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Old 30-11-2012, 04:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Firefly Dancer
Based on the fact that Twin Flames love is unconditional love, one needs to respect that each one is a separate, free individual, and if they decide to leave, you have to honor that. I mean just because you are Twins it does not mean you OWN that person. I see it like a parent/siblings sort of relationship. While your kids are part of you ( and they are,even physically they were created from your own cells ) that does not mean they belong to you.

So yes, by all means, if one of the Twins want out, or needs to follow his path separately, then it is for a reason. It is hard, painful, but it happens.

Now what I think is important to mention here, is that because Twin Flames love each other so much, it is hard to break that connection and this is why some find it hard to be with another person. I, for one, I am more the sort of person who loves because of love, not really by convenience. By that I mean that if my Twin left me I am not going to rush to another relationship just to be with someone else and not be alone anymore. If things with someone else progress to a point I feel I can develop feelings for this person and be fair to this person ( and not just use this person to not be lonely ) then for sure I could give it a shot. The thing is that sometimes we fall so much head over heels with our Twins that it may be hard to move on. Not that you canĀ“t, but it is hard.

That is my way to see things... I also do not believe that Twins are two incomplete parts that need the other to be complete. I think Twins are like the "parents" of soul families. Who had many incarnations together. Who had a bond over time. Who work together to reach more enlightment. Both complete but both part of a unit ( like a family : all different and complete members but all part of one unit : a family ).


Okay, I see where you are coming from...but you didn't answer my question:

If you're perceived twin flame doesn't want to be with you....would you take another partner, even if that person is not your twin flame?
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