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Old 30-11-2012, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Element 5
You are most welcome.

To further my explanation...I have actually come to accept homosexuality as I have awakened. I was raised to believe there was something wrong with it. Now, in light of everything I've learned, I believe that gender is really not at the heart of it. It makes much more sense to me now than it ever has. I have even had many past life experiences that lead me to believe that I have been male several times before. I think it is close-minded to believe we aren't more than a strict male or female in this life. There's so much more to it than that.

I agree completely!

I myself am bisexual; I have never discriminated on desire depending on the sex of a person; if a woman is attractive to me, wonderful. If a man is attractive to me, awesome. It's a lot like skin color: I was not taught to see it as I was growing up, same with sexuality.

I think the less dividing lines we have in the sand, the less burdened we are through life. The less filters, the better. I think it's wonderful that your awakening helped you get over past mind-sets. It's so freeing.
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