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lamb1 16-04-2024 09:42 PM

Sacral chakra

How to work on this chakra? How to open it and balance? Is talking about my emotions openly any key to harmonize it?
Do any of you have any other ideas or methods to open it?

Thank you

Unseeking Seeker 19-04-2024 01:44 AM

In my view, rather than looking at any chakra, examine the vibration it represents, how we may live authentically, in resonance with higher aspects of the polarity it holds, by choosing to shift in thought, word and deed, moment to moment.

The inner system responds to the outer, our lived reality, the way we are and be. As such, it is my view that simply refine consciousness. The chakras, kundalini etc, they will be enabled automatically.

The sacral, in my view, is a crossroad, as are all other energy vortexes. We are asked a question by the universe:

What do we choose? Love or lust?

The choice we make by actually shifting, in surrender will determine the next step. It is simple and yet real. We need to walk the path.

My sincere apologies for not offering a magic wand or an esoteric kriya yoga technique or a shaman chant! God bless.

Apakhana Akshobhya 19-04-2024 01:55 AM

What I'm familiar with is to focus on the area and inhale while gently pressing or squeezing it, hold it, then exhale, then let up on the gentle squeeze.
I was taught to start at the root first, then do sacral and then solar centers. Once the activation can be felt then the energy is mixed together and used in a very specific manner that your teacher will explain.

FairyCrystal 20-04-2024 10:13 AM

Any personal growth work you do concerning aspects of this chakra: sexuality, emotions, expression & creativity, neediness, control (could also be using sex as a means to get what you want and/or to control. Sex addiction also comes from imbalance in this chakra), and so on.
Anything that keeps you from being your authentic self and being able to express that.
And bear in mind that sexuality is also part of expressing ourselves! True sexuality is with love, not sheer lust, it's much deeper. And sexuality is creation (think of a baby).
Plus sex -when it's making love- requires us to be at our most vulnerable which at the same time is the most beautiful, loveable, strong and completely connected to and at one with "self".

It may take time to get that chakra balanced to a level that it becomes more stable as many have deep trauma there. You peel off layers, you can't remove everything in one go.
Often it also takes time to find out what exactly our wound is concerning that chakra and to figure out who we truly are.
But the more work you do -which is peeling of layers- the softer and more balanced the chakra starts to be.

It's a very important chakra (they all are, I know) since it's closely related to the Heart AND the Throat. The latter also being about expression.

FairyCrystal 20-04-2024 10:29 AM

BTW whether that can be done (partly) by talking depends on which issues affect the chakra and mostly on whether or not you connect to them.
If talking is a copy mechanism/strategy to stay in your head you're not going to really touch the issues.
Doesn't mean you have to step in turmoil & chaos and relive trouble, but talking might keep you too disconnected from it.
It could, however, be part of the work.

Also good to know: if you have a recurring theme throughout life it's like a thread with knots. Each knots is a happening of that theme.
You do not have to undo each knot.
Once you've worked through 4-5 happenings (knots) the rest will dissolve by themselves as you've then resolved that theme.

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