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Old 07-01-2015, 11:33 PM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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Originally Posted by SadFlower
Mmm, interesting, I hadn't thought of asking myself this question. I sat with this for a while. I think the sphere is not inside my physical body. It feels as though it is held in my energy field, but it floats free. But it is also part of me. I am going to think about this some more because that doesn't really make sense.

You might have a piece of your soul split off as an attachment. That's quite normal after experiencing trauma like you did.

Maybe a healer can reconnect it again? That should get the energy flowing freely, though you will have to process it all over time and it will likely be painful.
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Old 08-01-2015, 09:25 PM
Antheia Antheia is offline
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Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
You might have a piece of your soul split off as an attachment. That's quite normal after experiencing trauma like you did.

Maybe a healer can reconnect it again? That should get the energy flowing freely, though you will have to process it all over time and it will likely be painful.

I will look into this. Thanks so much!
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Old 12-01-2015, 05:45 AM
Ninjajms Ninjajms is offline
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sadflower-this ball of energy-is it kinda located somewhere in location to your stomach? that's where mine was-what it took for me was to meet a healer
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Old 12-01-2015, 11:27 AM
Antheia Antheia is offline
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Originally Posted by Ninjajms
sadflower-this ball of energy-is it kinda located somewhere in location to your stomach? that's where mine was-what it took for me was to meet a healer

Hi there Ninjajms, I feel that the ball of energy is a bit more removed from me. I hope and trust that I will be led to the right healer, at the right time.
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Old 12-01-2015, 01:23 PM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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Originally Posted by SadFlower
Hi there Ninjajms, I feel that the ball of energy is a bit more removed from me. I hope and trust that I will be led to the right healer, at the right time.

There is a healer on this board who does free healings. Her name is Dryad. Send her a message, she might be able to help you. :)
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Old 12-01-2015, 03:37 PM
Antheia Antheia is offline
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Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
There is a healer on this board who does free healings. Her name is Dryad. Send her a message, she might be able to help you. :)

I have, and she is brilliant!
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Old 12-01-2015, 03:58 PM
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Yes she is she has helped me before she is amazing
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Old 12-01-2015, 04:41 PM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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Originally Posted by SadFlower
I have, and she is brilliant!

I hope it goes well for you! Keep us updated here :) I wish I had gone to her instead of pay the huge fee I did for my entity removal this month. But I didn't know of her back when I paid for it.

Ohh well, everything works out the way it's meant to! I can ask Dryad for help in future.
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Old 12-01-2015, 11:16 PM
Mr Interesting Mr Interesting is online now
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I've had some stuff around my solar plexus for ages... but it's not really there except when I go into meditation but then as I go deeper that disperses and my right leg goes all kinda weighty and I get a pain in my knee which then kinda reflects on some pain in my right elbow.

So yesterday I did a bunch of looking around youtube and found Teal Swan, whose explanations I quite like, but didn't feel it was quite right for me so went of in search of something else and found a guided meditation and went with that.

I think what it really comes down to is almost finding the same kinda of picture or structure that stored the pain being somehow creatively remade in the way we release the stored energies so in that respect it's about discovering how we do things and what suits us in doing them.

For me alot of it comes down to approval and in that respect a need to impress and this comes down fairly reasonably to me being possibly more individualistic in early choices to have the world be the way I wanted it to be. In a sense whatever it is for me doesn't matter except I'm taking the time to understand myself in relationship to how myself was formed.
Once upon a time was, and was within the time, and through and around the time, the little seedling sown, was always and within, and the huge great tree grown.
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Old 13-01-2015, 10:20 AM
Antheia Antheia is offline
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Again, wonderful food for thought, Mr Interesting. I think finding the way the pain was stored is important. It feels to me that when you can 'visualise' the thing in the 'right' way (i.e. the way it was stored) then you can start to dismantle and change that. Or at least interact with it.

I have a real sense that my mind is hiding this hurt from me (being protective) by giving me things to work with that feel like they are the underlying beliefs. So it will 'give' me seeming big underlying beliefs to work with (stuff like 'nothing I do will ever make a difference). I work with this belief to shift it and start moving into softer statements and so on, but that is not actually the big hurt. That is still hiding. So I feel like I am working through stuff, but nothing actually changes in the end because the old, unhelpful beliefs are still hiding and still influencing the way I react to the world.

The 'silver ball' seems to be part of that hurt, and it is good that I can sense it now. I am still working on how to break it open, though.
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