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Aset90 29-11-2012 01:46 PM

When others are attuned to synchronicity of you&your twin
Tomorrow marks the first day i will return to Maryland since i graduated almost one year ago. My TF is still there and hating his current relationship. Hes unaware (i think) that im coming, but ill be roughly an hour from him at my bff's new home aka HIS best friends' girlfriend.

I mentioned to my mom that i think ill see/hear from him this weekend. She doesnt know about TF relationships and so on, but she does believe that we are a predestined match and hes some sort of "runner". We dont talk about thr situation often, but i wanted to mention this weekend to her.

This morning she tells me this: "you know ive been going to yoga now for about 4months. I go the same route twice a week and take little notice of my surroundings. For some reason, the other day, i atually do as im driving home, post yoga. I'd always pass this nail salon called 'kevin nail' (his name is kevin), yet i really looked at it and saw that in fact it reads 'kevin & v nail'. (My name begins with a V.) I was shocked and didnt know what to make of it!"

Im not shocked, but i am interested to know if energies can be so ample that OTHERS closest to you can also feel them and even observe synchronicities that are thought to be for me? And i have been asking the divine daily, before i sleep, to please let me know if i will be seeing/hearing from him because we REALLY have some things to talk about...i ddi recieve what i think was a prophetic dream (i got the first interpreted last month by ariadne green. This id a diff one) earlier this week of them breaking up and her falling to pieces and him coming rit back to me (almost same dream)".


frenchbread 29-11-2012 03:31 PM

There are 2 people in my life who know and understand the connection I share with TF and have even been in the presence of a sign or synchronicity. They don't have much to say on it but they can't deny it either.

Spring1988 29-11-2012 04:07 PM

I think my oldest and youngest sisters have seen it, definitely my youngest sister. My youngest sister has witnessed our energy twice. My oldest sister, she said she has always known how I felt about LOML (love of my life). I'm pretty sure she has witnessed our energy a few times.

I think LOML's oldest daughter can see the energy as well. We were all over my oldest sister's house a few weeks ago and I was in the living room with my youngest baby and the rest of the kids along with LOML's oldest daughter. LOML's youngest daughter and my middle daughter are the same age and are friends. So my daughter sometimes goes to LOML's house to play with her daughter. When we were at my sis house in the living room, the two girls were talking about when they were gonna play again at LOML's house. So her oldest daughter looked at me with this huge smile and asked, "Sweetpea was over at my house?" And I said yeah, she was over a few weeks ago with little one. (phew, wipes brow at the tongue twisting daughter speak lololol)

It was an innocent question but it was the look she gave me when she asked that struck me. Then, maybe 10 minutes later, LOML walked past us and smiled at me. About a minute later, she came back and asked me if I wanted a beer and I said yes. So I glanced over at her oldest daughter and she was smiling hard and had this look on her face that best could be described as surprise and knowing.

I've never asked LOML if she has told anyone about us but I guess i wouldn't be a stretch if she did.

Also, LOML's mom's profile pic on a social networking site was a picture of her mom, me, and LOML that was taken in the early 90s (it was actually a big family pic with about 12 people but her mom cropped it so that it was just us three in the profile pic). Now that I think about it, I haven't seen or spoken to her mom since we took that pic.

Element 5 29-11-2012 04:07 PM

Yes this does happen. I have gotten messages for others, and they have gotten them for me. I believe it is a way for our guides to confirm for us that yes, the connection is really happening. It helps us not to doubt, especially when we slip back into that doubt.

Aset90 29-11-2012 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Element 5
Yes this does happen. I have gotten messages for others, and they have gotten them for me. I believe it is a way for our guides to confirm for us that yes, the connection is really happening. It helps us not to doubt, especially when we slip back into that doubt.

Thanks, I agree with this, but of course, was even doubting that. I get so far in belief and then I lose it a little. I read other peoples' synchronistic events and signs; like that they manifest for a definitive signal from the universe that whatever they are thinking is right or something. That very rarely happens to me, instantaneously as others'. I realize there isn't only one way, but sometimes I do think that if one is more spritually attuned then maybe they receive signs quicker?

Who knows. I'll take the indirect sign through my mom as affirmation from above, for me. For this weekend espeically. I'm excited nervous

Jatd 29-11-2012 07:22 PM

Oh absolutely!!! I can't tell you had how many people we had comment to us about us. About our Love, Our Glow.. and this was all before I even realized how much I loved him.

