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Still_Waters 04-05-2024 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
In truth
death does not exist,

I agree that physical death is no more than a transition from one phase of existence to another.

I stumbled upon this during my near death experience (NDE) many years ago but did not fully understand the phenomenon of physical death at that time.

Michael K. 04-05-2024 10:43 PM

Blessings Still waters thanks for your input here, yes death is an illusion
fostered by ignorance and fairy tales/

regards michael.

Baile 05-05-2024 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
Blessings Still waters thanks for your input here, yes death is an illusion
fostered by ignorance and fairy tales

Michael, you said the eternal soul doesn't exist, and is essentially obliterated upon its return to the All (my interpretation of your description). How is that any different from most peoples' belief in death?

Serious question from someone who knows there is no death because the soul is eternal. No death, just countless transitions to various vibrational planes. The eternal soul is a worlds traveller if you will. :smile:

P.S. The eternal soul is a worlds traveller, and ascension is just upgrading from economy, to business class, to first class, and so on. Ha!

Unseeking Seeker 05-05-2024 04:52 AM

Interesting observation on soul. Soul is yet a separate identity, be it with or without a human form. For example, In what some call the void experience, if we are there experiencing it, be it inky black or whatever, it is as yet duality.

In singularity, all is one and we (minus identity) are that self-existent light, renewing itself within itself, in ineffable peace and feeling complete. That said, I don’t think this recognition is the end of the road; if anything, it is a new beginning but that’s just my view. I’m sure Michael will offer his view on the matter as of his understanding.

Baile 05-05-2024 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Soul is yet a separate identity, be it with or without a human form. For example, In what some call the void experience, if we are there experiencing it, be it inky black or whatever, it is as yet duality.

Dear Unseeking Seeker, I've had metaphysical experiences in which I was transported to a vibrational plane that I equate to where it is that the soul resides in-between incarnations.

It was the brightest white! And while my sense of individuality remained, I did not experience duality. If I shifted my awareness field outward, I felt part of everything. If I shifted my awareness field inward, I felt everything as part of me.

Unseeking Seeker 05-05-2024 05:38 AM

@ Baile ~ to be truthful, initially I could never understand non-duality. I recall my failed attempt to comprehend Nisargadatta Datta’s book ‘I Am That’. Now, it’s a breeze!

Also, I have been graced by several spiritual experiences. Sure, it’s wonderful but all in duality, in a subject-object relationship. This includes the kundalini, void experience* (*there are several voids), telepathy, wisdom downloads, visit to realms etc. in all, there was me, a limited entity, as an experiencer of something external (or internal) happening. So not singularity.

One day, in a meditational immersion, I ‘saw’ my ego fall off, just the way a dead leaf falls off a tree. All that then remained was the light of Self in singularity, soft white, renewing itself within itself, outside space-time, complete, with full freedom and without attributes. Nothing was gained since I as the I Am always was, is and will be this. This was different from Samadhi since here there is freedom, in samadhi, also singularity but without freedom.

To your experience, I’d say that as long as we are separate from the all, we are in duality. Singularity is one. There is no-thing there.

Baile 05-05-2024 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
as long as we are separate from the all

That seems to be the part you missed in my description. I didn't experience separateness. I experienced oneness. My eternal soul -- my I Am -- experienced only oneness with everything, regardless of my shifting awareness field.

Unseeking Seeker 05-05-2024 05:59 AM

@ Baille # 27 ~ ah yes, of course, sorry about that.

As we reminisce, I recall that once I became the breath of God, breathing all forms. On another occasion, I found that I was not in the universe but rather, the universe was in me! Still here, I’d say, if I am there and God / His breath is there and there is the activity of breathing in all forms, it is not singularity. Likewise, if the universe is in me, then we have two objects, the separate me and the universe, so not singularity.

The rabbit hole goes in deep.

Once, I was, as formless awareness, in perfect stillness, as awareness self-aware, present in a translucent void of no-thingness where there was neither darkness nor light, humming silently with potent power. I remained there for over two hours. Good, profound but not singularity. My identity even if formless was there in the void but not as the void.

Singularity is a total dropping away of everything, in my view. It is the disappearance of the comet’s tail, so to speak. I would not know how to express it actually. We don’t become one with something else; we are the one without a second.

Baile 05-05-2024 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
As we reminisce, I recall that once I became the breath of God, breathing all forms. On another occasion, I found that I was not in the universe but rather, the universe was in me!

That first description is breathtakingly (no pun intended) beautiful. Your second description was my experience, exactly, exclamation point included. :hug3:

Baile 05-05-2024 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Once, I was, as formless awareness, in perfect stillness, as awareness self-aware, present in a translucent void of no-thingness where there was neither darkness nor light, humming silently with potent power. I remained there for over two hours. Good, profound but not singularity. My identity even if formless was there in the void but not as the void.

That sounds similar to my experiences. The reason I don't discount it in the way you do, is because I'm not focused on questions concerning the void. The void I give over to the void. My focus is on my eternal soul and its ongoing evolution journey. The void to me is unknowable, is the All. I'm aware I am but dust in the wind in relation to the All. And I'm perfectly okay with that. I focus on what I can and do know, which is my soul evolution and progression.

A difference in spiritual interest and focus, and not necessarily conclusion. :smile:

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