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Michael K. 30-10-2023 12:29 AM

When I first read the SECRET DOCTRINE both books Cosmogenesis and
Anthropogenesis back in 1976 by H P BLAVATSKY and have been reading on and of for the last four decades. One thing among so many things sprang
out to me and caught my rapt attention.

This was a part in the book where BLAVATSKY tells of the ancient occult
maxim which states that "SPACE IS AN ENTITY". I already had begun my
daily meditation by then, and this occult wisdom of Space in an Entity
caused me to try and understand the nature of this ENTITY.

All life occupies this ENTITY space in order to become a presence in relativity.
Humanity is that of eight billion occupiers of this ENTITY, without the presence
of this ENTITY no life could exist in this universe.

Space is the FIELD the MEDIUM in which the immaterial intangible intelligence essence of SPIRIT can become localized into the relative

The Intelligent WILL summons the Elements of Earth-Air-Fire-Water and also
the ethereal element, and requests the embodiment KOSHAS in order
to appear in this physical universe.

When that is done SPACE becomes OCCUPIED by that incoming life force.

blessings michael.

Unseeking Seeker 30-10-2023 02:25 AM

Deep insight, Michael.

Apart from Blavatsky, Annie Besant and Leadbeater also talked of space as absence of a substance called koilon.

In direct experience, I have ‘seen’ space flicker on a few occasions, revealing self-existent light behind the ‘veil’ and the flicker usually corresponds to the exact moment of a this or that chakra activation. It is unmistakable.

Michael K. 30-10-2023 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Deep insight, Michael.

Apart from Blavatsky, Annie Besant and Leadbeater also talked of space as absence of a substance called koilon.

In direct experience, I have ‘seen’ space flicker on a few occasions, revealing self-existent light behind the ‘veil’ and the flicker usually corresponds to the exact moment of a this or that chakra activation. It is unmistakable.

Blessings Unseeking seeker I too have observed the flicker. Thanks for your
insightful words.

regards michael

Michael K. 30-10-2023 05:43 PM

To continue this thread, the question arises as to whom or what is this
Entity which is space? In which all life is occupied within its infinite embrace.?

Here there is a need arising to mention exactly what life actually is? All the
infinite stars and planets are also very much alive, and all our occupying the
ENTITY with there presence, The reality that arises is that this entire universe
is FULLY ALIVE and vibrating within that spectrum that coalesces all essences
into tangible material. Which is ENTITY space, with the unconditional service
of the elements that supply the KOSHIC coverings of stars planets and people.

The identity of this ENTITY that is space seems to be that of ISHWARA lord
of this universe and master of nothing. This universe is contained within the
bosom of ISHWARA, and all matter that appears in this universe is ISHWARA
in atomic vibratory motion. no other THING EXISTS. ISHWARA is both relative and absolute simultaneously.

blessings m ichael

Michael K. 31-10-2023 02:30 PM

Space is the fluid essence of consciousness , it is the relative reflection of
PURE AWARENESS, which is Absolute and motionlessness.

ISHWARA is consciousness that issued out from the core of Absolute
BRAHMAN, and motion became relativity expressed.

This ENTITY which is ISHWARA is an infinite ocean of pure vibrational
consciousness, and out of that pure vibrational consciousness all life
condenses out from the ocean and becomes "IN-FORMED" by KOSHIC

Life occupies this fluid ocean by its presence into tangibility.

Blessings michael

Michael K. 01-11-2023 11:45 PM

All life in order to EXIST has to occupy the ENTITY which we call space,
space being the intelligent medium and field in which SPIRIT can place its
essence into this relative dimension, and in doing so summon the elements
of earth-air-fire-and water, no forgetting the ethereal element as well, to
supply their KOSHIC coverings for the incoming intention of spirit.

ISHWARA is seen as the ENTITY which we call infinite space, as we as that
of humanity are all occupiers of this ENTITY/

Light and darkness are identical in themselves being only divisible in the
human mind. Here light equals matter, and darkness is SPIRIT.

Blessings michael

Native spirit 04-11-2023 10:07 AM

Everything can be classed as an Entity when you think about it Michael


Michael K. 04-11-2023 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
Everything can be classed as an Entity when you think about it Michael


Yes you are absolutely right Native Spirit, however I feel they all emerge from that one primal Entity.

blessings michael,

Native spirit 04-11-2023 01:48 PM

cant argue with that


BadMedium 04-11-2023 03:17 PM

I once had a prolonged perception of God being everything, space, matter, Tao, spirit. Maybe those theosophists fell short.

