Thread: Colours
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Old 11-02-2024, 12:56 PM
Posts: n/a
I know it is good to view colors, but as a spiritual colour, some kind of Living Light is hard to come by these days. At my place tends to be dark colour and unable to lift most of the objects. Which is why I am answering and adding this because a few articles there helped me pass some important high school classes that I am otherwise unable. Talking to dead, deceased, passed is like the only thing I am able to do since I am minimizing efforts to study, speak, approach people and preparing to find workable Code solutions. I am so bad at electronics that someone at electronics is manipulating me to death. I've been death, I know what it is like, the physical body is burning fast. A soul tries to find solutions. Don't diss a person if you can't reach him physically. That I remind myself every day. Last time I was at death I saw my killer. Killer tried to steal energy from my 'energy system'. People pretending they don't know. Often do know. And know most. And are most dangerous. Be ware. Stay safe. The Help is coming. LOL Metallica it is time to disappear (if you wanna try my site try programs rakelliekki.php or tivipillu.php just write them after .com to that website. Of course you might think it is silly. Doing seemingly silly things helped my soul find a solution to absolute killer. It was. A secret exercise operation. Petri Räsänen & Räisänen Jooga and Bob Lazar helped me adjust with aliens. That had a 1979 battle at dulce base. Great colours there! Just remote view hint.
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