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Old 07-12-2015, 02:21 PM
jerseyguy77 jerseyguy77 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 34
I have been hearing them saying for months "we're not human" or "we were never human", but then every once and awhile I'll hear "we are human spirits", so it's just too frustrating to try and figure out, they intentionally want to keep you guessing it seems, but they do say quite often "We are Evil Spirits", and they seem to be very proud of it, there is certainly a trickster/prankster element present with what I'm dealing with. I just have no way of knowing, same thing with the positive voices, I was hearing some really helpful and insightful stuff for awhile but then that went away and for the past few months it's just these same negative voices that seem set on annoying me all day, yes, they love to comment on things about me that they don't like or approve of, in fact, that's mostly what they do. I honestly think that these ones are trying to do as much mental and emotional damage as possible. This isn't like alot of the hauntings you see on tv or in movies where there's stuff happening around the house ( though there was some of that to before) this is a complete instrusion into your life and mind and an attempt at non-stop 24/7 harassment to drive you insane, it's not possession because they can't make me do anything but it's awful all the same, but it just goes to show, if you can rough it out and keep your head up, people can adapt and overcome some extreme situations.

As for their motives, your guess is as good as mine, but I have witnessed that strong emotions give them more ability to interact with us.
Back in the beginning of my extreme clairaudience when I was a nervous wreck and full of anxiety, I was definately having more things happen, like I would hear banging on doors and walls in my home, once I had a door violently thrown open in front of me, I heard people running down my stairs when there was no one else there, but all that has stopped since I've calmed down ....this sounds out there, but I've even gotten phone calls and voice mails from them. The phone calls have a real crackly distortion to them usually, but I can hear them well enough, it's usually some type of prank call like call, I think they do it to try and stir up some panic in me and keep me thinking about them.
I definately observed that our emotions and thoughts feed them so to speak.
In fact one time I asked why they were giving me such a hard time, and a voice said in a more considerate and serious manner than they usually speak "what choice do we have, we feed off of fear"

it all boggles the mind
I try not to be too dim about it, I like to think that some the positive voices were a different sort of spirit than these harassing ones and that they were trying to help me, they were extremely kind and insightful, but these negative voices just mucked everything up to the point where I didn't know what was going on, who was who, etc... I know that there was alot of deception going on. So it's very complicated but yes, very very real

I hope that your experience works out for you, maybe I just ran into a rough bunch or something? All I know is that the intrusion into my life, especially my mind has been more than I ever bargained for, it's kind of harder to focus now knowing that they are always present, I'll just stick to reading books about the things that I'm interested in and hopefully this clairaudience will fade away someday

Last edited by jerseyguy77 : 07-12-2015 at 06:30 PM.
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