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Old 23-06-2023, 12:20 PM
oldasthesea oldasthesea is offline
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Originally Posted by AngelBlue
It's just so terribly tragic . Prayers for them and all their loved ones.
With regard to the questions in post one these are my comments.
Maybe you were probably there who knows. Only your soul knows.
As you had a very vivid dream like a movie and you said Molly Brown and you acepted the fate, that means Molly Brown died as well and not survived as the media says she survived. Some things in the storie are told in some way to the public but there are some things in these events that only who were there knows.
Are you at peace now with that event? Hope if you were a passenger there you find peace in your soul. Must be a terrified experience.

May these thread confort you.
'The best things in life, the very best things happen unexpectedly.'

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 23-06-2023 at 04:00 PM. Reason: Shortened quote as Admin has asked to 2-3 sentences
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Old 23-06-2023, 12:49 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Hi oldasthesea....
Oh no... Molly definitely survived, and was deemed a hero because she wanted the life boat she was in to go back towards the Titanic to try to rescue a few more poor souls but they wouldn't do it because they would have gone down too with the drag of the sea when the boat finally submerged. So she just prayed instead.
As for my dream, if it turns out I WAS there then my dream can have meant several things.
In the dream I was sat on a bench opposite her. We didn't speak but we did look at each other and our eyes ( windows to the soul) did the talking. No words were needed.
So either I knew her and we both survived. Or I knew her and she survived but I perished...
Or, I was her and I was looking at myself in the dream.

Strange too how in real life I love to swim but I'm not a strong swimmer and I can only swim in a pool where my feet can touch the floor of the pool. Even in a 6 foot pool I would have a panic attack and I cannot even venture into the sea above
my ankles on the edge .
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Old 23-06-2023, 04:02 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Arrow Admins have asked to quote 2-3 sentences of other members

The Admin has requested we quote 2-3 sentences of other members...you can ref to the Post # if that helps.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 23-06-2023, 06:29 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Many of you may be aware of an American author Morgan Robertson (1861-1915). He wrote a novella in 1898 called The Wreck of the Titan which features a fictional ocean liner, the Titan, which strikes an iceberg while making an Atlantic crossing in April and sinks in the North Atlantic. Some of those on board are rescued by a passing ship; others sink and drown because there are not enough lifeboats to save everyone on board.

The book begins: She was the largest craft afloat and the greatest of the works of men. Later it says "the steamship Titan was considered practically unsinkable." All very familiar.

There was also a story "How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid Atlantic by a Survivor" that was published in the 22 March 1886, issue of the Pall Mall Gazette by the English investigative journalist and newspaper editor William Thomas Stead. Stead included this editorial comment: "This is exactly what might take place and will take place if liners are sent to sea short of boats". Stead was later a passenger on the Titanic who died while trying to help others.

In 1922 there appeared a book "The Blue Island: Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil" by W.T. Stead (available free online, out of copyright). These are his messages from the afterlife describing his experiences when the ship sank and afterwards, beginning with the realisation that he had died.

That was my first realization; then came a helplessness— a reaction—a thought of all my own at home—they didn't know yet. What would they think of me? ... I was still so near to the earth that I could see everything going on there. Where I was I could see the wrecked ship, the people, the whole scene; and that seemed to pull me into action—I could help.. . A matter of a few minutes in time only, and here were hundreds of bodies floating in the water—dead—hundreds of souls carried through the air, alive; very much alive, some were. Many, realizing their death had come, were enraged at their own powerlessness to save their valuables. They fought to save what they had on earth prized so much. ... And thus we waited—waited until all were collected, until all were ready, and then we moved our scene to a different land.

Regarding the recent deaths of those on the submersible, I can only conclude that their time had come and they were meant to be there. And if their deaths were instantaneous then there are certainly far worse ways to go.

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Old 24-06-2023, 07:42 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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WOW iamthat , it's spooky isn't it ?
I know there have been many boats/ ships lost at sea, and many victims ( my own family included) , but the Titanic was the one we can probably all name and know what happened, as you say, if only for the reason that it WAS meant to be unsinkable .
Yes, I agree, in as much that I hope it was quite instant for the crew of the submersible. I had a feeling that they had suffered a rupture of the vessel of some kind and they had perished from day one. The thought of them trapped for days on end running out of oxygen is unthinkable.
But certainly their time. I'm a great believer in that.
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