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lemex 01-12-2018 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
Then we need to go back to the definitions of what God is or isn't, but in doing that we're no longer talking about God. Any discussion about God will always bring us back to ourselves, even after the projections about his omnipotence and all the other labels.

If we're going to talk about inclusiveness then shouldn't we include history, the various religious contexts and a touch of psychology to give us a wider understanding of God? Or is the conversation going to be restricted to agenda?

I get what's being said but don't see this as legit enough to not ask. I have many of the feelings pointed out to. Now I don't have a problem with definitions or another's expectation, in this case there has to be faith the question means any God. The first question said God or Gods. One of the things I have learned about language is, 3 elements. 1) There is that which is said. 2) There is that which isn't said. it (felt) isn't necessary to say, it's understood, and 3) what one forgets to say. So I feel we have to ask. I mean God.

Can we make a new word up. Words do stop us in our tracks and impede the conversation if allowed. People allow it and don't recognize it. The point of coming back to ourselves is not even good enough imo as a matrix, one, it's meaningless if recognized. This psychological relation is really 1) physical oriented, 2) a program, 3) self referral, 4) awareness. We're information based. I say recognize the truths that which is mentioned does not have to define.

One of the things I noticed was the word God somehow is a stereotype. For instance, in relation to the conversation, when I use the word and someone else uses another word, I include the other word. Language is not the thing, in this case God. Like the word "house" is not the house and can be any kind of abode. Really few want to tackle this question, it's not for everyone. One can only get the answer from the other side or the source. I think this is what was meant when it was said, ask. My expectation is God represents Consciousness. I waiting for a response if right or wrong.

It is possible God divided itself up to everything and the answer is in us, not the conscious but subconscious. It is the conscious that keeps us from seeing the answer but it does not mean it is not there, hidden. One of the things we need to consider is spending one's entire life working to manifest it. I present the idea, the first level is us. Some force just seems sensible simply by observation itself. I go with some force that exists.

Greenslade 02-12-2018 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by lemex
I get what's being said but don't see this as legit enough to not ask. I have many of the feelings pointed out to. Now I don't have a problem with definitions or another's expectation, in this case there has to be faith the question means any God. The first question said God or Gods. One of the things I have learned about language is, 3 elements. 1) There is that which is said. 2) There is that which isn't said. it (felt) isn't necessary to say, it's understood, and 3) what one forgets to say. So I feel we have to ask. I mean God.

Can we make a new word up. Words do stop us in our tracks and impede the conversation if allowed. People allow it and don't recognize it. The point of coming back to ourselves is not even good enough imo as a matrix, one, it's meaningless if recognized. This psychological relation is really 1) physical oriented, 2) a program, 3) self referral, 4) awareness. We're information based. I say recognize the truths that which is mentioned does not have to define.

One of the things I noticed was the word God somehow is a stereotype. For instance, in relation to the conversation, when I use the word and someone else uses another word, I include the other word. Language is not the thing, in this case God. Like the word "house" is not the house and can be any kind of abode. Really few want to tackle this question, it's not for everyone. One can only get the answer from the other side or the source. I think this is what was meant when it was said, ask. My expectation is God represents Consciousness. I waiting for a response if right or wrong.

If we're going to talk about God in any meaningful way we need to know what we're talking about, because the world and his cat have their own definitions, meanings........ Not only that, because we're talking about beliefs there are those who truly seek wisdom and those for whom the truth is relative to their own agenda. And because it's the word 'God' in particular for some the fact that God exists and is the Supreme Being is a done deal, end of story thank you.

Any discussion of what God is or isn't is not a discussion about God and enlightened, Spiritual people so completely miss that point to the stage where it becomes laughable. We're never going to talk about what God is, all we're going to talk about are our own projections, beliefs and agendas. All you, me or anyone else has on God is our own beliefs. If God really is omnipotent.... balah-de-blah... then how can the human consciousness even hope to comprehend what God actually is???


Originally Posted by lemex
It is possible God divided itself up to everything and the answer is in us, not the conscious but subconscious. It is the conscious that keeps us from seeing the answer but it does not mean it is not there, hidden. One of the things we need to consider is spending one's entire life working to manifest it. I present the idea, the first level is us. Some force just seems sensible simply by observation itself. I go with some force that exists.

