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Old 04-12-2015, 03:46 PM
jerseyguy77 jerseyguy77 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 34

Good luck in pushing forward, my bad experience was enough to shake me up pretty good, I'm just trying to put it all behind me, which won't be easy and will probably take a very long time now. I guess this field of research just isn't for everyone. I don't know I just think I was deceived too much for me to want to keep going, I just could never tell who were the benevolent spirits and who were not, things got real messy. And asking them anything, personal questions and testing them is useless because they can read our thoughts, (this is quite easy to test). Wherever they are, they are hearing/seeing our thought broadcast so it's not like we can hide anything from them, this is why we are so vulnerable to being deceived. In an unfortunate way, I'm still stuck with interacting with these spirits for now, because I don't even have to say anything out loud, I just have to think something and they can pick it up and respond, so this is like involuntary spirit communication at this point, shutting your mind off from interacting with them is extremely difficult and will take alot of time to get a handle on. At least for me, if I try and tell myself not to think something, of course my mind will anyway, it's hard to force it, I need to get to a point where I can not think about them naturally, but it's tough because they do everything they can to grab your attention and distract you
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