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Old 02-11-2023, 12:32 AM
Wisteria Wisteria is offline
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 67
That just sounds so horrific, I suffer with trigeminal neuralgia my neurologist says, it can b so unbearable, not the head but facial pain so excruciating, to a point I literally feel like someone is squeezing my facial skull to collapse, they prescribed epilepsy medication, but the side effects are not good! It comes to a point one has to just be alone and deal with the pain, I don’t do medication anymore, it just sry I cannot think of the word, but I mean when it comes back again and again. Hmm but seriously I wouldn’t mind someone drilling a whole in my skull at that point, it’s almost like well what can be worse when u already feel it happening! Just maybe we hit the nail on the head, why we have these experiences? Maybe it is associated to our past life who knows!
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