Thread: Soul contracts
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Old 02-02-2024, 02:08 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Has it occurred to you that many connections are actually meant to not work out?
We humans tend to think that something went awry when it doesn't work out, but... most of these connections that 'fail' are meant to take place and fail because they make us grow!
And that can also be a soul contract.
People also tend to think that soul contract are only pleasant, they're not.
Just like some last maybe a few years or decades even, others mere minutes.
Have you never had it happen that one encounter with a stranger somehow added to your life, or made you change certain things if it wasn't a pleasant encounter?
If so, the person was also meant to appear, and you in their life. To bring about necessary change it isn't always needed to have a lasting connection.
A mere minute, a glance, an accident, anything brief, can bring about huge change.

Also, one more thing, you -OP- speak of 'they don't fulfill their part. Is that so? Have you thought of that fact that maybe you didn't fulfill yours?

It's so easy to judge and jump to conclusions but this is complex material. From the 3D we cannot accurately estimate the reasons of why things go the way they go.
If you are capable of tuning into your HS you may suddenly see / feel things differently.
At least then you can trust your intuition a lot better.
Leave the bigger picture to Spirit.
Follow inner guidance and trust & have faith that things are the way they're meant to be.
Everything is in Divine Order, and if you need to take action, have faith that you will feel, sense, and know it.
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