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Old 04-05-2024, 01:36 AM
J_A_S_G J_A_S_G is offline
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 149
Originally Posted by JustBe
I read people forcing lucid and I’m surprised, because immediately, I feel control is the very thing we are letting go of.

Gosh we are on the same page..
One of my practices is do-nothing meditation. Nothing is attended as an object of meditation. It's also called Shikintaza also known as Just Sitting. It's most common in Zen Buddhism but all paths have something similar. Jiddu Krishnamurti (Vedanta/Theosophy) called it Choiceless Awareness. Jon Kabat-Zinn (Tibetan Buddhism) calls it Resting in Awareness.

It's a wide open awareness not constricted to an object like breath, bodily sensation, mantra, etc. Instead it's simply noticing when one slips into doership of any kind, even being a meditator and that is let go. If letting go becomes a doing it's letting go of letting go.

Funny thing is I would get into a very deep state sometimes, and I never understood its significance until my first lucid waking experience and then it was obvious. Same state only in mediation it was with no objects (experience of absence) and while awake it was realizing that state is ever present, even when engaged in all sorts of action.

Hence seeing inaction in action and action in inaction.

One way I think of it is it's a difference of perspective, from the Ego's perspective of I am conscious to Consciousness Itself that witnesses Ego's machinations and appropriations. A shift from being the face's reflection in the mirror to the Face itself, if that makes sense. It's hard (read impossible!) to fully describe or explain with words.
JASG AKA JustASimpleGuy
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