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55Degrees 18-06-2019 02:46 PM

The majority of the deck is faces, only 5 cards have no people on them. The way the artist has created the cards means most of the faces are looking at you (eye contact can be so meaningful) almost compelling you to examine your emotions, actions and motives.

The images where the person us looking somewhere else still beckons you to follow them, to explore what they are sensing (I don't know if this makes sense haha).

I'll post a few images here soon and give you my take on them cos it doesn't make much sense when trying to explain it.

FairyCrystal 18-06-2019 04:33 PM

Thanks for the explanation! It is clear, but do feel free to explain with a few images :)
I do think it's a personal thing though? I looked at the deck again on Google Images. What I see is that on most cards the characters don't look at you. Maybe that's coincidence, don't know. And a few, like 8 of Wands, it looks at first glance if she's looking at you, but she isn't.
I found some where the character is, but I don't find it confrontational, hihi. So I think it's personal. I can understand that some decks take you deeper than others.
And I do get what you mean, as the artwork really does seem to 'speak'.
One card that does move me -in a pleasant way- is XV Shadow Dance.

WildHairedWoman 18-06-2019 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon

I have Voyager on the app. It's a very intuitive deck.

I have had the deck for years and like it best. It is intuitive.

55Degrees 19-06-2019 12:49 PM

It's probably because I use them for inner/shadow work that makes them feel confrontational.
I turned over the first 20 cards in the deck out of curiosity and and 8 of them were face front.

So, erm, maybe it's just me :laughing6:

FairyCrystal 20-06-2019 09:11 AM

Hihi, funny how we can perceive things, isn't it!
It is a beautiful deck to do inner work with.

FairyCrystal 24-06-2019 08:11 PM

Doh... I've misplaced an entire deck. I had a pick a card ready, but it didn't happen, now I want to put the cards away, and I can NOT find my Romance Angels card box anywhere.
Lord knows where I'm going to find it at some point. But for now it's most annoying!

Aglaya 29-06-2019 11:57 AM

I was wondering today...which is my rising sign: Taurus or Gemini, and decided to pick a random card on the spread editor. And the answer was so amazingly clear, that I still get goosebumps thinking about it. Just look at this Hierophant cart of Phantasmagoric Theatre!


FairyCrystal 29-06-2019 09:15 PM

That's pretty amazing, yes!
But why didn't you just do a calculation online? Don't you know time of birth and does it change on your birthday?

Aglaya 30-06-2019 04:08 AM

Yes, FairyCrystal, the signs were just changing at the time of my birth. I had ordered a rectification, and it stated that Taurus is my rising sign, yet many of my friends astrologers insist that my more probable ascendant is Gemini.

FairyCrystal 30-06-2019 10:19 AM

Ah, yes, that can be really annoying!

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