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BigJohn 31-10-2020 03:36 AM

We all have had some really happy moments.

         Let's share those moments with each other
               and see if it lifts our spirits.

         😅     😊    😂     😊     😄     🙃      😉

Miharo 31-10-2020 11:58 AM

Watching the autumn coloured leafs falling.
When you pay attention, they aren’t falling down.. each one is performing an individual, stunning and beautiful dance.
For me this are blissful moments 🍂

ameliorate 05-11-2020 09:39 PM

Many occasions where I'm in the company of those that 'get' me, there's a relaxed vibe and they laugh at my witty remarks.

Specifically - getting a telegram from someone I deeply loved, to meet him somewhere that night (I was living in a squat so no phone, this was prior to mobile phones too!). It was some kind of social get-together. He wanted me to dance but I refused (being too self-conscious) but he whisked me up and we were the only two madly spinning around. I was laughing hysterically and those watching found it amusing too.

In my hippy days with friends but the rest you will have to imagine....!

Times spent babysitting my niece, aged 3 and the fun made up games we played.

When a performance went down well (either as a singer/songwriter or later doing stand up comedy.)

ocean breeze 05-11-2020 11:54 PM

Running at night. I feel more lively at night. Many times it doesn't feel like i'm exercising. I feel so smooth, fluid, and relaxed, like i'm just gliding.

I remember when i was in Africa in the middle of the jungle. There is no light pollution at night. You look up and the whole sky is full of stars. Its amazing. You can see what appears to be shooting stars dart across the sky. Same in the Amazon rainforest. Like the sky could be clear and full of stars then clouds start making there way. Next thing you know your caught in the middle of a strong storm. Twenty minutes later everything is clear again. Sky so clear, full of stars, and the sounds of the insects so intense.

The_Klabautermann 19-03-2021 02:16 PM

I tend to find the 1920's were my happiest. (This was in Weimar era Germany.) The explosion of the arts/creativity, there were studies for the LGBT+ done with regards to science and sexuality, advances in other areas of health and science, fashion and music, I enjoyed being out and about and have memories of meeting great people.

Granted, I had no awareness of my WWI experiences, and it wasn't until 1927 that I had my spiritual awakening (and even then was not yet aware of the WWI experiences), but there was such positive growth, despite things not being 'perfect', that out of all my memories I've had...those are the hardest to really lay to rest so as to focus on the present. There was still some innocence about me that has long since been lost...a sort of youth of some sort, that I look back upon with a wistfulness.

Clio_86 08-10-2021 11:00 PM

I'm always happy around Christmas... I love decorating, lighting candles at night while playing calm Christmas music. The atmosphere is always peaceful and relaxing.

Miss Hepburn 08-10-2021 11:40 PM

Great thread it got lost somehow...I have many...but...When I realize I have maybe 5-6 days free -no commitments, no plans.
I can do my happy dance.
:hello2: :occasion14:

Nowayout 01-11-2021 12:37 AM

On Sunday Mornings sitting in my living room, a fresh coffee in hand, my son happily mingling about, the window letting in the rising sun's rays, my little tree by the window, some nice flowing music on, the world waking up.

Getting ready for a nice day with my son who I love.

Traveler 03-11-2021 05:48 PM

Having cuddles with my cats. Hanging out with my kid and hubs in the evening in the family room with the beast curled up on the couch with us and Leo on one of our laps.

BigJohn 29-11-2021 03:30 PM

I had a long black haired cat that used to sleep on my back in bed. At that time in my life, I slept on my stomach and the cat slept on my back.

He was a lovable fur ball. He would put his arms around your neck and then rub one side of your face with his face and then the other side of your face.

bobjob 30-11-2021 08:30 AM

One of my moment was when I found out that life goes on beyond and outside of the constraints of this physical dimension..... That there's no truth in the dismissive growl of "When yer dead yer dead!"

blessings :hug3:

RedEmbers 01-12-2021 03:52 AM

Possibly this moment right now.

I feel rather content and at peace.

BigJohn 01-12-2021 04:42 AM

I like right now also.

Besides, today will be tomorrow's yesterday.

ayar415 03-12-2021 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
I had a long black haired cat that used to sleep on my back in bed. At that time in my life, I slept on my stomach and the cat slept on my back.

Other animals won't come near you if you are toxic.

I can't remember when, but one time, a litter of weeks old pups snuggled up to me while I was lying on the carpet in the living room. One laid its head on my neck to snooze. I could feel being powerfully sucked into slumber like a pup in that litter.

BigJohn 04-12-2021 03:25 AM

One experience, when it happened, scared the ****ens out of me and stayed with me for over 2 decades and then I realized it was one of the greatest, if not the greatest experiences of my life.

When I was about 8-10 years old, I dozed off under a tree on a warm, sunny day. I never did get into the sleep state: the bugs, etc. made sure of that. Finally, their continue 'bugging' of me, finally woke me up. I was startled and then became scared as I looked down and saw a big, black snake crawled up in my lap. I immediately jumped up and tried my best to 'fly' to the house. As a result of that experience, I would 'fly' during the night and I would generally end up under my bed and sometimes, in the closet.

