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Old 26-04-2023, 05:18 PM
ianalexanderr ianalexanderr is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 241
The chakra system serves as the interface between the individual, and the outside world. It coaxes us into behaviors necessary for our survival. Our Chakra system does this by using the incentive of desire and emotion. For example: We seek survival and conditions of comfort, because we desire to. The survival instinct is implanted within us through the root chakra. Likewise, we seek to procreate and have children because we desire sex. This desire is implanted within every individual through the second chakra. Each chakra is indeed associated with specific emotions, and desires. In addition, every chakra is programmed to fascilitate our growth and development by teaching us to take responsibility for ourselves, and for others. Our chakra responds by rewarding us with energy when we learn those two lessons. This experience of the chakra charging with energy as a reward, is what I am intending for people to experience with these exercises.
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