colleagues. I was like "Dude, you will talk to me, I am divine." but he didn't believe it and replied "Stop me if you can, then." and started leaving.

I pulled him and cornered him, and said with authority, "You will talk." He was scared and convinced now, but I woke up before the interrogation.

Ordnael 28-01-2024 06:53 PM

Feast of the Gods
It was a beautiful afternoon on the Elysian Fields... an educated guess. I was on the floor half-awake, relaxing while surrounded by many other people. Some of them were sitting, and others just lying on the floor like me. It resembled a lot those paintings called The Feast of The Gods, when they celebrated marriages such as the one of Thetis and Peleus, Acis and Galatea.

My leg was touching the leg of my nymph, who was sitting with other people. I could hardly keep my eyes open, but then she came to me and called me. I stood up and we kissed.

I'm not sure about myself but she wasn't clothed. Ok, the rest is censored. She was leading me through a corridor to a room where we would have more privacy, but I woke up before we got there.

Ordnael 03-02-2024 09:34 PM

It was daytime. I was at the top of a mountain observing a movie on a screen that was hanging in the air, and also seeing the landscape below, the ocean, the beach and rocky mountains. My view was remarkably clear and vivid.

Initially it appeared as if I wasn't inside the vision, just observing the screen, but then as I started interacting with the environment I entered it.

The mountain where I was was made of pure sand. The movie was showing the huge rocky mountain shore below. It could actually have been a window instead of a screen, but a technological one.

I was able to 'zoom in' to see details of the mountain below. When I did, there were people small as ants at the foot of the rocks beside the sea.

There were cuts on the face of the rocks resembling writings, but that were clearly extremely old and weathered. These cuts were huge also, possibly made by giants or gods a long time ago.

I reached into the sand and picked up a handful of it, letting it fall slowly like an hourglass. Then I decided to descend. I hopped on the sand and it took me downwards vertically, like an elevator instead of landslide, it was kinda magical.

Then I was at the beach. There I saw a small store and entered it. I became aware that I was only wearing a pair of swim trunks, which in real life would have made me extremely embarrassed, but not in the dream.

I went to the left to see the products and didn't look at the clerk, who was behind me, behind the counter, on the right side of the store.

I did say 'Hi', though, almost turning to see the person while avoiding to look directly at them. It was a lady, there was nobody else there. She came to talk to me and show some attention, which I appreciated.

She brought a tray with food that I didn't recognize. It looked like breaded and fried slices of who knows what. I declined the offer, but we shook hands and became friends.


I don't know who she was, I didn't recognize her as my nymph, but maybe it was her. It reminded me of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Beside the sea she lives, the woman of the vine, the maker of wine; Siduri sits in the garden at the edge of the sea, with the golden bowl and the golden vats that the gods gave her. She is covered with a veil; and where she sits she sees Gilgamesh coming towards her, wearing skins, the flesh of the gods in his body, but despair in his heart, and his face like the face of one who has made a long journey. She looked, and as she scanned the distance she said in her own heart, ‘Surely this is some felon; where is he going now? And she barred her gate against him with the cross-bar and shot home the bolt.

I'd say Siduri was his nymph, but she rejected him because he was a brute. Instead, she told him to go find God first, in the form of Utnapishtim, his Higher Self.

Then Gilgamesh said to Utnapishtim the Faraway, ‘I look at you now, Utnapishtim, and your appearance is no different from mine; there is nothing strange in your features. I thought I should find, you like a hero prepared for battle, but you lie here taking your ease on your back. Tell me truly, how was it that you came to enter the company of the gods and to possess everlasting life?'

...It was not I that revealed the secret of the gods; the wise man learned it in a dream...

Ordnael 04-02-2024 08:18 PM

I wish I didn't have to be talking about this, but it could be educational.

Something that happens in my country is that when a member of the security forces dies from a criminal attack, they go there and attack the community to retaliate and avenge the deceased. In a similar way that is currently happening in Gaza. My city is neat, small and considered safe, so I'm far from those dangerous areas.

In this dream I was with a friend playing ball at a square or park. It was a big area full of kids playing and at leasure. I was a kid too, but I didn't know the others there. My dream-friend is also unknown in reality.

We were throwing a small ball to one another, then a girl appeared and joined us. He threw the ball to me, I threw it to her, and she threw it to him. It was all nice and cool until cops raided the area.

There was nothing strange or suspicious going on before they arrived, but they came with bombs and dispersing the crowd with batons. The kids were scared and ran away, we were surrounded.

Though it was a chaotic situation I was calm, and made a magic gesture to evoke my Higher Self to give me his power. I was curious about what the cops would do to me, if they would try to hit me, and what I would be able to do to defend myself if necessary.

Suddenly, one of the cops grabbed my arm, the one I used to perform the magic, and started protecting me. That sure was a surprise, I really didn't expect that. They were calling me by my name. He said 'Let (my name) pass.', and escorted me to a safer area. I didn't see them doing the same to anybody else. I wondered if my Higher Self had possessed him, or if he disguised himself as one of them.

I thought it was really nice of him, but I was sorry for the others, and as a kid I started crying and asking them not to harm the innocent. He said 'Alright.', but he obviously couldn't control his partners, they were very angry.

So, it is clear that my Higher Self is protecting me and doesn't want me to suffer any injustice, but one day I will die, which means that he will eventually allow something to happen to me in order to release me from this world.

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