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SeekingShells 15-03-2019 08:19 PM

I can't see auras but...
I was wondering if any of you knowledgeable people might have some insight for me. I don't really have anyone I could talk to about this.

A couple of years ago I had a handful of experiences in the sea. I live inland so rarely get to the beach. We reached our campsite early evening and I helped pitch up then wandered to the beach. I went and sat in the sea, I was just holding my hands on the surface of the water, and there was just green and purple light streaming from my fingertips and dispersing into the ocean.

I thought maybe there was something in the water or lights playing tricks, so I kept taking my hands in and out. But the colours only appeared when my hands were there. It happened a handful of times over the week. This was 2 years ago, but I can remember it vividly. I've only been able to visit the beach once since, due to injury, so I don't know if it would happen again.

Any thoughts?

John32241 19-03-2019 10:54 AM


You may want to check out this video.


It talks about your experience and presents a conclusion about it.

Generally speaking humanity has begun to evolve. We are starting an ascension process which will have all kinds of implications. Many of the changes happening within the human physical body.

There are various ways these changes can manifest. Your specific experience represents a version of those effects described in that video.

My take on your experience is that you have telekenitic inclinations where energetic waves can be generated from your body and come out through your hands. The colors you saw in the ocean water were present in part because of the salt water but mostly because your internal body energies and most likly the focus of your intent was strong.

I have a friend who can do telekinesis and she also has visable crystaline sparkels on her skin surface most noticablely on her hands.

You could try out that experience again using a bowl of salt water.


ImthatIm 22-03-2019 09:10 PM

I would say it might be energies produced by the ocean and mixing with your own energy flow. The beach is a very charged place.

Also there are phosphorus chemicals in the ocean as seen below in the link.

https://www.google.com/search?q=phosphorus+ocean+waves&rlz=1C1SFXN_enUS50 1US502&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizyYOu 0ZbhAhV2HzQIHbT5A_cQ_AUIDigB&biw=1536&bih=706

Very cool stuff. Both energy and phosphorus.
It may be a combination of them also.


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