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Old 05-01-2024, 02:44 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,620
I literally live in Norse lands and a stone throw from a major viking age battlefield. The old gods were spilled blood for in battle here. While the deities and their busy days are interesting I have spent some time looking at the less obvious stuff. For instance, seers and healers were always venerated here and their services much sought. On the other hand there weren't really any priests or churches; those who wanted a place of observation built one on their own farm and did their own rites as suited them. There were magic users / holy men who were of high standing in society but did not take leadership roles. And nature was seen as wild and dangerous; only the fearless would journey into it and face the countless wild animals, spirits and outcast of society. Some of this stuff has survived until modern day, still not stamped out by secular or religious authorities although much blood has been spilled in the attempt.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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