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Old 05-12-2023, 10:12 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
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A blockage in the heart chakra can mean that love isn’t flowing freely in your life. Do you feel unloved in life? Do you feel that you belong to anywhere? Were you loved as a child?

These are some things to consider.

In order to get love flowing in your life, you first have to love yourself. Everything starts with self first, and one of the best ways to do this is to start paying attention to your positive qualities.

What do you like about yourself? What good things do others say about you? What is going well for you in your life at the moment? Make a list of these: see if you can get 10 to start with, and you will probably be able to add a lot more. Once you have made your list, read it through and keep on doing so. Do this several times a day, so that things really sink in.

What will happen when you do this, is that you start getting the message that you are a positive person with lots of positive qualities, and that you really like and love yourself for doing so. This will then attract people into your life who like and love you for who you are, and who will help you with that sense of belonging. It is also a great way of creating self-love within you, and of letting love flow in your life, and through your chakras.

The pain in the heart chakra could be an ‘ache’ to be loved and accepted. That can be cultivated in yourself first and then the whole world will change to reflect that.
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