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Old 24-04-2024, 09:43 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: sea dream u cud say
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I know tomorrow I need to get them both a flea treatment I think a turbo button but a treble wrapping them up towel H at the time it'll get them down and but then there is you easier but I'll do my boy cut first because a is scared stiff of stuff like this
I'm not a sister I will talk about and she'll be in a right but mood with me all day because it will put in a nasty full mood
I can't believe them too is for the same letter one is very anti-social she is and cause embed mode easy and the Answer doesn't forgive you up for the brother is so friendly and in your face friendly and loving but is scared of getting the flu treatment stuff and it's scared of needles
But they are both loved to bits
dream jo

i dream dreams all dreams
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