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Old 17-04-2024, 01:59 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Leaving scriptures aside, in direct experience, here now, in the physical, which is where we for now we dwell, what does Christ consciousness represent, not as a concept but in as felt?

In a state of deep meditation, one day I ‘saw’ my ego fall off, literally fall off, like a dead leaf dropping from a tree. Then all there was, was light of Self, bright, soft white, renewing itself within itself, in a singularity, in time and space dissolved ineffable peace, feeling complete, without attributes, simply resplendent in its own light. The translation of the offering, when back in duality, manifests often as a vivid magnetic sensation in the centre of the chest, standing erect. This is not the kundalini, what it is, is the crystallised essence of Self within.

So we have two instruments we are looking at in the physical, the head ovoid and the toroidal heart. The head is where the cosmic egg, Hiranyagarbha hatches, wherefrom male and female polarities descend to the heart, igniting the central vein* (*not in spine but a central funnel, vertical), resulting in bliss in permanence. The heart seems to have three ‘components’, left side, physical, right side, spiritual and the Self, central.

Of course, this is a depiction of how I feel it, identify it, just as we may say we hear from the ears and not the toes, to be matter of fact.

Then, Christ consciousness ~ the threefold aspects seem to be love, wisdom and power. Love, as in detached compassion, wisdom as in intuitive understanding as it in-pours from universal consciousness and power as the ability to contour a vibration which is in misalignment with love and wisdom.

Back to singularity, the feeling of completeness, with unbound freedom yet lacks the threefold aspects of Christ consciousness therein. All there is, is pure awareness, wondrous but if we reflect, the awareness is barren. As such, the reason then why we ‘descend’ so to speak, (bilocate may be a more apt word) from singularity to duality, is to imbibe Christ consciousness in our essence, an offering available here, by overcoming adversity because there are no challenges in singularity and hence no learning.
The Self has no attribute
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