Unseeking Seeker 04-11-2023 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by BadMedium
I once had a prolonged perception of God being everything, space, matter, Tao, spirit. Maybe those theosophists fell short.

Do tell us more!

Unseeking Seeker 07-11-2023 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
Blessings Unseeking seeker I too have observed the flicker. Thanks for your
insightful words.

When you saw the flicker, was there an immediate activation in any energy centre within? Or perhaps a wisdom download?

Michael K. 07-11-2023 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
When you saw the flicker, was there an immediate activation in any energy centre within? Or perhaps a wisdom download?

Blessings Unseeking Seeker for your question, it was a wisdom upload from
my deep blanket of ignorance, plus a activation within the crown chakra.

blessings michael.

Unseeking Seeker 07-11-2023 10:53 AM

@ Michael ~ hmmm, that’s what I thought. In my case, in one flicker, my palms and soles of fee5 were instantly energised and have remained so till today. During the more recent second occurrence, my wrists were energised.

I’ve not come across any reference to this ‘flicker of space’ in any scripture, other than an oblique reference somewhere. You’re the first person who has felt something similar to what I have.

In fact, I’ve seen this flicker several times, revealing a soft white shimmering light behind it, signalling that space is a veil.

Michael K. 07-11-2023 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
@ Michael ~ hmmm, that’s what I thought. In my case, in one flicker, my palms and soles of fee5 were instantly energised and have remained so till today. During the more recent second occurrence, my wrists were energised.

I’ve not come across any reference to this ‘flicker of space’ in any scripture, other than an oblique reference somewhere. You’re the first person who has felt something similar to what I have.

In fact, I’ve seen this flicker several times, revealing a soft white shimmering light behind it, signalling that space is a veil.

Blessings Unseeking Seeker Yes I too have seen a soft white shimmering light
space is indeed a veil. and behind it ISHWARA-SHIVA.?

regards michael

JustBe 07-11-2023 08:33 PM


When I was immersed in deeper awakenings of the crown, I experienced an invasive force (supporting me) but because of the extreme psychosis and craziness of that time, my post traumatic processing, described it as an entity taking over me. In fact most of those direct experiences of that entity were so overlayed it was ‘everything’ .. but of course in my perceived separation, I described it as I needed. In hindsight I realise now and can see it through what your describing. The filament of light were part of this process but again my separation was only gaining glimpses and in the feeling body most often so the division and nature if such experiences, were a little skewed in my descriptions at the time and coming through them.

Michael K. 08-11-2023 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by JustBe
When I was immersed in deeper awakenings of the crown, I experienced an invasive force (supporting me) but because of the extreme psychosis and craziness of that time, my post traumatic processing, described it as an entity taking over me. In fact most of those direct experiences of that entity were so overlayed it was ‘everything’ .. but of course in my perceived separation, I described it as I needed.

Blessings JUSTbe
Thanks for your post, I can identify with your experiences,

regards michael

Michael K. 11-01-2024 11:33 PM

Space Is An Entity
Space is an entity that produces an infinite variety of Facades of Forms
this whole universe is chocker block full of ENTIFIED Facades of form.

Space is a living infinite ocean that has the intelligence to provide the
exact vehicle that this projected life form needs, with us human beings
we are each IN-FORMED by this entity to the exact degree needed.

Space can be seen as that of ISHWARA the begotten son not made of
Brahman, who is this entity is which we all dwell within and have our being.

ISHWARA is lord of the universe and master of NOTHING.

blessings michael.

Nobody 444 30-01-2024 07:11 AM

What is an entity?

This is a word I only reserved for my GOD.

I guess we must look at life and identify spiritually that everything is alive. Space is alive as the suns and moons and planets are alive. Then can we look at space as the body. What is this entity if it is not the body what is in the body if it is an entity? The organs in us each have purpose and life. Each planet sun and partial of dust sings inside the body of life. Space is not empty nor is it nothingness. It is full of life and space itself is alive like our body is alive. As it is carrying inside of it all the other forms of life.

