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Old 24-06-2023, 10:29 AM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
Originally Posted by JustBe
It gets bigger than that..
72,000 Nadis and 114 chakras.
Which is why most work on seven
That's correct it was Sadhguru founder and head of the ishla foundation who quoted this, I think depending on the person there are different paths to the charkas, which is why no two peoples experiences are the same, and we have to find our own way.

I remember the kundalini stage which I thought was really tough, by body went through a natural detox cleanse, I didn't know what was happening to me, and all I could eat was plant.

Later I became stuck in a void, surrounded by darkness, I was stuck here for a few weeks and couldn't find a way out, I was too scared to walk in darkness. Then I realised I have to become the light and take it with me through the darkness, but there is more to it that, u have to feel the love of god in your heart, for all, you will know when have succeeded this because you will not fear the darkness, and it will not exist in you, I chant I am the light and darkness cannot exist in me. it seems one of the processes is fear and one has to overcome it.

But I also think there are gifted people like psychic, clairvoyance, shamans etc so there path may be different than others.
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