As the decades went by, I came to realize one of my Totem Animals is a Snake. Since then, I have learned a lot from Snakes and have had a lot of interesting adventures with them.

Thinking about what I just wrote, I think I might have had more adventures with Snakes then with anybody else!

Native spirit 09-12-2021 10:50 AM

My happiest moments are The day I got Married then had my kids

when we went on holiday and saw how happy they all were.


Happy Wanderer 25-12-2021 06:55 AM

Three types of happy moments for me - hugging my grandchildren, hugging my dog and hugging a tree! All these experiences fill me with love, joy and gratitude!

BigJohn 25-12-2021 07:05 AM

...... and you can't ask for more.

This time of year warms the hearts of many......

let there be peace.

Merry Christmas.

jaminhealth 01-01-2022 11:11 PM

In my 83 yrs to pick 2 times, one would be endless hours on our Sunny sandy beaches in my town and the other would be 9 yrs in a great learning sales job and that 9 yrs was lifechanging.

My marriage was not the greatest but I did get a daughter and two grandkids from it.

Talking and connecting with friends from my very early life has been great and I had a couple nice contacts today.

Spiritual_wave 03-01-2022 06:25 PM

That's a good one to raise spirits definitely.

Originally Posted by BigJohn
We all have had some really happy moments.

         Let's share those moments with each other
               and see if it lifts our spirits.

         😅     😊    😂     😊     😄     🙃      😉

Let's see..
I was happy after the new year count down.
Previous to that I was happy in October when I came to know I cleared all my subjects and graduated.
I was happy in May for my birthday..
It does feel awkward to admit🤔 but I don't know why happiness takes so much gaps in time to come to me.
Taking time to remind those happy moments did brighten up my mood a little now. Thank you for the post.

Sir Neil 25-01-2022 02:02 PM

A thunderstorm and aftermath
Any time I’m in a cafe (such as now)
Booking a holiday
Going on said holiday
The winter-turns-to-spring moment each year
Realising that the weather will be great on a day off
Realising that a certain song is really good
A beautiful sunset
Belly laughing
When my food arrives in a restaurant
Processing a big transaction at work
A really kind or memorable customer at work
Taking a fantastic picture (esp. if it’s colourful)

Brave-Soul 02-03-2022 03:44 AM

Resting my head into the grass looking at trees above.

Izz 02-03-2022 08:51 PM

Eating some of the nicest sandwiches overseas. With green tea

astralsuzy 06-03-2022 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
I had a long black haired cat that used to sleep on my back in bed. I slept on my stomach and the cat slept on my back. He was a lovable fur ball. He would put his arms around your neck and then rub one side of your face with his face and then the other side of your face.

Sounds beautiful. I enjoyed reading about it.

Brave-Soul 06-03-2022 10:36 AM

Being happy is able to laugh true.

Izz 07-03-2022 07:42 AM

I have this memory of when my good friend and I made this olive salad before we traveled to an altogether new place, and it does bring a smile to my face

BigJohn 13-03-2022 06:50 AM

...... reminds me of how I feel after eating an ice cream cone from McDonalds.

Cheap, delicious and fulfilling.

Sir Neil 18-03-2022 11:07 PM

Any moment when I have experienced what is known as ‘clubber’s high.’ The is, a feeling of sheer exuberance you feel when dancing to catchy music (especially in a club). I have had this feeling and viscerality many times, and probably at the most exuberant moment of my life so far. I haven’t felt this in a few years now, so I am intending to feel it again very soon.

Izz 19-03-2022 03:28 AM

I remember this day of walking in the park with my friends and then I visited a mutual friend's house where we had fun with their pets

I remember this specific day because I felt the most amazing energy particularly with the pets, decor and a few more new people I met

Izz 24-03-2022 09:58 AM

Today I remember back when I was still studying overseas, my friends organized a gathering and selected my favorite vegan dishes

I still remember that spinach apple salad a friend made, she is so purely gifted (in every sense of what the word "gifted" means) and I felt so much joy. Bliss

WildHairedWoman 11-04-2022 03:58 PM

One of my happiest moments - watching my daughters and niece sitting on the grass talking about their favorite parts of a movie. I had taken them to see The Three Amigos the day before. One would say I liked the .... and the 3 of them would roll on the ground laughing, then another would say her favorite part and they would laugh some more. They spent an hour talking and laughing about that movie. I think I will find it and watch it again tonight.

When I was a kid I had a lot of fun with my cousins, riding horses, hiking, camping, telling stories around the campfire, making up games.

lemongrass_ 12-06-2022 02:24 PM

Some of my happier moments...