If you want my definition of what I feel an entity is this would be intelligent energy. My GOD is an entity of pure intelligent energy. There is no real form to the entity. The entity is perfect. I do realize in science many things can be classified an entity but truthfully are they really entities?

I do not believe a true entity can be so easily classified. And if classification is easy then I think you may not be looking at an entity. Is a spirit an entity? if it is how are we classifying what is entity. To me spirit is spirit no mystery no belief system needed. Is it an entity if we do not understand it? Is that what makes it an entity? And if I understand the entity, is it still an entity to me? As I said this word I reserve for my GOD and my GOD only.

To conclude our space is the material plain of existence and this plain contains life. We live on a plain a dimension separated from other space or dimensions, and each is a plain of existence. If I talk about the ethereal plain of existence, am I speaking about a new entity? I do not think so. This is just my observation in life. You should study the various plains of existence and look at that space. Each plain is different and so is the space in the plain. It is true. Our space is not the same space as the ethereal plain. The space in the ethereal plain is not the same space that is inside the Astral plain.

When your studies include other plains, I think you will sort this out. I think you will come to a better conclusion as to what space maybe to you. Hopefully you will find clarity in this matter.

I enjoyed your post.

Native spirit 30-01-2024 10:40 AM

An Entity is something that is used in spirituality as an entity connection or it can be used like a business
you have different offices in one building but they are all different entities they are all separate

good read again MICHAEL


Miss Hepburn 30-01-2024 01:49 PM

''What is entity in simple words?'' Found online-
An entity is something that exists separately from other things and has a clear identity of its own.
Synonyms: thing, being, body [informal], individual...

Nobody 444 30-01-2024 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
''What is entity in simple words?'' Found online-
An entity is something that exists separately from other things and has a clear identity of its own.
Synonyms: thing, being, body [informal], individual...

I like that very much. I have read that in study long ago. This is why I reserve the term entity only to my GOD. For I feel that only the divine fits that definition for me.

That is lovely.
Thank You

Miss Hepburn 30-01-2024 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Nobody 444
I like that very much. I have read that in study long ago. This is why I reserve the term entity only to my GOD.
For I feel that only the divine fits that definition for me.

An entity of some sort may appear or visit someone - friend or foe, to me.
I easily call God a Spiritual Entity...a Divine Entity- the One Pervasive Entity; always capitalized.

Michael K. 30-01-2024 11:05 PM

Space in an Entity.
Thank you Nobody 444 for resurrecting this older thread of mine.

Yes as it was written in the ancient occult wisdom, that "Space is an Entity"
an entity that all universal life emerges out from.

We that of humanity and all life "OCCUPY" this SPACE by our presence that
condenses out from its Ethereal matrix.

blessings michael.

Miss Hepburn 08-02-2024 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
.. what is this Entity which is space?
The reality... is that this entire universe is FULLY ALIVE and vibrating...
The identity of this ENTITY .... is ISHWARA lord of this universe...l

I love this and feel it needs to be repeated. :)

This is how I read things- to get the essence of what is being said.
It reminds me of in Acts:
for in him we live, and move, and have our being.

Michael K. 13-02-2024 02:39 PM

Space is an Entity.
Blessings Miss Hepburn, indeed Space is the entity that we all live and move
and have our being within its loving embrace.

Space is the infinite ocean that all life rises out of and becomes an occupier of
that sacred space. It is an oceanic infinity in which life emerges into the
dance of motioning presentation.

blessings michael.

Michael K. 10-06-2024 10:47 PM

To update this thread with new insights. ARISEN is the word that spells out
the insight given to me today, AKASHIC RECORDS INSCRIBING SPACE

Space is indeed an ENTITY, Absolute intelligence that ALL LIFE arises out of
it infinite ocean of being. NOW all arising life is occupying a portion of space
by its PRESENCE within it. THE AKASHIC RECORDS ARE SPACE!!!!! Which we
all fully occupy, and that PORTION OF SPACE that OCCUPIES "YOU" records
automatically everything that occurs WITHIN that SPACE you occupy!

SPACE is the AKASHIC RECORD, an infinite ocean of Intelligent recording
upon a electromagnetic strip magnetized to your unique signature.

These recordings are only for your information to use when in the astral realm
so you can realistically evaluate you life and take stock and learn from.
There is zero judgement by any life form, other than YOU.

blessings michael.

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