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Old 17-06-2023, 10:05 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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It is complex, and yet it isn't as it all makes so much sense.
The Heart & Solar Plexus, cannot recall exactly how it worked as I get that info when in a transmission so the logical brain isn't very active.
But it was something like when the Solar Pl. is 5D at least you can (finally) truly shine your true Light, be yourself, stand tall. And only then can the Heart fully blossom as well.
When that happens the SP and H work together on a much deeper/higher level.

I also know the SP is closely related to the Throat which is why you should work on SP when having neck issues. Someone told me that, he'd studied energywork in India, and explained it and what to do. Unfortunately this was on a night out at the pub and even though I don't drink I can't for the love of the Goddess remember what he said, except for the root of the neck problem -and thus the cure too- being in the SP.

I've also felt when doing the Blessing of the Energy Centres (BotEC) that the SP also nourishes and supports the lower chakras, just as these nourish & support the SP. The SP cannot come to full blossoming without that.
It is all interconnected.
In that sense I suppose you can start anywhere, but it's also true that without the solid foundation of the lower 3 chakras you will quickly hit a glass ceiling. You must develop those if you really want to get any further.
And then the Root is very important. Truly like the bottom tier of Maslow's Pyramid. You simply can not get to the next tier without that bottom one being at least reasonably developed.
I've known that for yonks, yet still underestimated its importance...
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