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Michael K. 27-02-2022 12:41 AM

Defect Looking For A Character.
In 1974 I was given just three months to live by my doctor. I was suffering from chronic alcoholism, i went to an AA meeting and was told by a burly Scottish gentleman that I was a defect looking for a character, and if i sat down and took the cotton wool out of my ears and stuffed it in my mouth, i might just hear something that would save my life, by the grace of a power greater than me, i took that mans advice, and have remained sober and well for nearly 48 years. Sharing our experiences is called the language of the heart, it comes
from the heart and not the head.

Before attending my first meeting in AA in absolute desperation i fell to the floor in my room and asked the great spirit of this universe the Father of us all for help, as i was beyond human aid, as i did this a mighty weight descended upon me and a loud inner voice said "what do you know"? I went to say something and the pressure upon me increased, so that i could feel my bones cracking under the immense strain and pressure, the voice said again what do you know? I in fear of being crushed more said NOTHING I know NOTHING al ALL.

With that the weight immediately left me, and the voice said now go to bed and you will be healed. I did as this mighty inner voice said and lay on my bed, and then I SAW the inside of my head, i could see my addled brain clearly and suddenly a great blue ray of strobe light lit up the inside of my brain and i was told that the brain damage i had incurred through my drinking was now being repaired, i then fell asleep.

This was the beginning of many encounters with the great spirit of this universe, and the start of me beginning to take up meditation which i have been doing daily for the past 47 years. In that time i have been made aware
of many things, One of the first things that was shown to me by the spirit was that I was a SOUL with a physical body vehicle, and not a body with soul, there is a big difference.

I then discovered through the contact with my intuition and the higher self that through that inner small voice leads to the full recognition of becoming a
fully realized soul, this then led onto my writing over ten thousand blogs on
Soul Realization over the past 15 years or so, I was told by a wise old soul long ago that we need to "PASS IT ON" all our experiences with our brothers and sisters, if you want to keep what you have, "then you must in turn give it all away in service" and that humility is the way of the wise.

I hope this post will help other here to share their experiences with us all, i have so much more to add here, which i will do at a later date, sharing is caring and what comes from the heart goes to the heart.

warmest regards michael.

Traveler 27-02-2022 01:39 PM

Very moving, Michael. Thank you for sharing.

Unseeking Seeker 27-02-2022 03:09 PM

A miraculous recovery from the brink, back to sanity, by divine grace!

Michael K. 28-02-2022 12:46 AM

Defect looking for a character.
Meditation has been the science of unification for me as i have been involved with the practice daily for 47 years. I was a fragmented tormented soul when I started looking into that silence within. I found meditation a unifying tool that could resurrect this defect and allow me to bring out a character that lurked within me that was at the beginning a fragmented disjointed wreck a shell of a being.

Within months of taking up meditation I began finding that I was detaching from my physical body in meditation, and then actually leaving my body and travelling within an inner astral body. I too became aware of a presence within me, I felt overshadowed by a divine entity, This i discovered soon afterwards was in fact my higher self, which i further discovered was in fact my divine immortal soul.

Soul realization impinged upon my aware consciousness at first it appeared as the inner small voice of my intuition, then this seemed to expand within
my awareness and take the form of being my divine immortal soul.

This primary awakening took place in 1975 and has grown over the past four decades or so. What I have discovered so far is that I have learned nothing
over the past 47 years of meditating, rather I have just uncovered what was already there, hidden by a dense layer of ignorance, now I am back in one way where I was in the beginning when i fell to the floor and asked for help from the SOURCE of all life, and was told that i knew NOTHING, well fast forward 47 years and now I still know NOTHING, but also have ACCESS to ALL.

regards michael.

Michael K. 01-03-2022 12:36 AM

Defect Looking For A Character.
Meditation has opened up so many doors that all lead to an infinity of NOTHING and that this NOTHING actually dissolves the ALL into becoming NO-THING,
one thing that nothing has revealed or rather uncovered within me is that
unconditional love which is Absolute and omnipresent and is motionlessness
that when it comes in contact with perpetual motion which is what this relative universe is, it transmutes its primordial signature and becomes known as that of consciousness

Consciousness therefore is LOVE in MOTION, and this motion is further reflected back within us as thought, ego, and mind. When I enter into stillness in meditation, the inner part of what I am comes into contact with stillness which is that of LOVE, here consciousness surrenders its motioning ability and melts into the armless arms of unconditional love.

regards michael.

