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Old 01-12-2012, 05:00 AM
Posts: n/a
saw twin again last friday

Saw robert on friday, got a panicked msg on friday asking for my phone number.
He wanted me to come to his girlfriend and his house to over see his cat having kittens.
So I went and his mum and his two older brothers were there who know me well. And his girlfriend and his two kids. It was intense and I found it hard. This was the second time I had heard from him since july and was the result of me getting him the cat as a kitten back in march.
End result I am gonna have a kitten from the litter even tho only three were born.
His girlfriend wasn't happy at all and his energy was all over the place if I'm honest.
Not sure how to feel about it at all really as he took me into his family home that he shares with his kids and gf
Would love some views on this situation please
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