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Old 22-12-2023, 02:18 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by JustBe
A lot people won’t allow triggers in the every day world of humans and humans. We tend to love to to tell ourselves stories as to why we think and feel stuff.
Judgement is a huge curse in society as well.
Of course unless you become all that you see, open up to all if you deciding as you do, it’s difficult to not get caught up in those trappings of life.
yeah the course to become more open, more awake/aware/part of things is difficult enough because there are just so many things that push me out of it again as soon as I get started lol... it is difficult for me too, to go against the things other people are saying and very difficult especially to contemplate things like actually interacting in some other way than the ones I already know will be 'safe'... part of it like you say is people can get mean when they start in with things like judgement... and that is a very hard thing to sidestep...

honestly I talk a big game on here but IRL I am only very barely able to even think about asserting who I am, to myself even. And it has been a long road getting even that far. As well learning to be open on here was its own adventure... I used to take offense at so many things that were said! Now I'm more able to be accepting of other's views as part of my own learning. So that is part of my journey

I'm not really expecting that to change much beyond however I want to try to change it whenever Im actually someplace wanting to do something... for me for a long time this was about trying to be some perfect me so I could live happily ever after... at some point i decided that living my entire now so I could have a one true better later hurt too much. So now things are about just trying to have some kind of life that is meaningful to myself right here right now. Which sometimes I just wanna ditch all the lessons and have a little bit of fun..

thank you for talking to me by the way. You are one of the few around here that I think is quite on a level like the one I'm on and it is nice talking to someone who I think could actually heare
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