Unseeking Seeker 01-03-2022 02:42 AM

Great post # 5

Michael K. 01-03-2022 11:54 PM

Defect Looking For A Character.
Meditation has uncovered from within me the understanding of deep listening and inner silence are akin and the same as that of surrender to the universe.

And that when a certain 'point' is reached within the silence and the listening grows intense, the surrendering aspect opens up a doorway within this stillness
this 'doorway' is also akin to what quantum science refers to as Zero point energy ZPE, 'YOU' in effect and in fact become 'super conductive' and this 'doorway' that opens, leads to a 'download' of cosmic consciousness and wisdom. The acute stillness and the intensity of the listening causes a surrender at great depth, and this ZPE creates a vacuum within inner space, and as nature abhors a vacuum, there ensues a download of super consciousness and wisdom. I have personally experienced this phenomenon and also experienced the bringer of this download which is the NOUMENON.

This defect writing this has been able to uncover a character through the noble science of meditation.

regards michael.

Unseeking Seeker 02-03-2022 01:35 AM

Great going Michael! Hope you don’t ask us to read Kant’s philosophy though! Looking forward to some understanding on the Noumenon.

Michael K. 02-03-2022 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Great going Michael! Hope you don’t ask us to read Kant’s philosophy though! Looking forward to some understanding on the Noumenon.

Thanks for your input here Unseeking seeker, I promise not to bring Kant into the picture, the NOUMENON post will be coming up next.

regards michael.

Michael K. 02-03-2022 07:38 PM

Defect looking for a Character.
All my sharing here is what i have uncovered while meditating for the past 47 years. Insights and downloads of cosmic consciousness and void awareness.
We are all familiar with the presentation of phenomena, and almost unknown experience of its first cousin the NOUMENON.

My impersonal experiences of the NOUMENON are as follows, The NOUMENON is the "PRESENCE" of PURE AWARENESS being used as a "medium" of potentiality which fills the relative universe with ITSELF, then condenses down into tangible substance, which we then recognise as that of a phenomena.
It can also be described as, The NOUMENON is NOTHING that has the potential to BECOME ALL! Or the NOUMENON is the Absolute power of NO-THING having an effect on SOME THING then this SOME-THING becomes what we call Phenomena.

I think that has covered the NOUMENON equation quite adequately, so time to move on. In the next part i want to cover the four aspect of human growth. which are that of transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, and lastly that of translation
.regards michael.

Michael K. 03-03-2022 12:05 AM

Defect looking for a character.
What meditation has uncovered from me within is that we all go through four major changes that begin with the sequence of Transformation, this sequence of transformation is the longest and ongoing sequence of them all, and the sequence embraces multiple incarnations over a vast period of relative time this is what has been revealed to me over four decades of daily meditation.

The entire 7.7 billion human beings are all actively engaged within this sequence of transformation, and will remain so until they fully realize and translate out of expression some time in the distant future.

There are four major sequences that we will all engage in eventually these are firstly transformation, transmutation. transfiguration, and lastly that of Translation which is the hardest one to become expressed within duality based relative words.

I will follow on with the other three sequences later and mention the ratio of those involved within the sequences, which is 7.7 billion involved in that of transformation, about three billion involved within that of transmutation, about 500 hundred thousand engaged within the transfiguration process
and zero human beings engaged in the final translation phase.
I will follow this on later today.

regards michael.

Michael K. 03-03-2022 02:39 PM

Defect looking For A Character.
The transformation sequence that the whole of humanity is actively engaged in is an ongoing sequence and will remain so for many life times to come, each day we experience different things and actions that very slowly build up an inner insight into the complexities of expressed life.

Running parallel with this sequence of humanities gradual transformation through engaging in endless experiences, there is also the current and flow which comes from the second principle which is that of the transmutation which takes place within the lives of those who have begun to look within themselves taking stock of their lives, and seeking insight into who they really are.

Those souls who have taken up either meditation or yoga, or just reading spiritual books, and searching web sites for spiritual answers to their endless arising questions. These soul often unknown unto themselves have already begun with their inner searching, a process that is gradually changing them from the inside out.

Unbeknown to these seeking souls their dense physical atoms are being replaced by more less dense ethereal atoms, this is an automatic process that has been engaged within mankind for thousands of years. This sequence is known as that of transmutation, the dense physical vehicle is gradually transmuted into a much finer less dense format.