-Laughing really hard at some funny thought or memory with my mother, just being with my late mother was pure happiness and bliss just knowing she was around...
-Visiting my parents' hometown as a kid, lots of good and happy memories there with family and relatives
-Falling in love, feeling or having a special connection with someone and being in a loving and harmonious relationship (I was really blessed with my relationships, never had fights even though I didn't end up with any of them and have remained single)
-Receiving (and writing) letters and greeting cards, gifts too and little notes/messages (it's really the thought that makes me happy)
-I remember getting a lovely bead bracelet from a coworker who went on a vacation in Thailand, and coworkers writing really sweet notes with their gifts for Christmas
-Exchanging emails/chat messages with people I met here on SF over the years
-Remembering random memories out of the blue that make me smile and appreciate those times and people in the past
-Dreams that make me want to go back to sleep and stay in the dream (dreams of a special connection with someone in the dream who is usually a stranger, someone I do not know or have seen in real life but in the dream seemed very real)

SaraTherase 18-07-2022 08:30 AM

I'm such a lil lover at heart. So anytime that I have ever felt love, that feeling in that moment well it really fills me up and takes me somewhere. To share that in so many ways, shapes and forms. Be it platonic, unconditional, conditional, romantic it's these very moments and memories that I believe we really hold on to and take with us when we return back home to spirit.

Enjoyed reading everyone's comments, thanks for sharing :smile:

blackraven 22-07-2022 02:10 PM

Happiest moments were when I was a runner. I'd put my running shoes on, put my walkman (I know I'm ancient) buds in my ears and just go. When my son was younger, he'd ride his bike along my spouse and I while we ran. Then I started running in 5K races and that was a blast, winning a few medals.

But alas, I severely broke my ankle ripping up vertically through the bone while slipping on ice when walking my dog. Hardware (metal plate) had to be screwed into my ankle. Since then I stopped running as the pavement pounding was too hard on my bad ankle. But I recently got a treadmill and can gently speed walk, so I feel like I'm getting some of those old endorphins going in my brain again.

~Lioness~ 26-07-2022 04:24 PM

Honestly my most happiest moments were the moments that I was happy because of nature in a mindful way for example experiencing the rain against your your body when you're going through the most hardest time in your life and you just lay in the grass well there's a storm passing directly above you in the rain just pounds down on you it feels so good and a painful way but so mindful of the feelings of nature against your skin there's nothing else like it.

Another moment that was similar to this was when I was at my mom's house and I was sitting out on the front porch and I just felt all these memories bubble up in me as visions and I recalled them and I felt happy . At the same time the weather was perfect the Sun was shining it was maybe 70°. The sun was going to go down in about 1 hour and the way it felt on my skin just felt so perfect combined with the happy memories that I was recalling.

traceyacey12 17-08-2022 03:39 AM

Oh this is such a nice thread. Hope BigJohn is ok.

As for happy moments, I guess I have many but one would be my first time using a pendulum and discovering that a kid I used to teach middle-school math to went on to go to highly coveted high school and was attending college as a math major. I had no idea I had made such a huge difference in this kid's life. Of course, this pendulum situation could be delusion but it was spinning really fast at the time and all that so I believed it. Plus I forgot the kid's last name so I had no way of verifying but maybe one day I'll know the truth, who knows lol

Sir Neil 11-12-2022 11:37 PM

The joy of booking a holiday
Exploring when I am travelling
Visiting a world famous landmark for the first time ever
Sorting out a night out
Getting money unexpectedly

Joe Mc 15-12-2022 07:15 AM

My happiest moment of recent times and perhaps ever has been the birth of my son, who is 7 now. I was picking up all the magical wonderful and totally loving
Mysterious vibs just before he was born. I remember one evening just after a scan looking out at the Grey light of the Galway evening here in Ireland descending down
over the ancient stony landscape and being enraptured outside of time with pure happiness and mystery. I started to daydream about the Druids and ancient wise men etc.
..very magical indeed.
I'm hoping one day that he might become a doctor but as long as he is happy I won't be imposing that ambition on him at all. Woww he is a wise little fella. They say kids with older parents
often are wiser not sure if it's true. A gentle little soul, he is a pure blessing to me. :) and his Mother.

(Here is a little spontaneous verse i wrote for my son this morning, remembering his imminent arrival lool)

Ah the landscape is blue grey
And the Sea is not far away
And the light of your unborn soul
sings in the little silver pools
nestled amongst the timeless stones
dishevelled farmers stray after wandering
I wonder then who is more ancient
is it ourselves or the world.

Ps. He is appearing in his first Christmas Play tonight, wonder will he take after his old father for the acting ! lol

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AngelBlue 15-12-2022 10:47 AM

Joe, that's a very beautiful post.
And such a lovely tribute to your son. I hope you have all these "moments" written down for him for later on in life for him.

The gift of a child is the greatest gift of all .
Treasure every precious moment with him because they grow up so fast.

Ahh bless him. Hope he does well in his Christmas concert and you will be so proud , like my son was at his little boys nativity this week.... Please let us know how he "did" ...

Joe Mc 15-12-2022 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Ahh bless him. Hope he does well in his Christmas concert and you will be so proud , like my son was at his little boys nativity this week.... Please let us know how he "did" ...

Awww thanks a million, you know you're right time is always moving, and it's nice to celebrate nice things. Time flies as they say. Thank you for your kind comments and i'll keep you posted on all the young actors. :biggrin: :) bless.

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