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Old 16-12-2023, 07:44 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
This is rare, FC ---I disagree! Ha! Or rather have a diff take.
I see forgiving as an act of wisdom.

Sure, you can forgive your son for doing something bad because you love him and know it was a silly mistake in judgment.

I wasn't talking about the 'default' form of love, but of a much higher one. Closer to unconditional love or possibly even unconditional love.
Vibrationally there is a vast difference between the two.
I don't think it is possible to really forgive from that regular, more human variety of love either. Like the love for a son or father or ... or... That's great love, nothing wrong with it of course, but it's nowhere near the love vibration I was talking about.

Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
But, forgiving a criminal, say, or a person you know spreading gossip about you...
Some 35 yrs ago I watched a docu in which an elderly couple was in touch with a real bad criminal, the one that had murdered their son.
They had been heart broken of course, in spite of that had gotten in touch with the murderer and kept in touch for all the years he was in prison until he got released.
They built a very close connection, being in touch helped the couple to heal from the loss of their son and to eventually come to true Forgiveness.
The man who had murdered their son came to feel genuine remorse and regret. Because of the couple's way of dealing with the situation and him, their loving approach, he had had a 2nd chance, an opportunity to become an entirely different person. No longer hurt, bitter, or whatever had made him into a murderer, but a good man.
The couple was there when he was finally released from prison, they hugged each other etc.

Now most people cannot understand this, don't even want to understand that. It's beyond their wheelhouse, yet this is true Love! And... true forgiving.
By being able to do that they set themselves free, allowed themselves to continue their lives without their son and without anger, hate, and so on. And their love and forgiveness was able to turn someone else's love around 360 degrees. Their Love also set him free from whatever bad start in life had made him a murderer so he could turn into a butterfly and do good in life. He was now able to get into his Heart.
Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It is the power of our Universe itself. It is the only thing that can truly heal, and the only force that can end wars although that would take a critical mass to be on this higher vibration of Love. Action-reaction can never ever end that. Love can.
Everyone can get to that level of love, even if only for moments. All it takes is working through the stuff in the first 3 chakras, which can be done in many different ways.

At the time of watching that I wasn't even 30 yrs old myself but I was incredibly impressed and moved to tears. And I hoped that if I'd ever had to go through something like that myself I'd be able to do the same thing as this couple.
It was one of the most impressive things -and certainly the biggest example of true Love- that I've ever seen!

Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
So there is nothing to forgive.)
In other words: you are on a high vibration of love. It's exactly that! When you are on that high level of love, All is One and there is nothing to forgive. There's only Love.

You may of course totally disagree :)
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