Those seeking souls whose numbers run into countless millions are all being gradually transmuted into finer more refined bodies and with this their insights gradually veer towards inclusiveness rather than the ego driven exclusiveness. This second stage is well and truly alive today, and the gradual awakening of mankind is in full progress.

Something is happening today that was impossible years ago, and that is the principle of ASCENSION can now be actually SPEEDED UP, because of all the information and books and websites that teach about spiritual awakenings
whereas years ago it was one soul at a time that awoke, now days thousands are awakening on mass, ascension for many is speeding up.

I have covered the first two stages of mankind's unfoldment which is that of transformation and that of transmutation, next i will attempt to venture into
a largely unexplored area of mankinds unfoldment which is that of transfiguration and how that takes place.

regards michael.

Michael K. 04-03-2022 12:32 AM

Defect Looking For A Character.
I have covered the first two stages of mankind's unfoldment or rather ascension which are that of transformation and that of transmutation, both these stages are of course fully ongoing and also running in tandem with the other two stages which are that of transfiguration and lastly that of translation, which is the most difficult one to even begin to describe.

Today I want to share about the principle of transfiguration. If you put the word transfiguration into any search engine, all you will see being referenced is the Transfiguration of Jesus, and barely anything else.

The reality is that thousands of souls down through the ages have all become transfigured, and there are varying levels of transfiguration from the lowest SAMADHI level up to its highest peak where it transcends the transfiguration stage and enters into the uncharted waters of the ultimate destiny within man which is the TRANSLATION of flesh into the of PURE SPIRIT ENERGY and evaporating completely from this relative universe, and back into the Absolute.

When we have been deeply meditating for some years we begin to enter the state called SAMADHI, there are many levels or stages of SAMADHI, from the highest state where the meditator has surrendered totally to the universe as you enter high SAMADHI the atoms in your body become super excited and start to glow within a violet blue electric light, the deeper the SAMADHI goes the more excited the atoms become, Then a point of TOTAL STILLNESS OCCURS.

And within that stillness cold fusion IGNITES and thereby occurs a blaze of GLORIOUS WHITE LIGHT that shines out and completely transfigures the one who is within this glory of ATONEMENT. Those who attain this state of perfect fusion , are often reluctant to return to normal living

This has briefly outlined the process of fusion and that of transfiguration but there is one higher stage which is reached after the highest state of transfiguration and ultimate SAMADHI have been reached and then transcended by that which I call TRANSLATION. I will do this last stage later today.

regards michael.

Michael K. 05-03-2022 12:13 AM

Defect Looking For A Character.
This last and final stage of mankind's journey through ascension which is what I call the TRANSLATION SEQUENCE, it the hardest one to put meaning words to that will make some sense of. I an attempting to describe a process that is beyond relative words to describe, but I will do my best. all this sharing here is
what has been uncovered from within me over the past 47 years of meditating.

When the highest state of transfiguration is realized and the ultimate SAMADHI has been achieved. It can lastly be transcended by what I call the TRANSLATION sequence. This sequence when fully engaged , you then reach a point of NO-RETURN to mortal life. You are in effect and in fact "SPIRITED out of the relative universe, and vanishing from relativity like a shooting star flashing across the firmament .

How then is this ultimate state achieved which when activated translates the flesh body into pure spirit energy, and takes it out of this relative universe, through the MEMBRANE that separates relativity from the Absolute and carries that BEING- dissolving along the way all the five KOSHAS or sheaths as it flashes back into the Absolute Brahman.

As the sequence engages it starts dissolving and translating the physical body back into pure white light spirit energy, all the five Koshas are dissolved along the way along with the physical body that is translated from flesh into pure white light spirit energy.

To add some detail into this picture which enables the sequence to engage I will add here. The one who is engaging in this sequence of translation needs to first surrender totally and absolutely to the ALL in ALL, then ALL RESISTANCE must fall to ZERO-POINT, And this point must be held, when this occurs a vacuum open up in the inner void, and this creates a gravity well that attaches the being to the membrane that separates this relative universe from the absolute.

A tear then opens within the membrane to emit this seeking into the ALL In ALL. The being is then basically EVAPORATED out of relative existence and back into the arms of BRAHMAN. This sequence of translation also acts as that of PERFECT FUSION and room temperature. This way also cancels out any more visits to the astral realm and cancels out all KARMA, You are are ATONEMENT within the ALL IN ALL.

Regards michael.