Pre-Constantine there were two schools side-by-side in what was going to become the school of Christianity. There was the faction which believed in God Without - the Supreme Being, etc.. The exact origins of that are unclear but it is clear it's based on the Sumerian Enuma Elish, and what became God Without was either Enki or Enlil, it's not quite clear which one it was. Genesis is pretty much a re-write of the Enuma Elish. This is where the belief system becomes agenda, because that is ignored and everything pre-Christianity doesn't count. Constantine did the most damage and he essentially turned God into a control mechanism, which it was with the Catholic Church until the Renaissance. It's all in the history books if you care to read it.

Now, from that you have two choices. You can search for the truth honestly and to the best of your ability or you can just say that God is the Sky Daddy and forget the rest. But if you truly want to be enlightened then you need to realise that what makes you Spiritual is not the beliefs you hold but the reasons you hold them.

The other faction at the time was the Gnostics who believed in God Within - as in God is a part of us. Christ Consciousness doesn't come from Jesus, it comes from the Ancient Egyptians. The Gnostics got a bad deal with Constantine and were largely forgotten about, because you can't control a God inside. Abraham figured that out. Jesus was a Gnostic and if you actually spend time understanding what he said, you'll find he agrees with you. What skews it is that it's read from a God Without context.

When you understand all of that you understand what God is. Thanks to Abraham's and Constantine's agendas, God is the Sky Daddy as history will tell you.


Originally Posted by lemex
I go with some force that exists.

That's close enough -

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.
We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
― Max Planck

Greenslade 02-12-2018 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Ziusudra
Even the science determined its Big Bang origin theory and the universal laws' existence.. Even some may just believe those theories, as their 'GOD'/the creating force/event/etc.

To explore spirituality of Big Bang and the universal laws, WHY of those needs to be questioned .

Why? is still the wrong question and you're not going to find much wisdom with it.


Originally Posted by Ziusudra
Without WHY of those, all existences in the entire multiverse is just out of nothingness, a random existence, an accident.

Then the spirituality itself does not exist as well.
Ultimately, we have nothing for spiritual quest.

Take a look in the mirror, take a look around you.

Greenslade 02-12-2018 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Moonglow
In a way find it more exploring our own existence, then that of a "God" and through this I am discovering and further understanding my own divinity, others divinity, and the divinity of life itself.

Yes, if divinity/unity be related to the word "God", then seems in many ways "we" have drifted away from theses connection.

Hey there Moonglow

If you have found that you have found all there is to find.

"Sometimes you don;t have to go any further than your own back yard."
The Wizard of Oz


Originally Posted by Moonglow
So, what is being sought? Which seems to relate to the question why does...exist? If not understood what one is seeking, can one answer why?

Seems for me, a part of me enjoys exploring and another part of me just says let it be, let life reveal what is and go from there.

The Seeker is always that which is sought, and if you don't know what you're looking for how are you going to find it?

Greenslade 02-12-2018 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi

I will respond to this fully in time, as it is 4am over here and I need some shut eye, but this conversation has been great so far.

That'll teach me. :hug3:


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
In some spiritual circles, it is said that our beliefs create our reality. Taking this view, one could rightly say that our beliefs created God and therefore, God exists, albeit only to those who believe it.

In short, our reality is defined by our perceptions, our perceptions are defined by our beliefs and our beliefs are defined by our definitions. So, if your definition is of God the Sky Daddy, that is how he exists in your reality. But what actually exists? Does God exist because we believe in him (so now you're into a quantum theory/Spirituality crossover) or is it the belief in God that exists? And if the belief in God has been processed by the brain does that mean God is an electrical signal in our noggins? Or is he the entanglement with the field of probability and the microtubules in our brains?


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
All I know, is that any/all speculation aside, in this birth and lifetime, I find myself very strongly associated with the Hindu God Shiva.. However I also know that God has nothing to do with religion, since one doesn't need to be a Hindu to believe in Shiva.

Very often the non-Abrahamic Gods were anthropomorphisms, and as I understand it the Hindu Gods (by all means correct me if I'm wrong} were/are just that. Other cultures would have called the triumvirate the Cycle of Life or something similar. Associating/resonating with a Hindu God is understandable.

