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Old 13-12-2019, 08:05 PM
IndigoGeminiWolf IndigoGeminiWolf is offline
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Originally Posted by Dustin
what is the source of material that you've looked into which distinguishes things into densities?
in the Autobiography of a Yogi there is a chapter about a saint to achieved what you are talking about in being able to sustain yourself off of just prana.

Densities are mentioned in the Law of One:

It sort of feels like I imagine slowly approaching a white dwarf star like Sirius B in a spiritual sense. It gets warm (and a little hot sometimes) but not too hot because I acclimate to it. It's not really scary, though it does bring up a little fear that's buried in you to work through. It's very pleasant and has a "ripply" feeling to it. There's no tidal force like at my feet. It feels like every part of my body feels this gravitational force equally.
It does force you though to be vulnerable and brings out a little fear within since you're facing yourself.

I'd say the intensity of the denseness gravitational feeling within is about 6-7/10 at times and it's VERY pleasant.

The denseness of the Quantum Field is something I came to on my own discovery. When I asked to become Light, I started feeling this gravitational feeling. It's like a strong magnetic feeling within.

I'm eating about 2/3 or 1/2 of what I used to over the last 3-4 days and not felt really hungry.

The Field is dense enough where I'm at that I can manifest the taste of most anything. Though I'm still learning. I'm able to enter a "dreamlike" conscious state quite easily in meditation.

I think what's happening with me is I'm approaching my home density star of Sirius B. At higher density, the star is habitable. It is a sixth density star. You can look up the meaning of densities in the Law of One.

I can manifest the feeling of Peyote or weed in myself and others in a mild sense. Though I've only tried weed feeling on another friend of mine. I sometimes tune into the energy of Peyote and am trying to use that to find a teacher within.

I believe the Quantum Field is infinitely dense.
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