Unseeking Seeker 05-03-2022 01:40 AM

Thanks for sharing your remarkable insights, Michael! I’ve never read the likes of this before, as expressed so lucidly.

Now to plot our coordinates, with reference to all this …

hazada guess 05-03-2022 02:39 PM

Interesting,Michael K.

Michael K. 06-03-2022 05:30 PM

Defect looking for a character.
The four rites of passage for which all of humanity will eventually become engaged in, which are that of Transformation, Transmutation, Transfiguration, and lastly that of Translation, were difficult to express and write about, in particular the last two, which were transfiguration and that of Translation.

Although there is only one basic reference for that of transfiguration which relates solely with that of Jesus which is mentioned in search engines, there is zero reference anywhere for the last rite of passage which is that of Translation of flesh and bone into PURE SPIRIT ENERGY.

Here with the last two rites I had to rely solely on the spiritual wisdom that was uncovered from within me while in deep meditation and the inner voice of my guru who is ISHWARA.

With the sequence of translation ascension takes place totally, there is no ascending into the astral realm, this is only a gross ascension which hold the soul for a period then sends in back to understand deeper who he/she really is.

Translation means that the holy fire of spirit consumes all the outer koshas or sheaths, including the physical body, and thereby a point of no return is reached and the one within the translation leaves this relative universe and
is dissolved back into BRAHMAN, this ascension is final and complete.

I am considering writing a book about this called the four rites of humanity
but first feel that i need to gather some more insights into this future project.
Regards michael.

hazada guess 07-03-2022 03:43 PM

take your time Michael, it's all good. Though there is one thing I personally think you may have wrong. It's the membrane bit.(Think density's).But who really knows. That's what makes it so fascinating.:smile:

Michael K. 07-03-2022 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by hazada guess
take your time Michael, it's all good. Though there is one thing I personally think you may have wrong. It's the membrane bit.(Think density's).But who really knows. That's what makes it so fascinating.:smile:

Bless you hazada guess and thanks for your kinds words of encouragement, the membrane idea was presented to me in meditation a while ago, it was less than an atom thick and seemed to be a film that separated relativity from the absolute, it is that place where all the known laws of mankind breakdown I saw it as though there was the relative universe then the membrane which had in its centre what i termed as a borderland between the absolute and relativity in these border lands all our known universal laws melt away in this placeless place,

regards michael.

SilentDrum 08-03-2022 02:21 PM

Thank you Michael for sharing. I always find it inspiring that addiction can sometimes lead to God and / or a serious spiritual path.

I'm surprised with this

Originally Posted by Michael K.
With the sequence of translation ascension takes place totally [...] Translation means that the holy fire of spirit consumes all the outer koshas or sheaths, including the physical body, and thereby a point of no return is reached

That would imply that Jesus hasn't ascended yet since people keep meeting him during NDE's and he keeps appearing to people.

Michael K. 08-03-2022 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by SilentDrum
Thank you Michael for sharing. I always find it inspiring that addiction can sometimes lead to God and / or a serious spiritual path.

I'm surprised with this
That would imply that Jesus hasn't ascended yet since people keep meeting him during NDE's and he keeps appearing to people.

Many thanks SilentDrum for your input here, and thanks for that link about a world wide meditation, i shall surely tune into that when its next on.

I think SILENT DRUM that every soul that ascends back into the Absolute and thereby is dissolved from any vestige of expression which means bodies of koshas, does not come back unless of course they want to, also i think that we all leave a "shadow" image within this relative universe a reflection of something that was a image in relativity, the ethereal image impregnated into
the fabric of relative space, so perhaps this spectral image is what is seen.

regards michael.

SilentDrum 08-03-2022 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
I think SILENT DRUM that every soul that ascends back into the Absolute and thereby is dissolved from any vestige of expression which means bodies of koshas, does not come back unless of course they want to, also i think that we all leave a "shadow" image within this relative universe

Just so you know, I merged with the Absolute during a NDE and I came back. I know it doesn't make any sense but this is what happened and I'm not a shadow :smile: After merging with the Absolute, I met Jesus and Mother Mary. Maybe they were holograms but they definitely weren't shadows :wink:

Michael K. 08-03-2022 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by SilentDrum
Just so you know, I merged with the Absolute during a NDE and I came back. I know it doesn't make any sense but this is what happened and I'm not a shadow :smile: After merging with the Absolute, I met Jesus and Mother Mary. Maybe they were holograms but they definitely weren't shadows :wink:

Thanks SilentDrum I will make a point of joining into that global meditation what time will it begin in London UK time?
I believe we all leave an echo of ourselves which is etched into the AKASHIC records, like a video of all that has occurred within this universe, you when you had your NDE you came back from the brink retaining your physical body so of course you are not a shadow, far from it thank goodness.

regards michael.