The Gods/gods came from religion initially, but I guess it just depends on definitions. At one time I associated with the Mayan Day God Kimi, who is the Death God Ancestral in the definition I had at the time because it helped me understand something I was going through at the time.


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
I honestly don't think religion created God, but created a stylised version of the perceived notion OF God, along with sets of dogmas and tenets to keep the faithful under some kind of institutionalized control.

Zoroaster/Zarathustra is credited for 'creating' God and some would say Abraham, and if you look at the history God comes from the Sumerian Enumma Elish originally, although it does become a little fuzzy. Christianity was 'designed' as a control mechanism, some say by Abraham and definitely by Constantine and later the Catholic Church. Western Spirituality is largely built on/influenced by Christianity.


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
As for everything else "caveman" related, there's another theory which I really like:.. it is called "The Stoned Ape Theory"... please Google it if you are unfamiliar with this.

...and with that, I'll see you all soon..g'nite.

Stoned Ape Theory indeed. Actually that wouldn't surprise me, I don't suppose apes had the same issues with hallucinogenics as we have, which is a bit of a shame.

Sweet dreams

Greenslade 02-12-2018 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Dear Greenslade.

This is going to be a pretty lengthy write up, so please bear with me.

Ever since I was a very young child, I have been aware of this presence...A being so beautiful, full of endless love and profound wisdom, but at the same time, very dark, deep and mysterious and I knew that he (it was a masculine energy) would be able to love and guide me throughout my life.

Seeing as how I was abused and traumatised as a child, I have considered the possibility that it arose from my subconscious mind and desire to give me the love and acceptance that I never received from my own parents and yet, I felt this being with every fibre of my own until it became a tangible perception.

Ummmmmm where do I begin with this????

I'm sitting here with a huge lump in my throat. And at the risk of coming across as big-headed....

I know exactly where you're coming from, because in you it's always been there. I'm a firm believer in Soul Groups and I've spent a of of time talking to a lot of people about just that - and a few other things. Although I don't go looking for it I can sometimes sense other people's energies coming off the page as I read their posts - I'm clairsentient, which explains that. You've always had that familiar 'energy signature' about you, although in the past it was covered in layers - you were hiding your Light under a bushel. As the book title says - "A Stranger In A Strange Land." There are others just like you and you are not alone.

I completely understand your associations - resonances - with Shiva, Hinduism, the "Glowing Ones" - with "coming Home." I completely understand your chills of the body and the convulsing because I'm getting a mild one as I type this.

Originally it began in Atlantis, the Shining Ones were the beings who had not quite fully integrated into this density, their forms appeared as though they 'glowed', in the way that the colours of a rainbow changes frequencies from one to the other. According to Graham Hancock there are 495 cultures across the globe and history that mentions specifically "The Shining Ones" - including the Sumerians and the Bible - which is why angels glow. I would think that your "Glowing Ones" would be a slight difference in translation but the same beings. What is often not realised is that in a pantheon of gods, the gods are either actual beings or anthropomorphisms. If that's how he came across to you that's quite understandable, something similar happens with mediums - it's simply a 'translation' of pure consciousness into a form the human mind can grasp.

I've seen those beings too, whether or not they're the same ones I can say for sure but I do know they are the same 'group'. I can't and won't put them into a religious context. One of the earliest resonances I had was a book by Lobsang Rampa called "The Cave of the Ancients" and that has stayed with me ever since. There are twelve plus one of them in the cave.

I had those downloads too and my brain began top implode. I had words, phrases, names, visions that made no sense at all. I had to sit down and just write to get it all out of my head, always at the same time every night for long enough. Then it just stopped.

Relating to him externally is easier for me too, although I don't want to use the word Shiva because for me it has religious connotations. I prefer using 'Higher Self' simply because of convenience more than anything else, short of a very convoluted explanation. But I do understand what you mean, because really it's all about the relationship we have between ourselves and whatever name we choose. The choice of there being an 'I' to have the experience ism my choice too, although I suppose there not being an 'I' is supposedly more Spiritual. I guess it's more fun when you realise you have a choice of perspectives to navigate.

So, if you Love Shiva do you also Love yourself? If there are no boundaries to existence are you not Love?

