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Old 11-12-2022, 01:45 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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About Angels...

Originally Posted by Cattems
I refreshed my memory of this. It makes even more sense now. I like the angels. Those who have rebuffed me for my belief in them, take note, lol (no one here). There really are angels.

My guides (I call them my team) interact with me all day, every day. They remind me of little things, a better way to do something, reminding me to do a task, or include something. They are different than angels though.

My Angel or Angels, don't know which it is, has protected me and have kept me on my path of learning and not to stray from what I came here to learn.

I am reminded of Lorna Byrne and her first two books where she describes angels in detail. They are definitely real to her! It's hard not to believe after reading her books. Maybe I need to pull them out again. I could use a bit of uplifting right now.

Your post is much appreciated. It is through my guide, Bartholomew, that I know anything about angels. The ground breaking revelation was through the earlier story where we found angels on their own plane, pre-existing "creation". Now, all of a sudden, new dimensions in being open before us.

In channeling I have met the angel Michael but no others. His were very powerful male energies. That was back in the early 1990s. It was an experience incidental to something else. Now the Lady has apparently chosen to make an appearance through the vehicle of stories. Stories are good. They, like novels, combine literal truth with bits of fiction which serve understanding, comfort. "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." Remember that one? Me too.

Why female? On their own plane angels are androgynous but when need requires them to descent into the created universes they are bound to conform with the laws of these realms. Note here that in creation divisiveness is the rule whereas above the created (in the I am) there is no such parting. So... in our universe we find female and male. Females are the creators. Males are the destroyers. Together they power the engines of the spiritual evolution which is the essence, that which we call growth.

On God's plane all simply is. Oneness. Moving below however we find divisiveness in ever increasing degrees until, at last, we are in the physical where we disagree so often. (joke)

Another way to think of male and female is that one defends while the other nourishes. Can we imagine anything more eloquent? Step outside and look closely at our garden. We find these very same activities in play. Now look higher, much higher (but not further away) and we find exactly the same. It is the hand of God and nothing less.

Thanks for the affirmations of angels that you contribute. Never let doubts of them cloud your thinking.

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