Michael K. 12-03-2022 12:31 AM

Defect looking for a Character.
What I have discovered in the past 48 years of meditation is that there is nothing absolutely nothing to learn from meditation, rather there is everything to UNCOVER from within yourself, and that in truth we I am the universe in miniature and this means basically and factually that everything that is contained within this universe also EXISTS within ME, all i have to do is UNCOVER it from within myself.

I cannot discover anything from outside myself because nothing exist outside of the SELF that is within that which is I AM.
All universal wisdom and knowledge is within us all. it cannot and does not exist outside of your self.

The only thing I really know is the infinite depth of my ignorance. And that knowing our ignorance opens the doorway that leads to wisdom.

regards michael.

Michael K. 13-03-2022 11:49 PM

Defect looking for a Character.
The four rites of passage for humanity are as mentioned in a previous post here which are that of Transformation, Transmutation, Transfiguration, and lastly that of Translation, which is the most difficult one to write about as there are no references anywhere on any search engines to use as a reference point, the only reference I have is that supplied to me within deep meditation.

The transformation of mankind is easy to write about and so is the transmutation of mankind, but the last two become almost impossible to gain any reference to, the transfiguration reference is just one on any search engine and all that mentions is the transfiguration of Jesus, that's it.

I am hoping to write a book about Humanities Four Rites of Passage, just need to collect a few more bits of information.

regards michael.

Unseeking Seeker 15-03-2022 01:45 AM

Great going, Michael

Michael K. 15-03-2022 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Great going, Michael

Many thanks for your words of inspiration Unseeking Seeker. Will continue in next post,

regards michael

Michael K. 15-03-2022 05:40 PM

Defect Looking for a Character.
Its been over forty seven years that I was told that I was a defect looking for a character, and even now after more than four decades have passed , I sometimes look in the mirror and think have I really lost that defect and actually have gained a character?

I have been meditating now for 47 years or so and what has that presented
to me? What have I discovered? I started this experience with being prostrate on the floor and being told by a Divine inner voice that I knew nothing whatsoever, so what has changed in these four and a half decades? Well I have changed yes, but what has not changed is that I still after 47 years of daily meditations still know nothing whatsoever,

I am aware of much more indeed, but that awareness also informs me that knowing is limited by what you have realized within your self.

An interesting idea presents itself when you meditate on what is included within inclusivity and what is excluded if anything?
And as the level of inclusivity becomes all apparent, what are the full implications of this realization?

Perhaps you could venture a few words on this idea Unseeking Seeker.

regards michael.

Michael K. 16-03-2022 12:57 AM

Defect looking for a character.
Meditation has taken me to many places and has lifted me out of my physical body on many occasions taking me all over this universe and even outside of this universe altogether this was truly an amazing experience.

I saw the universe fade out into nothingness, all the stars vanished there was just an absolute void of zero-ness, NO-thing existed here, a singular Absolute void, there was no light, nor was there any darkness either the was no THING present anywhere except pure awareness, some how "I" was within this awareness, and within that profound inner silence i heard a voice say "THAT BEFORE THIS UNIVERSE WAS BORN "I" AM, with that I felt a great tug on my
solar plexus and was pulled back in a micro second across the infinite expanse
of the universe, stars flashed by in a blur, and I crashed into my body with a loud gasp and a pain in my solar plexus.
regards michael.

Michael K. 16-03-2022 11:55 PM

Defect looking for a character.
What meditation has taught me is that there is no such a place as out there in fact the only place less place that is real, lies within you. It may "seem" that out there exists, but in truth out there is a relative illusion. The eternal to is an illusion, meaning that there is zero eternity out there, what I have found is that the only thing that presents itself to the seeker is that of the factor of there being only an INTERNITY within YOU ONLY.

When we enter into INTERNITY we are heading in the direction of HOME, HOME lies within the centre less centre of the Absolute Void. Here "WE" Dissolve back into the infinite ocean "WE" all left long long ago.

