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Old 10-07-2019, 12:47 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I agree with you FairyCrystal – Metatron is the highest AA and all you've said about things being written so long ago – we were still travelling about on horse and carts, no computers then to share interests and views lol. I do like to hear stories in church about Jesus, it would have be brilliant to hear and witness such wisdom; to be there would have been amazing, or maybe one of us here was in a former lifetime.

I just have thoughts though about hell, ive seen some manky ugly faces looking at me in meditation a few years ago until one evening when I was at a low and in a dark place, and that night so many angel sparkles in the early hours I witnessed – like the cavalry had arrived Angel wise to sort them out, then all gone…

So if people who do bad or evil things during their lifetime maybe they’re cast adrift for an eternity - we don’t know, keep an open mind on that one eh.

Later I’m going to tell you all about an image of Jesus I seen in church – in the bible I heard once in church – 'shout it from the rooftops' – so that’s what I’m going to do in my next post in an hour or so, ive been waiting so long to share this story/happening.
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