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Old 26-11-2023, 07:10 AM
Compendium Compendium is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
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Posts: 374
The third eye is the Pineal gland. If you look at a vertical cross section down the middle of the brain look at the center. You will see the eye of hours. Truth is every religion including Christianity and Islam has a name for it, but today in this period it is commonly called the third eye.

Spirit communication can come with dreams. You are stimulating the third eye. Where your focus goes your energy goes so with your heart full of love or gratitude look up with your eyes to your forehead between the brows, or place you attention on the location and your energy will flow. Eventually you might feel a gentle, but firm pressure, tingling or heat. This is the energy and it is working.

A word of caution: in some form you will see, if you change your mind you can close it off by meditating on closing it and visualizing a single eye lid closing slowly.

Preconceived notions cloud judgment and abilities everyone of us is capable of having our own unique gifts none are relegated by gender.

Alpha binural beats can help because the psychic abilities are clearer during alpha brain waves. This is when you are relaxed. Who wants to talk to a stressed out, angry person? No one including Spirit.

Remember: This life is only temporary so make the most of it
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