I actually told him I loved him on accident one day! I grabbed my mouth wondering what had just happened.

I had people telling us we were going to get married one day.. etc.. crazy.

umbridge 29-11-2012 10:13 PM

Maybe its right. Funny. :D
On Sunday I really felt my twin and see him in my dream.. and the next day we talked with my mother about the money and she said, that dont worry, you have a husband that could buy you a ring.
its nothing actually..

but thanks for sharing your story.

umbridge 29-11-2012 10:15 PM

its funny, because when my twin is angry at me, he is saying we are not married yet :D LOL.. when i want to discuss my thoughts etc.

CRIMSON BLUE 29-11-2012 11:01 PM

My sister who is also a pisces and very intuitive always points out synchronicities and signs. I was on youtube one day listening to retro music when i clicked a video that led me to another video. This song caught my attention because it had his name in the title. My sister yelled "that's a sign" i listen to the song and it most definitely was a sign.

adbl 29-11-2012 11:38 PM

Happens all the time! Every time we are together with our group of friends, which is rare these days, everyone later says the same thing "man, what is it with you two, you can cut the energy with a knife"!!! And this is from people who do not know about the tf thing or are even spiritual but yes, they can feel the energy and connection between us when we are together. Just another validation i guess :)

VanillaRayne 30-11-2012 02:39 AM

My daughter notices our connection. She says we are just alike. One time she had a dream of us getting married on a tropical island, and the night before I had a dream of him and me being in love on a tropical island (and she didn't know anything about my dream). I was pretty shocked. So yes, I think people who are more spiritually aware would be able to see signs about others they are close to.

Aset90 30-11-2012 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by CRIMSON BLUE
My sister who is also a pisces and very intuitive always points out synchronicities and signs. I was on youtube one day listening to retro music when i clicked a video that led me to another video. This song caught my attention because it had his name in the title. My sister yelled "that's a sign" i listen to the song and it most definitely was a sign.

Wwow i feel you on this one...

smARTistic girl 30-11-2012 03:41 PM

Yep, same here. I've had several people say something to me. One even said it was "like we share a brain". It was a weird thing to say given we had really just met at that time and neither of us knew we loved one another or about the whole twin soul thing. There were also rumors about us when we were at school together, even though we've never even held hands ... people just picked up on our energy and interpreted it for themselves.

Element 5 30-11-2012 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Aset90
Thanks, I agree with this, but of course, was even doubting that. I get so far in belief and then I lose it a little. I read other peoples' synchronistic events and signs; like that they manifest for a definitive signal from the universe that whatever they are thinking is right or something. That very rarely happens to me, instantaneously as others'. I realize there isn't only one way, but sometimes I do think that if one is more spritually attuned then maybe they receive signs quicker?

Who knows. I'll take the indirect sign through my mom as affirmation from above, for me. For this weekend espeically. I'm excited nervous

It usually comes in waves for me. Sometimes the 'messages' are too amazing to deny, and other's I let doubt creep back in. Then something remarkable happens to remind me that it's not my imagination again. That is what our guides are for...to help us with doubt. Ultimately, it's up to us to be open to it. And the more open we are the more miracles happen. Take time daily if possible to just let yourself relax and clear your mind. Meditation is best, but if you can't do it, just stare at a wall and don't think about anything. And above all, ask for your guides to help you. They are there for that very reason.

twincities 03-12-2012 05:04 AM

I have been pondering this one for a while, as it brings back memories from when I first met the woman who is soon to be my ex wife, and a bit bittersweet. When we first met, I swear we were pushed together by the universe, with the relevant part of that story being on an early date, we were out in a park and I swear at least two people that day were telling me to marry her. We thought we were soulmates, or at least used those words once, but clearly things have fallen apart. We learned so much from each other, I can't help but think that we were meant to follow this path and help each other out. Is this what is meant by karmic soul mates?

One of the reasons I believe the TF idea so strongly is in part due to my prior experience with this soulmate. Alas, my twin and I have not gotten to be together, but relevant to this thread, my wife once asked me if I thought she was the most beautiful woman in town - how's that for a loaded question? I think she was really getting at the beautiful energy that we were dancing around trying to ignore (my twin and I that is) since we really didn't know anything about what was going on then and this was years ago.

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