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Unseeking Seeker 07-01-2024 04:37 AM

Is energisation necessary?
Is kundalini (also called chi, Holy Spirit) activation necessary for non-dual awareness? What’s your opinion on this?

JustBe 07-01-2024 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Is kundalini (also called chi, Holy Spirit) activation necessary for non-dual awareness? What’s your opinion on this?

You can come to know/realise your true nature or being through any path of transmutation..

Kundalini is one process of many processors and experiences..

Unseeking Seeker 07-01-2024 02:18 PM

In the kundalini energisation process, which the universe deemed to be my path this time around, what effectively happens is that after the eureka moments of ascent, magnetic heat amplifying and the dark void experience followed by polarity balance and getting to bliss generation in permanence, the bliss current, apart from the ineffable joy it brings, it fixates our attention on itself, on the dance of divine magnetism as it occurs moment to moment, delighting the heart.

So, attention held thus, we may say we are in all-time meditation, thought-rested of course. Mind is an instrument and thoughts are employed only when necessary.

Ok. Sans thought, ego recedes and by grace, one day falls off. Literally. Then we see the light of Self, our true being, what we are, living light, in a singularity.

I don’t know if a contemplative meditative process or a dry inquiry like ‘who am I’, which is well known, attributable to Ramana, can facilitate the non-dual experience. We need to be in a continuum of thought rested stillness, which the bliss current enables. Without it, it may be too much of an ask to be resolute for days together, even randomly while waking up in the middle of the night.

We may say, that with bliss activated in permanence, we are not meditating but are being meditated upon. Spoon fed, if you will. I suspect Ramana and others who attained realisation went through the kundalini activation, just a hunch, I don’t know for sure.

I accept that bliss activation is not a pre-requisite for non-dual recognition of Self. In fact, when I was in school, some 50 years back, I had a glimmer of the non-dual recognition but could not hold onto the offering. At that time, there was no kundalini energisation at all in active cognition ~ of course the magnetic pulse is always present but if we don’t feel it, then it’s in the sub-conscious.

Comparing notes …

FallingLeaves 07-01-2024 07:17 PM

I read something on here the other day, someone was given the phrase

'the details don't matter, the only important thing is love'.

But of course each of us needs SOMETHING to go on with....


JustBe 07-01-2024 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
In fact, when I was in school, some 50 years back, I had a glimmer of the non-dual recognition but could not hold onto the offering. …

Can I ask what you witnessed 50 years back in that moment to know?

Can you describe it?

JustBe 07-01-2024 11:16 PM

One of my key learning markers was this.

If you feel deep enough the understanding and wisdom of the world around you naturally arises beyond thought. My gift and curse was being a predominate feeler, so my separation and unity came through the closing down and reopening feeling..

Wisdom just flows through that depth without effort in me. There is no study or discipline telling me what I experience and its meaning. The wisdom of self derives its meaning through where it opens and resides within itself. But I’m not alone with regards to potential.

My separation came through fear, religion and fight and flight reactions, which in turn turned off feeling things I couldn’t, didn’t want to feel fully. Healing those things opened my true state. Healing of course for me wasn’t kundalini, but walking through everything through feeling it.

Once the old story of separation ( as myself) ceased in me, ( meaning nothing left to transmute) my natural understanding, wisdom arose that naturally revealed my place beyond separation.

As you often say unseeker, we know on some level even when unconscious or ignorant to what we are. Unearthing yourself comes through many pathways, but feeling and letting go as deep as peace, is where the wisdom naturally resides and opens..

If I’m correct and correct me if I’m wrong, Kundalini is transmuting old energy lines in the body, it’s a way that allows people not to get caught up in themselves. It burns up the old, ignites the new as a more inclusive host/source.

There were times in my process where I felt energy as the end point of transmutation, especially relating to fear. The energy in my body would clear away the final remnants, burn up the old. This for me was a step by step process through each core issue. I felt that energy but I didn’t entertain it as kundalini.. more energetic response.

vortex 07-01-2024 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
'the details don't matter, the only important thing is love'.

love it
tell the mind to shut up i don't need your drama

just be and enjoy being human

Unseeking Seeker 08-01-2024 02:30 AM

@ FallingLeaves ~ love, yes definitively. We experience the octaves of love, beginning with childlike joy, moving to selective empathy, then bliss and on to all encompassing compassion, all rooted in purity of being, a pure heart. Love thus is something transcendental, here immanent, true love, being spontaneous and unconditional, having no opposite. As such, love is a becoming, we become it.

In the singularity of Self, when we alone are, what becomes of love? Perhaps the ineffable peace we feel is the atributeless colouration of love there.

Unseeking Seeker 08-01-2024 02:49 AM

@ JustBe ~ the five decade back experience … I could not hold onto it. The manifest universe fell away and I was in a different, more lucid, authentic reality but I cannot describe it since it was but a flicker and I was back in my body, yet the experience was definitive and unmistakable.

About the kundalini, from direct experience, what it is is that the energy innate to our being in Hiranyagarbha, the cosmic egg, in the head ovoid, the energy is polarised as male and female or potential energy* (*space) and kinetic energy* (*movement) in space, loosely speaking. The female aspect wishes to merge with the male aspect to become whole, represented as Ardhnarishwara* (*you can Google this term, left side female, right side male).

We are in duality, so the kundalini is inherent to life, whether cognised or not, since everything is polarised or we may say, separated. Hence the game of separation and union, of descent and ascent, of concealing and revealing.

Whatever term we employ, kundalini, chi or Holy Spirit, as labelled in different cultures, it is the same thing. The past, present and future play out in linear time but then time itself is a manifestation. So, this life is both a dream as well as real. We are where our attention is at.

When we say we experience this or that, who experiences and who interprets the experience? The experiencer is the Self in singularity and the interpreter of the experience is the ego in duality. The ego however is illusionary. This is my understanding.

The ‘trick’ then is, is to embody the awareness of Self in mind-body, breath by breath, all breaths entwined, in an unending continuum.

JustBe 08-01-2024 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
@ JustBe ~ the five decade back experience … I could not hold onto it. The manifest universe fell away and I…. The ego however is illusionary. This is my understanding.

The ‘trick’ then is, is to embody the awareness of Self in mind-body, breath by breath, all breaths entwined, in an unending continuum.

So you were given a glimpse of it early on as recognition for later on.
But …

I understand about masculine and feminine union. It’s been part of my process too. I e moved through much of these things you speak about, but I’ve realised they don’t need to be permanent, rather being just is. Of course you can’t reside in being, if there is still process moving through you.

Why can’t you be immersed in duality but participating from the middle path where there are no sides, no separation as yourself. The self in this way, is not caught in anything moving through the whole. The trick being for many, to let go of the blissful experience or the momentous spiritual experiences that put them on a high. But my learning is that all sides, are integrated into the simplicity of being. Being and residing in the true state. The lows and highs moving us back toad inward state of balanced being.

The question you’re asking, is kundalini necessary
To non dual awareness?

I’m looking at kundalini as simply another process to enter non dual awareness more directly. A stepping stone.

It seems you feel it’s a more a permanent state?

Life at the bejng level as I experience it all, is about peace and stillness. I move from there through life.

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