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Old 08-06-2021, 10:41 PM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
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Part five Dreams of Long Ago...

Once, so long ago that even the measure provided us since the creation is inadequate, there existed a single, great, primordial soul. It was as yet undivided. The plan for expression of deity still in the formative stage. No mere numbers can point to these times. They existed yet they did not. Our universe both spiritual and physical was yet to come.

Before the creation of the lower heavens which would serve to sustain their reflection, the physical universe, an idea, a directed thought was formed. This, in the mind of the soul. And the basis of what would be spiritual and physical life was given the shapes and dimensions according to the then existing Divine source.

A very long time later when the physical was ready this great soul made it’s appearance first in a galactic center then, correspondingly, in the star centers which would, later, give live to systems. Later it was in planetary systems that the focus was moved. Now as spiritual livingness was known in the higher of the Earth, her subtle planes came to be. Then… the ethereal/astral was made suitable and “life” appeared on Earth.

Now we are speaking of our journey again and we talk a little about the broader scope of biological life. This is done so that we can gain perspective. We are all truly one. We, all of us, and the post incarnation great ones too, are still “of” that great primordial soul. This is a principal immutable. Here is another mystery. After the Earth and other worlds have served their purpose what of it? It will be transmuted find ascension and return to the source. Beyond this we cannot yet discern. Trust though that nothing is ever lost.

We learn about the agreements made In heaven between the souls of animals and the souls of men… The story of companionship and the way it insures the fulfillment of Creative purpose.

The next part tells us of the special and unique relationship between all lifeforms on Earth. In particular we are instructed in the ways that the lives of all are interwoven. This with particular emphasis on the domestic animals.

We see it in the science of genetics. Relationships, kinship… everywhere. But have we looked closely at the non physical realms or just in the physical? It is truly stated, “as above, so below”. Can we agree then that in the ethereal and astral planes life, in all it’s forms, exists and that, below on the Earth are the less perfect copies of those above.

The Lady did not speak but all of the above came into our minds in an instant of time. How did this happen? Can it be that we were shown an infinite story in so short a time? The Lady smiles.

We are all sitting on a grassy field, not quite level and waiting for the lady again to speak. Then we realize that she has been communicating with us via telepathy. We’ve all been thinking the same thing not realizing the source. Interesting. And we think of the way we can so easily dispose of the many languages… so easy and eloquent.

We are resting now. Look at the ground. Look closely at a patch of grass. From beneath an insect crawls forth. It climbs a blade of grass and stops. Looking up at us we discern it’s thoughts. Wait… do insects really think? No. Not in the same way that we do. They share a group, lower correspondence to mind. This and chemical and mechanical (movements) are the ways that they communicate. But what we are hearing now is the voice of the insect family group guide. Remember the little folk that serve the Earth? They are here too in the same capacity. It is here that these lesser known forms are given the attributes that they will need when they next return to a changing Earth, that which is below. And down there? Science will see the results of this vital work in the form of genetic patterns. This is a part of the essence of what we call evolution.

We rest. The Lady seems to fade into stillness. Time for us to see to ourselves for awhile First we eat and then glorious sleep… Gemma sits apart, watching. Lady Pumpkin nods in her direction. Yes. I know.

To be continued...
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