This whole universe is one giant ILLUSION it does not EXIST in the Absolute it only "APPEARS" to exist to us because outwardly we too are relative and therefore buy into this illusion. But inwardly we are all absolute and within the ALL that is ALL.

regards michael.

Michael K. 19-03-2022 11:46 PM

Defect looking for a Character.
I have discovered through meditation and insight gained that we all are that of humanity a universe in miniature am exact atomic sized replica of this whole universe, so that within us all lies everything known within this universe since it was thought into existence aeons ago.

When you look within your self, you are actually looking into the universe that exist within you. This is why it is impossible to learn anything whatsoever, rather there is zero learning, and what actually happens is that you discover what lies within you, because in truth you are the universe, and thereby have access to everything that is within it, all you have to do is uncover it from your self.

I discovered that this defect looking for a character actually had one hidden away inside, hidden away by fears and deluded ignorance. Once i opened my eyes and my heart, and looked within there staring back at me was a character that I never knew existed, in my drunken befuddled days, but
only woke up when I refocused my gaze inward into reality, rather than outward into shallowness and illusion.

regards michael.

Michael K. 21-03-2022 01:12 AM

Defect looking for a character.
Meditation to me acts like a mirror that reflects back to my aware consciousness that which has been hidden deep inside my inner heart, being
a universe in miniature I have within me all that this universe contains, all I need to do is to listen into that inner silence and all will be revealed.

Spontaneously many times while meditating I was pulled out of my body and travelled all over this planet and universe in my astral body, here i was both aware of being in my arm chair at home and also being countless light years away on the other side of the universe.

One experience i had was with that of hyper sensitivity where I could hear and FEEL all the prayers being said on earth that day passing through my body in the heart centre and then flowing outwards into the centre of ALL, this was an amazing experience, but that level of hyper sensitivity is virtually impossible to maintain a balance, and it was outside of my normal frame of reference, but it was also a very humbling and awesome experience.

regards michael.

Unseeking Seeker 21-03-2022 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
One experience i had was with that of hyper sensitivity where I could hear and FEEL all the prayers being said on earth that day passing through my body in the heart centre and then flowing outwards into the centre of ALL, this was an amazing experience, but that level of hyper sensitivity is virtually impossible to maintain a balance, and it was outside of my normal frame of reference, but it was also a very humbling and awesome experience.

regards michael.

Thanks for sharing! Beautiful experience indeed!

Michael K. 22-03-2022 12:48 AM

Defect looking for a character.
"By you this whole universe is pervaded. By you it is sewn and bound as it is. You are pure intelligence by nature. Do not cultivate an impure and narrow mind" Ashtrvrkra 1.16.
I can totally identify with these words the SELF is the only reality that just IS so "WE" pervade this entire universe with our SELF, and no-thing else exists within this universe save only the SELF, the whole universe is ISHWARA the lord of the universe, master of nothing, begotten not made son of BRAHMAN which is the SELF.

The SELF replicates its SELF INFINITELY and then pervades this universe with an infinite amount of replications of itself. And in so doing surrenders its all knowingness into a state of unconsciousness, so that it can experience the illusion of ignorance, and feel the emotions of tangibility.

regards michael.

Unseeking Seeker 22-03-2022 09:44 AM

@ # 34 … Such an experience may be graced to become direct knowing but then the permanently etched assimilation is another matter, in my opinion.

Miss Hepburn 22-03-2022 05:25 PM

I've been catching up here when I have time...Excellent.

Michael K. 22-03-2022 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I've been catching up here when I have time...Excellent.

Most kind of you to drop by Miss Hepburn, a warm welcome awaits you.

regards michael.

Native spirit 22-03-2022 10:41 PM

Yes i have to agree with Miss Hepburn


Michael K. 22-03-2022 10:56 PM

Defect looking for A Character.
A question that i often ask myself is "what lies beneath this FACADE of form?" that we are the outer appearance of an inner reality. we are a phenomena on the outside, and the NOUMENON on the inner. From the formless NOUMENON we have become the informed phenomena.

Being able to realise the immortal soul has opened up an inner understanding that this physical body is only just a vehicle for the soul to use and gather tangible experiences here upon the Earth plane.

What a human being actually is, is that of a vehicle nothing more than that, remove the vehicle and then what is left. So many of us on earth only identify with the physical vehicle as their only reality, remove the body and they no longer exist.

regards michael.

Michael K. 22-03-2022 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
Yes i have to agree with Miss Hepburn


Thanks for dropping in Native spirit, bless you.

regards michael

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