Moonglow 02-12-2018 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
Hey there Moonglow

If you have found that you have found all there is to find.

"Sometimes you don;t have to go any further than your own back yard."
The Wizard of Oz

The Seeker is always that which is sought, and if you don't know what you're looking for how are you going to find it?

Hey Greenslade,

I have not found all there is to find by any means.:smile:
Which is what makes life interesting.
Many times when I think I have it figured out, something else comes along and changes or expands the perspective anyways.

You bring up a quote from the Wizard of Oz. this brings back memories of watching the movie with family when I was a kid and still will watch it every now and then.

The story at its base has the same theme that gets tossed around in some "spiritual" circles. The theme being that which you seek is inside you all along.
I got this when I was young, but took some maturing to understand it.

At times something comes along or someone says something and it pulls deep with in me. Brings some of the pieces together or inspires me to keep on going.
The interesting part is at times don't even realize that those are the things or people I was/am looking for. Which further confirms Spirit knows what it is doing, even when I think I don't.

Ziusudra 02-12-2018 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
Why? is still the wrong question and you're not going to find much wisdom with it.

Take a look in the mirror, take a look around you.

Ok Greeenslade.

You don't agree with my question.
But it is obvious that my question evoked your own question.

So, revise my question the way you want to ask.
Then answer it.

BTW, I am still waiting for your report on the answers from 10 spirits. :D

Greenslade 04-12-2018 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Moonglow
Hey Greenslade,

I have not found all there is to find by any means.:smile:
Which is what makes life interesting.
Many times when I think I have it figured out, something else comes along and changes or expands the perspective anyways.

You bring up a quote from the Wizard of Oz. this brings back memories of watching the movie with family when I was a kid and still will watch it every now and then.

The story at its base has the same theme that gets tossed around in some "spiritual" circles. The theme being that which you seek is inside you all along.
I got this when I was young, but took some maturing to understand it.

At times something comes along or someone says something and it pulls deep with in me. Brings some of the pieces together or inspires me to keep on going.
The interesting part is at times don't even realize that those are the things or people I was/am looking for. Which further confirms Spirit knows what it is doing, even when I think I don't.

You don't have to believe in fairies, Moonglow, because fairies believe in you.

What I've figured out is that the more you figure it out the more there is to figure out. Then when you stop figuring it all out you find you don't need to figure it out. Then you forget you don't need to figure it out so you can go figure it out. Every time you figure it out you figure out that you don't have to figure it out again, for the first time.

"The Seeker is always that which is sought" and sometimes it's echoed in more than Spiritual circles. And not just tossed around but often it's the basis of so many teachings - including Christianity. It's a theme that Jesus - amongst a few others - reiterated time and again.

Relax, Moonglow. Not only do those fairies believe in you they have your tail covered every step of the way but they'll throw things at you when the time is right. Spirit does know what it's doing because to Spirit, it's already done and dusted.

"For me there is only the travelling on the Paths that have a heart, on any Path that may have a heart.
There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge for me is to traverse its full length.... looking, looking, breathlessly"
Carlos Castedana
The Teachings of Don Juan

Greenslade 04-12-2018 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ziusudra
Ok Greeenslade.

You don't agree with my question.
But it is obvious that my question evoked your own question.

So, revise my question the way you want to ask.
Then answer it.

BTW, I am still waiting for your report on the answers from 10 spirits. :D

OK Ziusudra

"God has never - anywhere in the Bible - promised to answer these questions; Why? and Where? and When?
But God hears and answers these questions beginning with How? or What?
These questions sincerely seek wisdom and guidance."
Robert H Schuller
Turning Hurts Into Halos

So the question becomes, if we are to truly seek wisdom - "What are the reasons God exists?" But since a belief in God is personal the question then becomes "What are the reasons I believe in God?" So, your answers are your answers - only yours. There are a few generic answers though. One is that some people are genetically predisposed to a belief in God. For others, it's an egoic mentality especially for those who claim to know God and think they can come close to fathoming out the reasons an omnipotent, omniscient, beyond causality (that is beyond a reason to exist) ....... Supreme Sky Daddy-type being exists. For others, it's because they haven't found what they're looking for inside themselves and for others still it's because they have.

God exists in your reality for your reasons, but the real question is what do you get out of our belief in God?

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